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Author Topic: Dealing with pressure?  (Read 5860 times)

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Dealing with pressure?
« on: January 25, 2007, 04:49:54 PM »

            Dear ray,
            > My name is jenifer and I am my question is..In our society today..How
            > can we deal with all the pressure of things such as the pressure to take
            > drugs,have sex,ect.I asked a priest about this and he only said"Just pray to
            > God"thats whay they always say.Pray to god and everything will be better.Isnt
            > there anything else we can do other then "pray to god?"Sometimes I feel god
            > isnt there and that he's not listening to what Im trying to say.Just lemme get
            > to the point.How can we deal with pressure in our world today.
            > Dear Jenifer:

            Jenifer, the best advice I can give you is to listen to your parents, teachers, and obey the law. They can tell you from their own experience how to avoid the dangers in following the temptations of the world and the lusts of our own flesh and mind. We are tempted to do things that look like they will be FUN, or we do them so that we are ACCEPTED by our friends and schoolmates. Both reasons can be very dangerous and harmful.  When you are tempted to try something or do something or go somewhere that you feel in your heart and conscience may not be the best thing to do, ASK YOUR PARENTS. If you are embarrassed to ask your parents or teachers, FOR SURE IT IS WRONG. Listen Jenifer, there are many things in life that will look like they are fun today, but will not be fun tomorrow. The girl who has casual sex tonight will not feel nearly as sexy and excited a few weeks later when she discovers that she is pregnant.  And drugs? Drugs will either destroy you or kill you.  ; ; ; Look at someone who has been on drugs for a long time, and then ask yourself if you want to end up like that? YES YOU WILL END UP LIKE THAT!  Talk to your parents about EVERYTHING.  They will understand and they will help you make it through the difficult years ahead of you.  And yes, you just might try that "pray to God" thing also.

            God be with you, Jenifer. Make your parents PROUD!!


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