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Author Topic: Hell  (Read 4509 times)

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« on: January 09, 2007, 04:22:50 PM »

    Hello Ray. My name is Michael Morris and I have sent you a couple e-mails and you have replyed to both.  Thank you for your time and interest in my e-mails. Now I have one more question.  Today  my wife and I along with  my daughter and grand children went to church with my dad, he goes to a little church in the country here in Arkansas. Population of the church is about 20. During sunday school for some reason unknown to me I was not interested in the lesson so I opened my bible and turned to the books of Acts . I turned to the     2nd chapter verse 31   Now am I reading this right  or not ?  And a little further down is says that David has not ascended to the heavens yet.   Now During the Church  sermen  the pastor started reading in the book of Acts . Now I did not know that his sermon was going to be about this book. He was preaching about people who almost got to heaven but fell short. and the y  are in hell right now, and about people who made it and are now in heaven.  Now if I read these verses right then Jesus went to hell and David is not in heaven either. Since hell is the grave and no one is in heaven yet I found myself wanting to stand up and tell the pastor what I had read in sunday school and ask him to please explain what I had read but alas I could not. You know my friend all my life I have been a baptist what ever that is. But I had always felt that something was terrible wrong with what I beleived. Then I found you site and others, and learned the truth. How is it that people do not want to see what I see .  Do people that beleive  there is a place that God will burn most of his people  he created  really want them to go there. It  appears that way. Why? You know I'm far from perfect and I may not even make it in the first ressurection, and I quess thats  ok to if that is my lot in life , because I really think t hat God will take care of me whem its my time. I wish I could be like you and had your faith. Maybe someday. "But I have some overcoming to do. Maybe you could say a prayer for me .  Thank You Very Much              Michael
    Dear Michael:
    Of course we will pray for your; we pray for everyone. Ya know, it's often the ones who feel the least worthy that often have the most spirituality in their lives, so don't be discouraged.
    God be with you,

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