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Author Topic: Where To Fellowship  (Read 5043 times)

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Where To Fellowship
« on: May 16, 2007, 10:34:42 PM »

Brothers and Sisters,
Maybe this isn't the place to post my question?  The Lord called me out of the harlot about seven months ago.  At which time I knew that I should be finding a place to fellowship that is more in line with God's word.  I'm interested to know if anyone is willing to share, where you go for fellowship or 'church'.  My wife is not convicted as of yet to come out of the harlot so I also ask for your prayers.  Everyday I feel so alone in the flesh.  I do trust the Lord as he is faithful and true, he has been and continues to be my 'rock'.  Thanks in advance for your reply's.


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Re: Where To Fellowship
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2007, 10:52:51 PM »

hey hows it,
               Well az 4 me I fellowship n e wher & everywher, az long az Im finkn I nO GODS Truths I will PRAISE HIS name & Glorify it az most HIGH! bcoz HE is, Your relationship wit our LORD n our SAVIIOR is ur main purpose on dis Earth I believe, & doing wots GODS Plan 4 U & HIS wilL b done on Earth az it is in Heaven, thanx     
               much muchLOVE!! Pera

ps. its jus wot I blieve brother in CHRIST! GOD be with You AlwayZ!!


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Re: Where To Fellowship
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2007, 11:01:10 PM »

Hello Brother,

I can offer my experience, there is no church building or denomination I am aware of that teaches these Truths, I get my fellowship through the Bible, Ray's articles and this Forum, I much prefer this than the heretic teachings the churches offer.

My wife has recently come out of the Baptist church as the hypocrisy and teachings began to negatively affect her, she has yet to fully come around to what I believe but she is studying on her own (reads her bible every morning started at Genesis, now in Zechariah) and will be coming with me to the Conference.

When she was in the church discussing with me their "message" I would just point out scriptures and tell her to read it for herself, she did and is. It is a start in the right direction.

You and your wife will be in my prayers,


P.S. I moved this as the topic is more appropriate here.

Jackie Lee

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Re: Where To Fellowship
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2007, 11:02:50 PM »

I have been out of the church for a few years now but just January found Ray's papers through an internet friend.
I haven't found to many places that hit the spot like this does.
God bless in your journey. :)


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Re: Where To Fellowship
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2007, 12:04:05 AM »

Hi Seeks,

I was lonely at first, missing fellowship etc...but the forum has completely filled my need that way.  I know this sounds funny, but I look forward everyday to hearing from my forum-family.  I like the wisdom & teaching, and I like learning little snippets of their personal lives or prayer needs.

I have never had a chance to "talk" to believers like me from around the states and the world. We do it here all the time. It took some time to undo 30 years of "church life" habits but with reading Ray on BT and fellowshipping here--sounds like church to me! :D


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Re: Where To Fellowship
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2007, 08:56:10 PM »

Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus for your kind words and advice.  I'm most gratefull for you taking the time to reply.

God bless you!



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Re: Where To Fellowship
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2007, 03:38:10 AM »

I'm in the same boat that you are in. My wife is still very involved with church. I've been out of it for a long time now. In fact, I attended for a long time knowing in my heart they were wrong, but a little guilty if I didn't go. Know what I mean?
I grew up in a Baptist church, and I don't think I ever truely believed what they were saying about our God. I was in and out of "religion" until my mid-20's which is when I said, "I've had enough." Well then I met my wife, who talked me back into church. I haven't attended more than 5 times for the past few years.
I remember when I found this site I was just blown away that it was teaching what I had already begun to process 15 years before. Of course it's way more in-depth that what I had realized by myself! It's great to know that I'm not alone in my beliefs, and that there are people who we can actively "fellowship" with to help each other grow.
I know how you feel with your wife being involved with church still, brother! I know it can get rough, but please remember as I do, that it's God's will man! We really can't do anything about it. Eventually hopefully our wives will both be brought out, but until then we need to remain faithful and love them the way God commands us to. My wife's precious to me but the few times I've tried to talk to her about what I believe, an argument ensues. She told me to show her what I've read (which would take years by the way LOL) but she has yet to read anything on it. I still have hope however!
Anyways sorry for rambling! I look forward to seeing you on the forum.



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Re: Where To Fellowship
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2007, 03:42:56 AM »

Oh yeah I forgot I was going to answer your original question LOL. I got distracted with my rambling.  ::)

I don't know of any physical place for fellowship like we have here. I'll tell you a "dream" of mine though. I sometimes think about how cool it would be to open some sort of bible study group where we talked and learned about the TRUTH according to the scriptures. Not man made crud, but meat and potatoes, spiritual truth! One step further: how fantastic would it be to start up a "church service" where the public was welcome to attend, and you were free (and priveledged) to teach the truth to anyone who wanted to hear it? And no pressure to tithe of course!



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Re: Where To Fellowship
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2007, 05:44:24 PM »

Brother Matt,

Thanks for your reply.  It is comforting to know that I'm not the only one of the brethren that is or has experienced this with our wives.  I pray that the Lord would give revelation to our wives as that is the only way they will come to understand what is going on in our lives.  I realized these past couple of days that if they do what we are doing without a revelation from the Lord, then they would be just following us as a religion.  They have there religion which is better than following us.  I hope I'm making sense here and not rambling :)  I am begining to understand better with time to leave this all with Jesus and just follow Him and obey Him with loving my wife like I always have.  I thank you for your kind words. 

I have not had a dream like you were given but have felt that same way for some time now which I find quite interesting.  I'm learning that that will only happen when and if our Lord wills it. 

I must admitt that God called me out of the harlot at that time for a different reason than the lake of fire truth that I am just now begining to understand.  He called me out by showing me that everything we were doing in the harlot did not match His word, that was my first clue.  I tend to be a slow learner at times so maybe that's why he just now revealing the truth of the lake of fire.  He hasn't burned that truth yet into my spirit but I am begining to see what Ray writes about in the scriptures as I read and ask God to give me an understanding.  OK...enough of my rambling this time.  Thanks for your kindness and I too hope to see you here in the forum.

May He continue to bless you!  :)


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Re: Where To Fellowship
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2007, 11:57:35 PM »

It is comforting to know that I'm not the only one of the brethren that is or has experienced this with our wives.  I pray that the Lord would give revelation to our wives as that is the only way they will come to understand what is going on in our lives.  I realized these past couple of days that if they do what we are doing without a revelation from the Lord, then they would be just following us as a religion.  They have there religion which is better than following us.  I hope I'm making sense here and not rambling   I am begining to understand better with time to leave this all with Jesus and just follow Him and obey Him with loving my wife like I always have.

I like when people ramble.  8) It seems to reveal more than when they don't ramble. Feel free.  ;)
On the revelation point you made: It's a very good point! I surely don't want my wife to blindly follow me just to make me happy. I'm happy already. I don't let our difference get me down. As me and you agreed on, it's in God's hands.
However, I feel that if I show her a truth here and there, and show her the scriptual truth, then that could become the catalyst that begins the process of her eyes being opened. Make sense?

I'll keep this one short cuz she needs the computer. LOL.

Peace to you



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Re: Where To Fellowship
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2007, 12:59:08 PM »

Matt,  I do agree that when you share scripture or a scriptural truth to your wife and I with mine, the Lord can and does work through such events.  I also believe that since Jesus lives inside each of us that there are times when he speaks to others ie; family, friends, believers and non-believers  using our vocal cords, lungs etc. but not everyone at all times has the spiritual words to hear.  I was thinking this morning that I have to really quit forcing myself at being eager to see when and if someone has the ears to hear.  Whether they do or not is not my burden, I have to learn to let the Holy Spirit speak and also leave their hearing to Him.  This thought came to mind this morning as sometimes I wonder when I have spoke something if the other person is hearing or will hear after the conversation.  I am thankfull to the Lord for giving us this forum to share with brothers and sisters.  Enjoy the day brother...amen?


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Re: Where To Fellowship
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2007, 07:21:02 PM »

Amen man. Well said.

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