Good work. Would you clarify 2 things for me?
1. If languages/tongues come forth in genos/ones birth language, why do they need interpretation? Doesn't the need for interpretation suggest that there may be a language discernable only by the spirit (by a spiritual/prophetic interpreter)?
2. As Sheol is the grave, and we are dead and unperceiving when in it, how do we reconcile Luke saying Jesus' spirit went right up to Heaven while His body remained in the earth? I always thought this indicated that when we die our bodies await resurrection, but our spirits go to be with God. What am I missing?
Please respond, but thanks, either way,
Dear Lisa:
The answer to your question on languages/tongues is found in I Cor. 14:22--"Wherefore languages/tongues are for a sign, NOT to them that believe, but to them THAT BELIEVE NOT...."
There is your answer. The Church uses "speaking in tongues" as a SIGN UNTO THEMSELVES, at their own meetings where they are not in the company of strangers who do not believe, for the most part. Now then, Lisa, if as you suggest these languages/tongues were something other than REAL LANGUAGES used by real people on this earth, then how, pray tell, could the be a "SIGN" to the to those who "believe not?" Would they believe that some "mumbo jumbo" tongue was a miracle from God? NO! But if someone not knowing any foreign languages could speak to those of a foreign language IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE, then it would serve as a "SIGN" from God. But none of the congregation would benefit from it unless there was someone TO INTERPRET for their "edification, exhortation, and comfort" (Ver. 3).
Your second question. No, sheol is not the grave. There is another word for grave. Sheol is the "state" or "realm" or "condition" of the dead. And the spirit is not the soul. The spirit does not have consciousness. The spirit cannot think thoughts, and that is why our "thoughts perish" at death according to David. Our spirit as well as Christ Spirit had to be reunited with a BODY before we or He would have consciousness again. Jesus was DEAD for three days, not "absent from the body" for three days.
God be with you,