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Author Topic: What got me here, Part 5  (Read 3999 times)

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What got me here, Part 5
« on: February 27, 2007, 11:21:33 AM »

Where is Alvin?

I was oblivious to the sirens as I tried to piece together the series of events that had me standing there staring at my demolished vehicle, spitting out bits of teeth, wiping the blood off of my head and most of all WHERE THE HELL IS ALVIN?!

The flashing lights of the ambulance enveloped me, the headlights temporarily blinded my line of vision on that dark country road as two figures emerged from the light, “there he is”, I heard a voice say, then another voice said “is there somebody else still in the car?”  Not sure if they were addressing me or not I stayed silent and just leaned on the car, head spinning, fear and dread starting to overtake me, “Nope just this one, the call said somebody was dead in the car.”

The ambulance ride to the hospital was interesting, the attendants were telling me they could not believe I could just get up and walk away from a wreck like that, “You can thank your lucky stars you were wearing a seat belt” uh, no I wasn’t wearing one I said, they just looked at me amazed.

At the hospital a doctor gave me the once over and a nurse was cleaning me up as we waited for the X-Ray technicians to pick me up, she tried to make small talk but I decided my best strategy was to just keep my mouth shut. An older County Sheriff strolled in and bluntly asked me if I had been drinking, I ignored him, when he asked again I slowly shook my head, when he got a little more persistent the nurse stepped in and said that I had sustained some head injuries but that she saw or detected nothing that would indicate I had been drinking. He talked past me and asked her if she was aware of anyone else being admitted to the hospital as the original call in report stated there were two people in the car. She said she was not aware of anyone else, I shut my eyes.

An observer might have looked at me and thought they saw someone half conscious but the reality was my mind was racing faster than my car was before it flipped over and hit the tree. Did I kill Alvin? Is he on the side of the road in pieces somewhere? Oh man I can’t believe this is happening, where the **** is he?

With my X-Rays completed I was taken to an admitting room until my folks showed up. Does Dawn know what is going on? How is she getting home, is she still at the campus? Where is Alvin? Just about then the nurse came in smiling and said “someone is here to see you,” in walks Dawn who smiles at me saying “you big dummy!”

We shared hugs and she was quizzing me about what happened saying she had heard sirens blaring and since I was so late getting back to the campus she just knew that those sirens had something to do with me (I told you she was smart). I whispered the question that was driving me crazy, “have you seen or heard anything about Alvin?” Before she had a chance to answer the nurse reappeared saying, “you have another visitor.” Huh?

In races Alvin! With tears running down his cheeks he exclaimed, “man, you are alive! Thank God, Thank God!” I saw his arm was bandaged but otherwise seemed just fine. He then said “Joe I am so sorry for leaving you there, I tried to wake you up but I thought you were dead, I was freaking out so bad I just wanted to get away.” He had not been the only one. The fear and dread evaporated instantly (temporarily). I asked him how he knew I was there, he said after he walked back to the campus the Dean (who was the first to see him) saw him bloodied and confused so he immediately packed Alvin in his car and drove him to the hospital. The Dean knew we had been together earlier asking him if he knew anything about my status, he (Alvin) employed the same strategy as me, dummy up. He said his guilt over thinking he left me for dead and running was eating him up, I laughed and told him not to sweat it, I played the amnesia card as well. “Alvin? Who’s Alvin?” We both laughed as we hugged each other. Both relieved of the horrible baggage we had been carrying.

Thank God

I don’t know how many times I silently said “Thank God” on that ride back home, my parents grim faced and Dawn trying to keep things light my own mind was busy hating myself, wondering why God saved me from my own reckless stupidity. The hospital gave me some pain pills to get me through the night with the Doctor warning me that tomorrow was absolutely for sure going to be a painful day, he told me I had a “sprained body” and once the shock wore off it was going to be very evident, also with 5 teeth broken at the gum line I would need to be at the Dentist’s as well. His last words to me were, you were lucky to have been wearing a seat belt, I didn’t correct him.

A Night of Pure Hell   

I popped a couple of Percodans hoping to escape into a deep sleep, laying in my bed staring at the ceiling waiting for them to kick in I sunk into a dark despair over all that happened, I almost kill my good friend and myself, put my parents, Dawn, undoubtedly Alvin’s parents, the school, etc. through a scandalous episode of reckless stupidity (that phrase stuck in my brain), thanking God for keeping me alive but unsure why, I am a disaster.

If it wasn’t for me screwing up and not getting tickets for the concert Roberta would not have taken that babysitting job and would still be alive. As much as I tried shutting my thoughts down my brain had a mind of its own and we were going on a journey revisiting that fateful night. I was about to return to January 29th 1971..................

The events of that night were printed in the newspaper and told to me by a few people but the most concise synopsis was from Roberta’s mother at the wake. She said it was a freak accident, the people who she was babysitting for had inadvertently left one of the cars running in the garage and the exhaust had worked its way into the living space through the air handler’s venting system. The house was built on a hill and sat on top of the garage (which was cut into the hill), Roberta had fed the kids and they were all sitting in the family room (directly above the garage) watching television, the kids were starting to complain of feeling sick and Roberta felt her head starting to throb. She called her mother who told her to put the kids to bed as there was a nasty flu bug going around and early to bed would probably be the best thing.

An hour or so later Roberta called her mother back telling her she had thrown up and her head was pounding, she felt terrible, her mother said “I will be right over.”

Her mother came over checking on the kids who appeared to be sleeping peacefully and telling Roberta to just lay down on the couch, she will stay and take care of everything until the parents returned. Her mother got comfortable on a chair and began watching TV as Roberta drifted off to a sleep she wouldn’t wake up from.

Her mother woke up with an oxygen mask on her face and a frenetic group of people racing about, the kids were being rolled out the door (also with masks) the doors and windows were wide open and the parents of the kids standing there shell shocked. Roberta’s mother instinctively knew it was about to get worse, she asked where her daughter was not really wanting to hear the answer.

This was being played out (in the theatre of my mind) in living color and surround sound, the pills were not working and time seemed to slow to a standstill.

I am a disaster……..

P. S.

At first I though I could wrap this up in 3 parts, it is now looking like I will need 7 parts.



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Re: What got me here, Part 5
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2007, 02:02:50 PM »


Thank you so much for sharing your story.
You always leave me hanging on the edge
of my chair and wanting to read more.




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Re: What got me here, Part 5
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 02:38:14 PM »


  I am so glad that you are posting more than the 5 parts.  It seems like the more we write, the more we can write.  You have been such a blessing to me in sharing this with us.  Perhaps one of these days the Lord will lead me to share my testimony.  But yours is an awesome testimony, I personally think every testimony to Truth is an awesome thing.

  God bless you.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: What got me here, Part 5
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2007, 03:58:14 PM »

Keep writing Joe.  I believe your story is a blessing to somebody who's reading it.  As for me, it is encouraging and a joy to see how God transforms people.

Peace and love,



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Re: What got me here, Part 5
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2007, 09:13:37 PM »

Keep it coming Joe.  I see how God was molding you in HIS VERY HANDS (allowing the broken thingin your body and life to make you all better in the long run.)   I'm glad your'e our MOD.  you are an honest and open man!  AMEN :D
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