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Author Topic: Prayer request for my daughter  (Read 11376 times)

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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2007, 06:24:57 PM »

Paula and M.G.,

I feel for you both from the depths of my heart.  Sometimes, this life seems so unfair and we wish that their pain could be passed onto us instead.  Nothing is worse than to see our own children suffer, I would gladly take their place in a moment.  I'm going through this now with both of you and all I can do, it seems, is to turn to Him.  I know He knows..I know He cares..I know He loves us..but it's still hard and painful inside.  This difficult pain will drive us all to His loving arms so that we can learn of Him.  "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matt. 11:28-30.

God will do anything to His elect so that they can, "learn of me,"  anything.  But He will not leave us nor forsake us and this is His promise to all of us.

My prayers are with you both and so is my love...I will rejoice with them that rejoice and weep with them that weep.  Remember that He is the God of all mercies.  Lord have mercy on us and our children.

Your brother,



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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2007, 06:48:31 PM »


How are your family? How is your precious wife and how good to know that you see that the pain within is HIS moulding power bringing and drawing us to HIS promise for HIS highest calling in our lives.

We are all called.

HE alone is our peace and mercy in times of our suffering... just know that you are all in my thoughts and feelings for you...and my thoughts are part of me....this is why it is so vital that peace be our bond.

HE is the Prince of much we all need HIM! He is with us...He sees everything, knows everything and is in charge of everything.....we are learning this...we are together in this life learning HIM and HIS testimony through ours and the teachings right here where we have access to floods of truth and revelations and honest gifts of HIS grace to those HE has touched and of those who He sharing HIS life with right now.

Your Arcturus :)


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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2007, 07:55:37 PM »


Thank you for your warm thoughts and comforting words.  My wife's surgery is scheduled at the same time as the Nashville conference, the end of May. My daughter with the back problems will know tomorrow when and where her surgery will be, she is in a great deal of pain, and my daughter with the cancer will know what kind of treatment she will be getting soon.  She is to see an oncologist next week.  My daughter with MS and glaucoma is beginning to lose sight in one eye and is not responding to her medication.  She says that when she looks at something, she sees a dark ring around the object, almost smokey in nature, plus she gets frequent mi grains.

Last night, while I was praying, the Lord whispered to me like He did to you and said, "learn of me."  I could almost not contain myself for the tears, and asked Him to teach me Christ.  He is all we need to know.  For I determined not to know anything among you except Christ and Him crucified.  We need to determine within, not to know anything save Christ.

Gena knows, as a teacher, that the best way for children to learn, is if you show them lessons.  God is showing us lessons, and by His grace we will learn.  If we learn Christ, we will learn the deeps things of God, for He is the deep things of God.  And one of the deep things of God is that we love one another as He love us.  I feel your love sister and I love you, and all that know our Lord in spirit and truth.

Your brother,




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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2007, 09:17:43 PM »

Hi Paula,
           I feel for U & ur family, I know words cant really soften the Pain suffered by uZ all, But! one thing I do know is GOD LOVES! Yous all so very much, Just have Trust in Him, with all ur families, Mind, Heart & Soul GOD be with uZ alwayZ!,
            muchLOVE!! Pera


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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2007, 07:14:35 PM »

Paula and Dwight,

I am still praying for both of you and your family.

Check in when you can Paula and let us know how you are.



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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2007, 09:45:14 PM »

Yes Paula and Dwight,
You both have been in my heart and prayers also, you are missed; how are you both doing?


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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2007, 11:25:04 PM »

Hey Robin and Susan,

    I'm doing well, thank you. My daughter had an ultra sound the other day and her baby is doing good. They say it looks like a girl. My daughter is very happy about that.

I am concerned for baby though. My daughter has to take Tylenol with codeine every day just to function.
I know she needs to have some relief from the pain though. I made her a week worth of meals the other day to help her stay on her diet. I hope it helps.

How's your grandson doing Robin? He's in my prayers

Hey Dwight,

    I'm still praying for your family. I'm sorry to hear that your daughter is starting to lose sight in one eye.
My mother has Multiple Sclerosis. Her very first symptom was in her 20's. She woke up one morning and couldn't see out of one eye. She never regained sight in that eye- so bizarre! She didn't have any other symptoms until 20 years later. One day she woke up and couldn't walk. She said she had to lean on the wall just to get to the kitchen to make coffee. Then she couldn't hold onto anything and she dropped the coffee everywhere so she went to sit down and sign a birthday card for her sister and she couldn't write. She figured she would wait until her husband woke up for him to help her but when he woke up she found that she couldn't talk- only jibberish came out.

They admitted her to the hospital and did a multitude of test. She was in the hospital for about a month. It took them a while but they finally came back with a diagnosis of MS. After much therapy she slowly started regaining her dexterity and motor skills being able to walk and write and talk. She has been in full remission for the last 20 years. It's such a strange disease. She knows it could come back at any time.

One thing my mother said was that it wasn't a painful disease. I've heard different from Montel Williams though who also has MS. Well, none of us knows what tomorrow holds though. I pray your daughter has a remission.

You and your family are in prayers.

Bless you!  :)



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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2007, 12:54:19 AM »

Dear Paula,
I am so sorry and feel so helpless here.  I read the article and am wondering if your daughter can get ahold of some of that anesthetic medications that could numb that area for awhile long enough to give her some relief.  Also, Is she staying all by herself right now, and if so, would she be better off being with someon?  Does she have immediate support around her besides you?  I wonder if it would help her (If she is by herself), to be around family who she can have at her side if she needs support?  This is a terrible and scarey thing to sit back and watch; let alone tohave to experience.  I wish there were something that we could do!  (Have you thought about calling that Jewish center that was mentioned on the site and asking them if they have any sample meds that they can offer her.  Or better yet, ask them if they could take a new patient (and a benevolence case if this pertains to her,) and ask them if there is anything that they could help with.  I would try and call as many places in the country as there are that deal with this and see if someone coffer her some relief.  I know that is a lot to do, but I don't know of anything else!   (This reminds me of a 'plurasy' type of situation; only of the bladder.)  I am still praying here!!!  Gods' will be done... :)

Much love sis!!!!


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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #28 on: April 04, 2007, 01:53:36 PM »

I wanted to give you all an update on my daughter Brooke.

Brooke needs to eat a special low acid diet to avoid the flare ups from the IC.
She was having a hard time staying on the diet because it is so new so I helped her out and made a week worth of meals for her. It was very frustrating to figure out what's acceptable and what's not because everyones different with this IC. There are some general guidelines but Brooke is going to have to figure out what her trigger foods are. I wasn't 100% sure that what I fixed wouldn't give her a flare up- so I prayed.

Brooke called the other day and said she was pain free! She has not been taken the codeine either. Praise God! A read a testimony from someone that overcame the pain from IC naturally through diet, pure water and coral calcium so I sent Brooke with my bottle of Coral Calcium and told her to only drink pure water. Well it seems to have worked! Praise God!

On the down side she found out her thyroid levels were dangerously low so they need to adjust her medication so she doesn't loose the baby. She did go in to the doctor yesterday and the baby is still doing well though. Praise God! I would appreciate your continued prayers for Brooke and her unborn baby.

Bless you All!  :)



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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #29 on: April 04, 2007, 02:05:43 PM »

Dear Paula,
I am so sorry and feel so helpless here.  I read the article and am wondering if your daughter can get ahold of some of that anesthetic medications that could numb that area for awhile long enough to give her some relief.  Also, Is she staying all by herself right now, and if so, would she be better off being with someon?  Does she have immediate support around her besides you?  I wonder if it would help her (If she is by herself), to be around family who she can have at her side if she needs support?  This is a terrible and scarey thing to sit back and watch; let alone tohave to experience.  I wish there were something that we could do!  (Have you thought about calling that Jewish center that was mentioned on the site and asking them if they have any sample meds that they can offer her.  Or better yet, ask them if they could take a new patient (and a benevolence case if this pertains to her,) and ask them if there is anything that they could help with.  I would try and call as many places in the country as there are that deal with this and see if someone coffer her some relief.  I know that is a lot to do, but I don't know of anything else!   (This reminds me of a 'plurasy' type of situation; only of the bladder.)  I am still praying here!!!  Gods' will be done... :)
Much love sis!!!!

Hey Susan,

   I'm sorry for my delay in responding. I meant to answer your question sooner.

I don't know about any anesthetic medications. I'm sure the doctor would prescribe it if it would help though. She is not alone she is living with her boyfriend. They have a wedding date set for the 14th of this month. Her boyfriend has been supportive thus far. I did order some sample meds of an aloe based medication that helps IC. I haven't received it yet though. Praise God she has received some relief through diet, pure water and coral calcium for now.

Thank you for your prayers and concern!

Bless you!  :)



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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2007, 08:06:38 PM »

Hi Paula,
I thought that I read something off of that IC site (that you had posted) about a numbing med? ???  Ya know Paula, there should be a suppliment or something at a naturall health store that she could take to get some relief from; have you had a chance to call and speak to the mgr yet; also, they might give you a referal to somone else? 

I am glad that she is not alone; as that will help her out alot versus suffer this through by herself.  That is great that she is getting married too
ps- I will PM you on some naturalpathic things that will help her out alot. :D


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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2007, 12:35:12 PM »

Hi Paula,

It is so good to hear your daughter is doing better  :)
I will continue to pray, as I know there is a ways to go in her pregnancy.
And now you have a wedding to prepare for, prayers for you too  ;)

mercy, peace, and love


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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2007, 03:19:09 PM »

Hi Kat,

   Thank you for your prayers and concern! I appreciate it! Brooke went to the doctors yesterday for an ultra sound on her bladder and kidneys and she found out that she has some kidney stones and one of her kidneys is not working properly. I don't know if that has been the problem all along or if this is a compounded problem. She has had the IC symptoms for years though, so I don't know. She is still doing well and not in pain which is surprising since she has kidney stones. I've heard they are very painful. With IC the pain can come and go. Anyway, I'm glad that she is having a reprieve from the pain (without the codeine.)

Blessings!  :)
« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 03:22:03 PM by PKnowler »


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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2007, 07:53:51 PM »

...I love it when a prayer comes together... ;)


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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2007, 10:17:03 PM »


Thanks for the update, that's good news.  Still praying.



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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2007, 07:50:14 PM »

Since I was down in Fla. all week I re read this entire thread today to refresh my memory on things.

WOW!!!  What beautiful, heartfelt emotions & wisdom on this thread.  Even tho we are talking about Brooke & baby & all family concerned, and that is heartbreaking & terrible to go thru----I don't know what I am trying to say, but  I see God all thru-in the scriptures, the love & prayers, and His moving on Brookes behalf...I've got chills of blessings!!!!

Will keep praying of course, but God is on the move!! woohooo

Love ya Paula, keep being the inspiration you are to Brooke and all of us.



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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #36 on: April 10, 2007, 12:30:41 AM »

Hi Gena!   Welcome back, we missed you!  I hope you had a good time and got to renew yourself :D.

Paula, how is Brooke doing?  (And you too?)


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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #37 on: April 10, 2007, 01:06:08 PM »

Hi Gena,

    I was wondering where you were. It didn't seem like you had posted in a while.
I missed you! I'm glad you're back! I hope you had a nice time in Florida. I really
appreciate your prayers and concern for Brooke. I see God moving in everyone's
prayers and loving concern too. It is a miracle that Brooke's baby is doing well after
all that she is going through.  :)

Hi Susan,

   Brooke and her baby are doing well. Praise God! Brooke and her finance are going to Eureka Springs, AR this weekend to get married. They decided to elope instead of having a traditional ceremony. They have some great elopement packages in Eureka Springs that includes the
ceremony, a room with Jacuzzi and fireplace, carriage ride, champagne, roses & pictures.
Hey, I think I want to elope and get married AGAIN!  :)

I am very thankful that Brooke's finance is sticking by her and being supportive as she is going through these health problems.

Blessings, Paula  :)


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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2007, 02:06:14 PM »

Hi Paula,
that is great news for Brooke. I am so glad that she feels better finally; b/c I know that when she feels better that mama feels better ;) :D

You are so right...that makes me want to elope too ;D....but, I think I will see what awaits us on our 17TH anniversary.... this July, on.....07/07/ there is bound to be something good in the works with a number like that ??? ;) ;D   we shall see.... 8) 


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Re: Prayer request for my daughter
« Reply #39 on: April 10, 2007, 05:17:14 PM »

Hi and thanks gals for the welcome back.  It was lovely in Florida, we were in a condo on the beach.  Nice to see my son and daughter in law too.  Guess what???  We even had lunch w/ Joe- (yes Hillsborough River).  It was great meeting him in person.  Can't wait to meet more of you all at Nashville.

I LOVE Eureka Springs.  The bed & breadfasts there are so cute & gingerbready.  Take the trolley up the hill and shop all the way down.  What fun!  Well, Brooke might not want to shop all the way down the hill.  Great restaurants.  I still dream about the food at the Hungarian place next to a motel on the main drag!!

What a great place to get married!  I wish them all the best!!!
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