Hi Jackson!
No, you have not yet rambled enough! HA! Good to hear from you newbie, such as myself. A good note from you!
I'm in agreement with much of you say; yes, I hope not to be pretentious among others who genuinely claim to be followers of Christ [that would not be Christ-like], and GOLLY I sure do love this haven of reason and truth too!!!! Yip! We are at the best place we can possibly be!
Your position in life as being a mature man with a wonderful family is a delight to hear of!
As a coincidental sideline: I'm 53 and I care for my now 90-year-old father in my home. His bath lady of five years [Tilina] ALSO has three daughters, 17, 15, 9], and I get to hear about them about every other week and see a few of them periodically. Such joy! You never know if one or a combination of your daughters will wind up taking care of you at some later date in time! HA!!! Just a thought.
And you are soooooooo right, and it's nice to hear it being articulated that there is no/nada/nought good feelings
away from HIM, our Master. Righto dear brother in Christ.
Regretable deeds? If we build a campfire and sit around and 'chew the fat' all night, we still would not have covered all of my missings.
And yet still I miss. The worse lately is that I am a hypocrite still in a few ways.... [regretably]
I'm glad for you brother in Christ and God, and oh yes, let's not forget.... especially since you have daughters... that God IS PART/HALF FEMALE... [if you haven't yet, check out Ray's Insights on this matter in the transcript of God's Will. There's a section on Creation... regarding Adam and Eve. If you have'nt, you MUST read it, about the Hebrew word = 'tsela' getting mistranslated = 'rib;' where in fact it was translated about ten times in the Old Testament as = 'chamber.' If you don't know or cannot find Ray's transcript on this, please let me know, and I would be more than glad to copy you on it.
ANOTHER MIND BLOWER! Just to give you a smile. May God bless you and your family!