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Author Topic: Creflo Dollar Says Biggie Size "Everythang"  (Read 8001 times)

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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Biggie Size "Everythang"
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2007, 09:44:01 PM »

Creflo on poor people.

I thought this fit well with "biggie-sizing everythang".

« Last Edit: February 17, 2007, 09:50:52 PM by Sorin »


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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Biggie Size "Everythang"
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2007, 01:29:12 AM »

That was stupid-telling people to waste (waist) their money like that!!!

I also watched the clip on " vs John the Baptist.  Just that braggart style of Copeland and all those TBN'ers.

Sorin, the key to joy will not be found listening to this crap.

The Lord's Joy is our strength!!  These guys are the blind leading the blind.  Money, fame, etc will NOT produce JOY--selflessness,  being a giver and not a taker,  not being proud (Creflo struts proud all over),  Humility, Love and a Life lived out as Jesus w/ skin on (from Jennie). Thats the keys to Joy, true happiness.  trust & faith in HIM, not in $$$$.

My husband & I tithed faithfully for 32 years, we didn't save cuz JESUS WAS COMING BACK SOON. Also, we assumed we be rich like them.  Now we are trying to backtrack and get some money saved for our retiremnt years.
Thousands of $$$ went to these guys from us so they could live high on the hog.  Well, I did feel bad for awhile about the waste, but now I know it was my journey that God had me walk.  I don't know why.  but who cares? I am glad God dragged me at all!  I still could be a part of that mess.

Gee, didn't mean to ramble on so.  Hope it helped someone.



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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Biggie Size "Everythang"
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2007, 02:51:33 AM »

Quote from: gmik
Sorin, the key to joy will not be found listening to this crap.


Believe me, I know that. And I don't listen to that crap. I merely posted it to show the utter nonesense of this man's teaching.
I know what would bring me joy, and while it isn't a bad thing, money is not it.   
I believe that God is in charge of everything, and I also believe that I can only have what I desires if God wants me to have it.
And if God does not want me to have it, then no matter how hard I try, I will not obtain it.




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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Biggie Size "Everythang"
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2007, 09:01:28 PM »

I know what would bring me joy, and while it isn't a bad thing, money is not it.   
I believe that God is in charge of everything, and I also believe that I can only have what I desires if God wants me to have it.
And if God does not want me to have it, then no matter how hard I try, I will not obtain it.

Hey Sorin,

   Can you share with us what it is that would bring you joy or is it too personal? You can pm me if you want.
  I would like to know what would bring you joy. Friends care about friends that way.  ;) Perhaps we can agree
  with you in prayer that your desire would be fulfilled. But it's fine if you would rather not say.

Bless you!   :)


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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Biggie Size "Everythang"
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2007, 10:36:25 PM »

Quote from: PKnowler

   Can you share with us what it is that would bring you joy or is it too personal? You can pm me if you want.
  I would like to know what would bring you joy. Friends care about friends that way.  ;) Perhaps we can agree
  with you in prayer that your desire would be fulfilled. But it's fine if you would rather not say.

Hi Paula,

Well I mean, don't get me wrong. Money would definitely improve my life, and I would definitely be alot happier, and God knows I can definitely use some money. But what I meant in my previous post was; money and material things alone can not bring me joy. There are people that have won the lottery { a couple million or so} and have eighter died of drug over dose or have wasted it all on liquor and drugs and vacations and ended up broke with only the house they paid for in cash, and some have ended up with nothing. Alot of celebrities are not happy, look at Britney Spears for example, shaving her head. She's not happy.
In fact she's going insane. Alot of rich kid's are not happy and alot of them go to the ghettos to buy drugs and ruin their {very much blessed} lives. They don't appreciate
anything. Others still refuse to settle down, and prefer rather to keep on sleeping around until they end up with aids, they're not happy. And even if they never catch anything, they're still not happy. Having random meaningless sex does not bring you joy. I know from experience.

So even if I won the lotto, but I could not find the right girl, I don't think I'd be happy. I mean sure when you have money all the [wrong] girls want to be with you, but it's only for your money. So even if I were to sleep around, I may have brief moments of "pleasure" but I still wouldn't be happy. Do you understand now what would bring me joy? And of course money would definitely help.

That's why I said, what I desire and what I think would bring me joy is something that only God can give me. I feel like Adam before God brought him Eve. He wasn't very happy.

I was a little hesitent to post this, but, there you go.




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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Biggie Size "Everythang"
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2007, 11:42:19 PM »


If I may, these days,  so much emphasis is put on "love" relationships - almost to the point of massive pressure.  It seems like that's all alot of people think about.  Sex and money.  It really makes me sad.  Ecspecially at your age, no wonder you are so in conflict.  I find myself withdrawing from the world more and more, and just meditating on God, and the simple pleasures of life.  This brings me joy - and seems like that is right where God wants me.  And let me tell you, you can argue with God, but he always gets his way!  Sorin, just TRY to let go, and let God, let God just be with you.

your friend in Christ,



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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Biggie Size "Everythang"
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2007, 12:36:02 AM »

Hey Sorin,

    I understand what you're saying. Though we can seek our own pleasures and all that the world has to offer all that leaves us with is emptiness. The only things that fulfill are the things that come from God. I believe that you are in a very good place to know this at such a young age! Do you know how valuable that is?

Once you do receive the desires of your heart you will value them more and not take them for granted. Perhaps God wanted to teach you this lesson before He gives you the desires of your heart. I believe we also have to learn the lesson of contentment. No one is going to make us happy. We have to find our contentment in God.

 I understand what it's like to be lonely for companionship. But I  believe that God wants to give us the desires of our heart. He is the one who put those desires there in the first place! Remember God was the one who said it was not good for man to be alone. Trust Him that he wouldn't put those desires there if He wasn't going to fulfill them. It is all in His time though. I pray that God will give you the desires of your heart as you trust in Him. 

Psalms 37:4
    Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. 9 "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Bless you Bro!  ;)

« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 11:38:29 PM by PKnowler »


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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Biggie Size "Everythang"
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2007, 06:39:07 PM »

sorin, In responding to your post about what would make you happy.... sometimes things happen when you aren't even looking. Because of the sexual, physical abuse I had during my childhood, I told god if He wanted me to have anybody, He would have to put them in my path. I didn't trust anyone. I had friends but I only trusted them to an extent. I had many boyfriends but I always"watched my back" because I knew I could be hurt if I didn't stay tough. When I first met my husband and we started seeing each other after a few dates he told me he loved me and was going to marry me. My response.... "Bull....". Well, here we are almost 27 years later. You just never know do you? I wish you luck and that you find what will make you happy.


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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Biggie Size "Everythang"
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2007, 11:17:41 PM »

Sorin thank you for sharing.  Some good words here.  Paula & Jennie KNOW that God is Faithful and He will provide!!.   TRUST HIM.

Jackie Lee

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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Biggie Size "Everythang"
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2007, 10:17:01 PM »

One thing I have learned having things and the ability to have those things is not what makes us happy.
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