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Author Topic: Tool of Satan (He's mad)  (Read 7625 times)

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Tool of Satan (He's mad)
« on: January 25, 2007, 09:41:01 PM »

        > You sir are a tool of Satan himself. You know nothing about the true Word of
        > God. I have spent years studying every part from Gen. to Rev. I have also
        > studied much as to were each translation has come from. The history behind
        > them and the reason why they are written. The only pure Bible is the 1611 King
        > James Bible. There has never been any mistakes in it. I have proof.
        > Father, in the name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I ask you to bind this
        > demon from Hell that is deceiving many and will cause many to go to Hell. I
        > further ask you to cause this computer system to totally crash and that this
        > sight is totally stopped. I ask this in the name of my LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS
        > CHRIST AMEN.
        > I know you will not respond to this and sir, I believe that MY FATHER WILL
        > Lyle Shaner.

                Dear Lyle:

                Did you give you "father god" a time limit on causing my computer to crash? As you can see from receiving this email,  my computer is working quite well. Did you know that others in the past have prayed to their god also that my computer would crash? Tis true. I think maybe you are all praying to a god that doesn't hear very well seeing that he doesn't seem to answer your prayers. Perhaps PRAY A LITTLE LOUDER, as perchance your god is asleep or maybe on a journey. Or maybe he is going to the toilet, as Elijah suggested to the priests of Baal concerning their god. I am wondering if maybe you and the priests of Baal all have the very same g............No, that couldn't be, could it?  Are you JUMPING UP AND DOWN when you pray to your god, Lyle?  Maybe that could have something to do with it.

                Then again maybe you will give account one day for your slandering and blasphemous words, Lyle. Maybe that is something you should consider in all this idle talk about who is a tool of Satan and who is a demon from hell? I am putting you on notice, Lyle, that you, right now, this very day, are treading on very dangerous soil.  God does not take kindly to those who blaspheme His Holy Spirit and the Work of His Holy Spirit.

                Very earnest and sincerely,


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