I'm just dropping in to say how thankful to have a teaching on how we got the bible. From time to time, I would research and study the topic, along with history of that time after the resurrection, etc. I've put the link for GreatSite on my study favs folder, and have read some. I hope there will be a written transcription of the latest conference. It's such an awesome subject...the history.....and it's hard not to ponder what we learn without considering the majesty of the earth and the majestic galaxies, etc. Just before we heard what Ray would be teaching on, I was dwelling on that very same thing.....imagine being "somewhere" in outter space, looking at the earth, and the 'glorious' galaxies, and I wondered that if we didn't have the written published Word anymore......how could our hearts be without ? "Only Believe!".....I couldn't wait to get into the bible to look it up. I was looking at a whole long list, just in the new testament alone ! For the next few hours, I just kept reading.....one thing always lead to another.....lol.....I dont mean to ramble on too much. It's just an exciting thing once He lays it on a heart. No matter what "man" has done to His word....(they've burned them, mistranslated, etc).....we can always know to just 'believe'
Blessings to all,