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Author Topic: Revelation of hell by seven youths.  (Read 9796 times)

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Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« on: April 01, 2007, 08:39:42 AM »

Hi Guys 'n Gals.

I recently read Ray's D1 installment, and found his extract of those deceived youths who went to hell and heaven amusing but moreso repulsive. I googled to see more of their ridiculous testimonies (one MUST always have a big testimony in Christendom). I was pleased to see the Bible Truths sponsored ad next to the search results. I was so disgusted after reading most of the hell stories, that I hope some will turn to Bible Truths through that link to get their sanity back.

The 'jesus' that walked them through that wretched place that his father created is not the Jesus Christ I worship, I know that for sure now.

"Many are called, but few are chosen", makes their god responsible for all those people burning in his pagan hell, and they don't even contemplate this!

I know that the Called are those billions(?) of professing Christians, but aren't they worshiping a different 'Jesus', a different 'god' than we are?

2 Corinthians 11:3-4 (King James Version)
3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus [a 'Jesus' who fails to save the world and instead literally burns humans in real fire forever], whom we have not preached [they never preached this 'Jesus' who fails and burns people in real fire], or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel [God is going to burn people in real fire forever], which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him [you put up with this nonsense].

Galatians 1:6-8 (King James Version)
6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel [God is going to burn people in real fire forever]:
7 Which is not another [it is not good news]; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert [hell is pretty perverted to me] the gospel [good news] of Christ.
8 But though we, or an angel [messenger] from heaven, preach any other gospel [God is going to burn people in real fire forever] unto you than that which we have preached unto you [how Christ died for the sins of the sinner and is the saviour of the world], let him be accursed.

God's grace and peace to you all.


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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2007, 09:44:21 AM »


....that was well written Andrevan.

They know not the power of God and they do not know the Scriptures either! They think they have free will also! What is amazing is that this dark time is all in God's plan!  Just as in the days of Noah.

We are blessed to see and hear and they too will know the truth and will be set free from their idols, false teaching and deceptions. All will know and realise who Christ is and all will worship Him in the end. We can look to His return with joy and anticipation!

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2007, 09:45:12 AM by Arcturus »


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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2007, 10:37:46 AM »

Hi all
I also read some of the vision of the seven youths. It was pure Dante and his circles of Hell, more Stephen King than King of Kings, yet I guess many will believe this vision to be real. I suspect that it will be broadcast from many pulpits in order to stir up the faithful to witness more and to reach the lost.More ammo for those hellfire and damnation preachers, talking of which.
We have a documentary being broadcast tonight here in the UK entitled ' America's Most Hated Family' the Phelps gang who are even known over here ,guess what they believe and preach.
I really enjoyed D1 and it has increased my understanding considerably
Have a nice day (that's what Americans say isn't it)

Dave UK


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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2007, 11:05:11 AM »

Good Morning everyone.  I see that there are 4 different Countries represented right here with these last 4 posts (Austrailia, Africa, UK, and USA...pretty neat I think :D  What a brohterhood!  God is SO GOOD.)

Yes, these unfrotunate individuals will be rather shocked when they get the real scoop at the White Throne Judgement.  I was at the Homeschool play yesterday where they were speaking of the afterlife and of heaven and HEll...these poor families really think that they are doing GOds' will here by teaching their kids that there is a HEll and they think that they are Godly b/c they can proclaim it louder than the others; they think that they are bold and righteous and spiritually strong and obedient to be able to teach their children of these lies!  They are very proud that they aren't afraid to proclaim the 'gospel' ...and especially amongst the likes of me (one who doesn't buy into it.)???  The ignorant are prevailing in this teaching, unfortunately.  But, they will learn the truth in due time.  ;)


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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2007, 12:15:47 PM »

We sure are a scattered lot aren't we Susan! That was a great observation! ;D

Glad you survived the ordeal of the play.

I just don't want anyone to accuse me of not telling that there is no Hell as is taught and accepted by paganism. There will be a consuming fire but no eternal punishment of Hell. That is the difference.
I tell who I can when I can! I love talking about this free truth. I do not want anyone to ask me "Why didn't you tell me?" as they go into the LOF. I don't want to be behind them or in front of them into the same fire for ducking past the persecution that comes for telling the truth!

Ray doesn't duck out of any of his detracting emails. He tells it like it is! God blesses him and us for we know the truth! Persecution is a sign to us that we are carrying our cross! Okay...maybe we are not supposed to go out and look for it but when it comes we have to acknowledge Christ or ignore Him. Peter denied Him....I want to acknowledge Him and can only do so with His strength, His favor and His Mercy on me.

Peace to you all my brethren

Arcturus :)


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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2007, 05:45:27 AM »

Thanks for all your thoughts  :).

I've been thinking a lot lately of where I'm at in this whole coming out of Mystry Babylon, and what it is exactly that makes Christendom love hell (with real fire) and defend it. One thing that came to me is that they need hell to "win" souls for Jesus, or as some boast that they've saved x-amount of people (little feathers in their caps).

Hell is what they use to get a salvation. Someone I know goes to hospitals (easy pickings) and "to get people saved" (while they're on their death beds) from hell. If someone refuses, they are then treated with contempt. Now is this really what the gospel is all about and how we go about it, I don't think so.

After reading some of those revelations of the youths, I noticed how their true colors come out in their testimonies, they hate those people. They hate sinners (Christ died for sinners), it's almost as if they really wanted to live those sinful lives that those people burning in hell did, but they chose Christ out of their own free will and then couldn't do those things... "and that's just not fair!!" Therefore they are going to make those people pay dearly for having all the fun sinning, while they couldn't (although they really wanted to)!

Otherwise following Christ just wasn't worth it! Hell makes it worth it!

Some past emails to Ray have shown this logic.

God be with you all. :)


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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2007, 11:05:47 AM »

Hi Andrevan
I think there is a lot of truth in what you say. It seems that many Christians  like the idea of people they don't like burning, and to be truthful I was like that too particularly when it came to the likes of Stalin Pol Pot  Hitler etc.Fortunately I see things differently now
In the part of the vision  I read they had poor old John Lennon in some kind of cauldron ,but then he probably deserved it more, because he wrote in Imagine ,'no hell beneath us above us only sky'. Now there's a thought .

Dave UK


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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2007, 02:27:20 PM »

You guys are right, Hell is used as a weapon to bring people to a church building.  My opinion is that there is nothing spiritual about it, WHO DOESN'T WANT TO BURN IN A EVERLASTING FIRE OF UNGODLY TORMENTS.  Like Ray has said, a carnal minded human can follow the Ten Commandments and this is their guidelines.  Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, and etc. aren't emphasized as much as "drinking, cussing, and church attendance." They are almost as deceived as terrorist.  Possibly one of the reasons that THE BIG HELL LIE has deceived so many for so long is that they think they are going to heaven with no judgement or chastistment.  They really don't care what happens to the rest of humanity, because they think they are eternally secured. This is the most disgusting doctrine and idea in the history of humankind and it greatly angers me when preachers will not give it up and they don't realize that it is disgusting beyond comprehension.


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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2007, 01:05:23 AM »

The thing is I believe that most of these preachers in the churches are very sincere.  They really believe there is a hell, that people will be tormented there for eternity. 
I just wonder in the rankings of the church, just where is the dividing line between those who really know hell is fiction and those who have bought into the lie?  I wonder if this lie is not so well entrenched in the church that the vast majority really believe it?
I believe the preachers in the churches I went to, really believed it and that it was up to them to save people from hell.  If they don't talk them into excepting Jesus, then those people would be lost, because they just couldn't talk them into it.  I guess it's like God has turned saving the world over to them  :-\ 
And the preachers have reduced in down to, 'the sinners prayer.'  This allows for the least amount from the person 'they' are saving, they don't even have to pray their own pray, the preacher tells them exactly what to say. 
One day they will all see how utterly ridiculous all the churches have been.  They will realize that they really are no different from the rest of the carnal world, that they condemn to hell.

2Th 2:9  The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,
v. 10  and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
v. 11  And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,
v. 12  that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2007, 02:55:59 AM »

I believe you're right Kat.  Most of Christianity doesn't want to go beyond the blood on the door posts.  They're content to have just said the sinners prayer and believe that Jesus did all for them on the cross and they don't have to anything at all in this life.  They don't even want to go through the Red Sea.  They're content to stay in Egypt.  There's too much sacrifice for them to go on.  Besides, how can they preach the prosperity gospel when they have to be under God's spiritual laws, doing what God commands.  Let the Levites and the priests do all that stuff.  After all, Christ did it all for me, and I don't have to do anything for Him.  What delusion in  Christianity....they teach if you don't want to do anything it's okay...and yet on the other hand they do many wonderful works in His name.  In either case, the Lord will say unto them, depart from me, I never knew you.

In Him,



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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2007, 05:31:07 AM »

Dwight, that was an interesting point you made. Say the 10 second pray, then sit back and relax, stay where you are.

Kat, I smiled when i read those verses you posted, I have been thinking about them this week, the "strong delusion", "signs and wonders", etc. I have on a couple of occasions completely befuddled a Christian by declaring that physical hell and physical flames are not the destiny of most of humanity, they just looked at me as though I'd lost it  ;D.
They get annoyed because I've confused them, I get to see that veil over their eyes first hand, they cannot see thru it, but this is God's plan in progress and until that veil is lifted they will never believe the Scriptures that point to God being all in all.

Dave, I agree. Also, many Christians obviously don't think deeply about hell (that was me), and really wish no one would go there, the others are glad it exists and want people to go there. I've heard a sermon by one preacher, Paul Washer, this poor man has a real love for God's people and pleads with them to repent. He is sincere but to the point, actually he has no fear rebuking whole congregations. What drives him is his genuine belief in hell fire. God works out His plan in many ways it appears.

Gastonmross, you made some good points. I forgot how important the church building is, the one I've left has just completed their AUS$1.5million renovations, and their grand re-opening is this Good Friday. Yes, they took out a mortgage which is now the responsibility of the whole congregation... let the serious tithing begin! They had a 365 salvations drive last year (one/day) to get the numbers up and many tithing sermons. Funny thing is, the church never grew by 365 people! Where did they all go?

It has been helpful for me to share this here, I'm learning through it  :D. Thanks for all your comments  :).

God's peace to you all.


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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2007, 04:07:33 PM »

I like the way that you can see humor in some extremely serious issues; that lightens us up some, thanks. :D


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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2007, 06:27:57 PM »

This is a lovely thread Andrevan!

It is a blessing to see the coming together in like mindedness of the brethren.

Like Kat says, there are people who are sincere about their deceptions. They believe they are right about Hell and Free Will. It is a HUGE blessing to have been told the truth.

I remember I had to repent of tongue speaking. It was embarrassing and convicting to learn the truth that this was an idol of pride in my heart! It was too! Repentance has to follow Chastisement. I felt lousy at learning this fact but by Gods grace, I was set free.

It makes me think. Perhaps there are some who WANT to stay behind the prison bars because that is what they know best and that is where they want to stay instead of taking the stripes for being WRONG and perhaps for being wrong ALL YOUR LIFE! NOW THAT HAS GOT TO HURT! I was tongue speaking for only a year or two but still...the damage to my ego was big!

I believe that each person receives the knock on their hearts from Christ and some turn hard and others open! Of course HE makes some as vessels for His wrath and others as vessels for His honour.

I think we have all paid the price somewhere somehow, to believe in what we are taught here at BT. and it takes an ABSENCE of the presence of idols of the heart and flesh to agree with what GOD says is TRUE and to turn from what Man would teach falsely.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2007, 07:40:36 AM »

Arcturus, I got a little rosy cheeked when you mentioned tongues  ;D. I was so embarrassed before God when I realised what I was doing: babbling away for about a year in an "unknown tongue". I was blushing a little when I repented for my speaking in tongues, and for practising my tongue speaking, how foolish... oh boy it's still embarrassing now  :D. I used to pray to the Holy Spirit as if it was an actual person too. I am just so thankful to God for the truth. I thank you heavenly Father!

What you said about the absence of idols, it is so important to growing spiritually. I need to check myself now and again to see what others may be lurking  :).
Glad I could lighten things up a little for you Susan  :).

God's peace to you all.


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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2007, 10:13:08 AM »

The thing is I believe that most of these preachers in the churches are very sincere.  They really believe there is a hell, that people will be tormented there for eternity. 
mercy, peace, and love

Hi Kat,
I have often wondered if this is really true.

The pastor in my church preaches strongly as if he believes in hell.
But when I have talked to him one on one, privately about my lack of belief in burning
forever in a literal hell, he confessed that he is more likely to believe
that God just lets unrepentent sinners cease to exist, rather than make them
suffer for eternity. And yet he preaches what the church doctrine requires.



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Re: Revelation of hell by seven youths.
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2007, 11:06:55 AM »

Dear Tim,

Mathew 23:4
Jesus says ~
For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

And that's all I have to comment about that!

Peace, Lisa
« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 11:09:04 AM by Redbird »
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