Hi Carol!
I too just saw this new greeting from you, and I don't know how I missed it, probably because of my flitting around here hurriedly lately.
Although I've "seen" you around the forum, let me give you an official
WELCOME, and I'm happy you are here!
I know what you mean about incurring some related social isolation, but I'm becoming encouraged that God is seeing fit to spead these messages of truth more each day. And it seems to me that the "Word"
is getting around, both moreso online as well as in the area of fellowship groups depending on your area. For example, thanks to someone I met here on this forum, I will be attending a UR-type meeting July 29th for my first time (that I didn't know existed and is nearby!)
I appreciated and related to much of what you had to say... "liberated, lost and alone." But mine wasn't a "spiritual support system" that got lost as you had, mine was very secular and worldly friends that I no longer had a great desire to hang around, so it's the same thing either way. But acknowledging the situation is more than half the battle I think, and maybe we can work on "replenishing our cups" somehow instead of settling with being stuck. There
is hope!
I loved your line "I'm not resisting the truth, I just don't know what to do with it." HA!! ME TOO!!
But you will. It will keep growing on you. Getting more acquainted with Ray's Inspired insights is the best idea and value. Possibly more related interests will develop, and you will explore them... could be different areas of God [theology], studying His Word, learning about biblical history, or learn about creationism vs. evolution, or biblical archaeology, or develop your own mini-ministry, whatever you really like and find interesting... you'll be growing and blooming creatively soon... and sharing it with others.
The main thing is, now brace yourself.... ignorance is
not bliss!! Ho ho! Although it's FUNNY to say it and appears true at first glance! But really it's not true! I think that's a
Hope you are already feeling comfortable here! I am rather new and still getting adjusted. My schedule is different than most folks and I post mainly late at night. I'll be glad to help in any way I can.
God bless you and your family,