Bible Truths Conference
Nashville TN 2005
GettingSaved_p1.mp3 GettingSaved_p2.mp3 How Hard is Getting Saved? by L. Ray Smith
Who gave me this newspaper…The Tennesian—the article is called “The Scripture has the Last Say on Who is and Who isn’t a Christian.” By Betty Joe King.
She says, “There’s an awful lot of talk around media, politicians, and anybody else who can draw a public audience, about what a Christian is, what a Christian believes, and what a Christian does.”
I’m just going to hit a couple of the high points. I’m not going to read the whole thing.
“A Christian is a person who believes and accepts the authority of the bible.” (King)
True or False. There are all kinds of “bibles”. Bible is a translation of scriptures that could be a fairly good translation or a very bad one.
“God wrote the Bible…” (King)
See, these are misconceptions…God didn’t “write” the bible. God INSPIRED the writing of the Holy Scriptures. (which were not written in archaic English, Japanese, Chinese, or Mongolian) Any foreign language that the Scriptures are translated in are BIBLES: God did not write the Bible….this is total heresy.
“Just for the record, let me lay out for you just what a true Christian is or believes: 1)Man was created in the image of God” (King)
If you believe how it’s worded in the King James, that God created man (past tense), in the image of God, you will NEVER EVER understand the scriptures. If you don’t understand Genesis 1:26, you will never understand the scriptures because that verse tells us why God made humanity; and if you don’t know why He created humanity, how will you ever know what this is all about? And here’s a typical Christian. Now, you know we’re not talking just disparagingly about Christians who believe these things, I believed them! We’ve all been deceived. And we know they are deceived. We love them. But this is heresy. I’ll talk a little bit about that.
“If Adam and Eve had not sinned, there would be no such thing as death.” (King)
See, what they think is, God created first of all a great Archangel, one of his most spectacular creatures of all. Right? And the whole thing went belly-up! Bad idea…He gave it His best shot, but it didn’t work. Well, He was a novice. This was His first attempt at something really big like this. And it just didn’t turn out. His own creation turned against Him. He says then, “well, let me try something different. We tried the spirit beings, let’s try the physical beings.” So He made Adam and Eve. Made them perfect.
I just flipped on (the tv) for a couple of minutes, while I was having my coffee two days ago and Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland were together. And Kenneth was saying how when God made Adam, you couldn’t even see him; he was so radiant and beautiful, so absolutely glorified, you couldn’t even see he had a body. He was so glorious.
But God screwed up again, see, He gave him this thing called “free will” and boy, that went bunkers. Now God is trying for six thousand years to get us back as good as we were when the whole thing failed!! Is that not basic teaching? We want to get back to as good as it was?? When it FAILED? If we truly have free will, at what point in eternity do we lose it that we don’t do the same thing all over again: turn against God. Do people think about this stuff in Christianity? NEVER, never ever do they think about this.
It doesn’t say, “so God CREATED man”. The word is CREATING. And the words are, “Creating is God humanity.” That’s a difference “He created man,” than “Creating is God humanity.” It’s a process, it’s still going on. If Adam was the best God could offer, it wasn’t very good because it failed.
Then He said, well, I’ll call out a nation and I’ll give them my Laws. And that went belly up! If you listen to Christianity (they won’t admit to it) but if you listen to what they say, they say, well God is just one big failure after another. Everything He touches turns to rust. But that’s not the truth of it. God is creating Man in His image. We’re not there yet. Now, when you understand that, you can follow this all the way through the bible. This is an ongoing work, you see. And all the “failure” it’s all by design. Nothing has ever taken God by surprise. Only by design, everything happens by design. He sees the end from the beginning. He KNEW that Adam would sin. They say, no He didn’t know, and there’s another one the tree.
Copeland said, “All God asked is for Adam to leave my tree alone! You know, you can have your trees and leave mine alone!”
But who created this tree? God created this tree, right. Was this a good tree? Completely good? This is a tree of good and evil. Why in the world would God create a tree of Evil? Why would He create a tree of Good and Evil all in the same tree? Now, I could see a Tree of Good, and a Tree of Evil: eat the Good, but don’t eat the Evil. No, He put them both in the same tree! What? Do you understand the wisdom of this? This is not some stupid folklore where the guy got screwed up, He didn’t know how to separate Good and Evil so put them in the same tree…this is the wisdom of God! You can’t separate Good from Evil. You cannot come to a knowledge of Good without Evil. You cannot know Up unless you know what Down is. You don’t know what Sweet is unless you know what Sour is, or you would never know what sweet is.
You say, Adam and Eve were so happy in the Garden, everything was so nice….as opposed to what? You say, the weather was so warm…as opposed to what? If they were never cold, they didn’t know that they were warm! If they were fed, they would have never experienced hunger…how would you know it’s a good feeling to be fed if you never went hungry?
God created everything that is necessary to take Man, which He did create back in the Garden of Eden, and turn him into the very image of God. This takes a lot of doing. This is not a “snap of the finger”. And this is not a magic formula. And this is not, like Mrs. King would say here, a repeating of the “sinner’s prayer”.
“There is eternal life and there is eternal death. There is a heaven waiting for those born again and there is an eternal hell for those who do not accept Jesus.” (King)
Every little paragraph: lie, lie, lie. The whole entire thing is just all lies.
“Faith in Jesus and personal acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior is the only way to heaven.” (King) And I’m going to talk about that in my paper (that’s why I underlined that).
“Christians believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.” (King)
I’ll give anybody ten thousand dollars if you can show me the phrase: “God the Holy Spirit” in the scriptures. I hear it all day long. I hear it on television. “God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit”. Ten thousand dollars waiting for the first person who shows me the phrase, “God the Holy Spirit” in scriptures. There is no such thing.
“A prayer similar to this must be prayed…” (King)
Okay, here comes the “sinner’s prayer”. Doesn’t have to be exact, just similar…this is the gist of what you have to say…Anybody have a second hand on their watch? Okay, when I drop my hand you time me…ready?
“Lord Jesus, I confess that I’m a sinner. I believe Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for me. Come into my heart and save me, I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.” (King)
Eleven seconds. Does anybody in their right mind (well maybe I should take that back), does anybody believe that you can be saved in eleven seconds? This is in today’s newspaper; say that eleven second prayer and you’ll be saved.
Alright, the topic of my talk today is: How hard is getting saved?
Well, obviously, not very hard! It can be done in eleven seconds, you just read it from an expert. Eleven seconds and you’re saved. NOT!
I’m going to talk today about what it takes to get saved.
Benny Hinn has a little promo at the beginning of his show, and it shows this woman just beaming from ear to ear, smiling…she was apparently healed at one of these things and she says, “Benny, getting healed is just as easy as getting saved!” (laughter)
I mean, that’s just how easy they think it is. Easier than falling out of your chair. That’s how easy it is to get saved. I’m going to show you today that “getting saved” is the hardest most difficult thing that any human being in the history of the universe will ever do. There is nothing harder than “getting saved”. Are you hearing me? It is the hardest thing any human being will ever do in all of eternity. It’s the ultimate hard task.
But, when you read the scriptures, it doesn’t sound that way.
Acts 2:21 MKJV
21 And it shall be that everyone who shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Am I denying that scripture? No, I’m not denying that scripture. What I’m saying is Christendom doesn’t know what that scripture means. Maybe many of you don’t know what that scripture means. But I’m here to tell you that if you do call upon the name of the Lord, you shall be saved. Notice, it is in the future tense. It doesn’t say you “have been” saved: if you believe you “have been already” saved. You’ll read that in my new paper too (Fools, Hypocrites, Snakes). I’ve talked about this already but here I bring it all out, I show you every scripture…there is no scripture in the bible that says anybody has ever been saved while they were still alive. You know that? There is no such thing as “being saved” in the past tense, while you are still alive.
There’s a reason why Christ says, “They’ll hate you and persecute you and everything, but he that endures until the END has “already been” saved….no, you endure to the end and then you SHALL be saved.” You are not saved, unless and until, we come up in the first resurrection. That is the only proof that anyone will have that they are saved, if you come up in the first resurrection. If you don’t, then you are not saved; it’s just axiomatic, if you don’t come up in that resurrection
Well, that scripture is true but I want to show you a new way of thinking about the scriptures today. Because this is a big book (bible), there is a lot of stuff in this book. There are single scriptures in here that have been debated by hundreds and thousands of theologians for hundreds and thousands of years! One scripture! There are singular scriptures, one verse, that have had hundreds of volumes written about them.
Jesus Christ is the Son of Man. What does that mean? They debate it, and they write books on it. One scripture, or half of a scripture. There are tens of thousands of scriptures in this book! If a hundred thousand theologians in two thousand years can’t figure out one phrase, how are you and I ever going to know what is in this book? It’s a big book! There’s a lot in there. How in the world are you going to learn 1200 pages of these difficult scriptures, what they mean and how do you apply them to your life?
It’s an enigma. It’s overwhelming. It’s unfathomable. But there’s a way…
There is a way to understand the scriptures. Not in a day, but in a relatively short period of time, you’ll get the main points, and then you’ll build upon that. You’ll get the idea, and you’ll say, wow.
After Jesus’ resurrection, before he left them, it says he opened up to them the scriptures. Remember that? He opened up their understanding to the scriptures. Oh yeah? And how did he do that? They were with him for 3 1/2 years and they didn’t understand the scriptures. But before he left he, it says He opened up their understanding of the scriptures…how did he do that? How do you sit down and open up my understanding to the scriptures? God has ways. God can teach you things. That’s why you’re here today. This is no accident that you are sitting here. And believe me there are not too many groups like this anywhere on earth, teaching what I’m going to teach you here today. There just aren’t. It’s no “feather in my cap”; it’s just a fact. We’re looking for them. There must be somebody out there. We get thousands of people looking, searching the website, from Canada, Alaska, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, the British Isles, Scotland, Ireland, Wales….and they are all sending me websites saying “You believe just like this guy here” I read the first paragraph and I can see he lied three times! And that’s as far as I go and I let them know, “No, I don’t believe like that, not at all.”
But there are spiritual principals in the bible that God has left us, and if God has not opened up your understanding, I’ll give you these spiritual principals, but you’ll still go out of here and say, “I don’t know what Ray is talking about.” But if He opens your understanding and only God can do it, and then you’ll say, “I know what he’s talking about now.”
You read in the gospels all these maybe 30 or 40 comments from the Old Testament with some reference to Christ. And when you go back there and read it, you think, “this has nothing to do with Christ!” He’s talking about something else. But the Apostles say it’s talking about Christ. “What? I don’t see it…” Why did they do that?
Right in the beginning in Acts, (before the Holy Spirit came) Paul says, “For it is written in the book of Psalms let his habitation be desolate and let no man dwell therein and his bishopry let another one have.” Now that sounds like it might be a quote from one of the Psalms, right? No. He took two Psalms, part of this one and part of that one, and put them together. It says, “let his habitation..” It doesn’t say “his” habitation when you go back to read it, it says “their” habitation. He takes part of a verse here and part of a verse there, changes the words, and says, “this is what God says we should do.” And yet if I quote any scripture from anywhere in the bible, every theologian on earth says, “Ray, you quoted that out of context.” If I say, “God is Love”, oh but ONLY IN CONTEXT Ray! God is only love in the context in Romans 6 or 7 where that is used, you can’t just lift that out and say it like it’s a truth. Boy, I’m telling you, you just have no idea how far down the road theology has gone.
But this looks like it’s a little over the top…Peter takes a scripture from here and there, part of one, part of another, CHANGES THE WORDS and says, “What God is telling us here is that we have got to find a replacement for Judas.”
How could he do that? Does anybody know how he did that?
How could he get away with that? You don’t have to be too much of a theologian to look at that and try to find that in the book of Psalms, and you have to go to two Psalms, and then you find he changed the words…HOW DID HE GET AWAY WITH THAT??
Is that scriptural or is that heresy, what Peter did there? Jesus Christ, before He left, He opened up the scriptures to Peter. What did He tell him? What did He tell him, that he could do that…?? He showed him, that whenever the scriptures talk about Israel, they are talking about Him. You follow that? Whenever the scriptures talk about Israel, it has reference to Christ. And whatever has reference to Christ has reference to us! Because Christ is in us: as Christ is so are we. Are you following that? Who got that? Anybody?
“In as much as you’ve done it to the least of these, my brethren, you’ve done it unto me!” (Matt. 25:40).
That’s what He taught them! “Any scripture you read, it has reference to me (Christ)! And if it has reference to me, it’s talking about you!” Therefore, when I read Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, I know what it’s talking about. Fire should come out of your mouth, and you will devour them. That’s talking about this ministry, TODAY. That’s this ministry! “You fools, you hypocrites, you snakes!” That’s fire from heaven. And that’s going to devour people. It’s going to make them very angry when that heat from that fire hits them. Now are you starting to understand?
Peter could take any scripture….and this “Context, context, context” garbage is just that…GARBAGE! The context is; if it’s talking about Israel, it’s talking about Christ and if it’s talking about Christ, it’s talking about us.
Now we have a whole new bible! And I’m going to show you that that same theme goes through everything.
God is…how many?? ONE. What is this? (holds up bible) It’s the word of God right? If God is One, wouldn’t we also possibly think that His word is One? Yes it is.
So you have a scripture that says, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, (Acts 2:21)” And that’s true. But you have to know what it means. And Christians will pick out a verse like that and say, “This is all you have to do…” They find the scripture with the lowest common denominator, with the least amount to do, and if it says that will save you than they say, “That’s it, that’s the one I want!” You see, they want that simple one.
But then in Acts 6:31, it says “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved.”
Well which is it? CALL upon the name of the Lord, or BELIEVE in Jesus Christ….and then you’ll be saved.
Well then in Mark 16:16, it says, “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.”
Well, now we are getting down to it…(counts off on his fingers): You call upon the name of the Lord, you believe on the name of the Lord, you’re baptized and then…..?? You’ll be saved, right? Well, that is if there were no more scriptures.
But then we have a scripture in John 10:9 that says, “I am the door, by Me if any man enter he shall be saved.” Well what if you don’t enter by the door? If Christ is the door and you have to enter in at the door to be saved, if you don’t enter in at the door can you be saved? Well, I wouldn’t think so.
And then we have in Ephesians 2:8, “For by grace, are you saved, through faith”
Now let me see if I’ve got this straight:
1. believe on the name of the Lord
2. call on the name of the Lord
3. be baptized
4. enter in at the door of Christ
5. and then by grace
6. through faith
…….and then I will be saved. Right? Wrong Paleface, because there’s more!
1 Cor 1:21, “It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe”
So now I’ve got to:
1. believe on the name of the Lord
2. call on the name of the Lord
3. be baptized
4. enter in at the door of Christ
5. and then by grace
6. through faith
7. and now I’ve got to listen to the foolishness of Ray Smith before I can be saved???
I mean, is he serious? It PLEASED God, it isn’t that He allows it, that it’s like the lowest form of getting saved. No, it PLEASES God to save those that believe by the foolishness of people like me. The FOOLISHNESS, not the great wisdom…..the foolishness of preaching will save you!