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Author Topic: New stranger in town  (Read 10182 times)

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New stranger in town
« on: June 03, 2007, 02:45:44 PM »

WARNING:Read only in case of severe insomnia..........     This is my 13th attempt to post since joining the forum but I have not been satisfied with what I had written and just gave up, I'll try once more. When growing up we were not the ones who show
ed up every time the doors opened however my parents held to  the doctrines of the baptist belief.
               I never was comfortable as a child listening to the preacher talk about the love that the almighty father had for us but in the same breath talk about Him roasting and toasting us for ever if we did not repent. Needless to say I was one of the dunked. I went down a dry sinner and came up a wet one. After getting out into the world (getting a job, etc.) I started thinking independently and realized that my not feeling right about what was taught in the church. I basically thought it was all hooey and went mostly secular while still holding on the belief of a supreme being, believing that this world and universe was not a quirk of a big bang, and  thought that if that was the beginning it was the supreme being that caused the "big bang" (we really don't know how He did it now do we?) I'm sorry if I ramble and wonder but I have a tendency to lose my tain of thought  sometimes. I got involved with this thing we call life (married with kids) and having to provide for them. 16 hour days were considered short and not much time for the important things such as thoughts of belief of the Almighty. But God in his infinite wisdom has a way to stop you in your tracks and make you think of Him and how insignificant you are. I was diagnoised with cancer in 2003, and was told that it can't be got ridden of, but it can be controlled for a period of time. Today it is under control for the time being, for how long only He knows. Between the cycles of chemo I took advantage of the time and the advantage of this wonderful information highway called the internet. I typed in the word "Hell" and "stumbled" onto the bibletruths website and discovered I was not wrong about some of the things I thought years ago but did not have the smarts to get the backup to my thoughts. Rays' teachings that have been revealed to him and has shared with us is a blessing indeed. I don't have a full understanding of all the work he has revealed but I now realise that I am where I am in my spirituality by the grace of God, and I am where he wants me to be at this time. I can only hope and pray for more understanding from God. I have been lurking on the forum for about 8 or 9 months now and I need to say that I'm in awe of the insights of the members of this forum and i feel the need to say thanks for some of the post that you have made (there has been a few times I almost jumped out of my chair when reading some of these posts because it would "sink in"). I don't feel as though I am worthy of the first ressurection at this time, maybe sometime in the future if it is Gods will I will at somepoint. If not, then if there are streets there, maybe they will need someone to sweep them. ;D I did not intend to go on  this long but I needed to share a little of what was on my iddy biddy mind.

                     Prayers Love Peace To all

          PS      Is there  any like minded in the metro atlanta area out there that get together?


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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2007, 03:13:12 PM »

Hi Bud,

Welcome to the Forum!  I'm glad you finally felt comfortable enough to introduce yourself.  Even as long as I've been around, I'm still shy about posting.  However, I muster up the courage to contribute every once in a while because you never know what your contribution may mean to someone else.  That's what this form of fellowship is really all about in my opinion.

Once again, welcome, and I look forward to reading your comments.




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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2007, 04:36:08 PM »

Hello there D.

I enjoyed reading your post. It really blessed me. I am so glad that some of the posts you have been reading have, as you say "sunk in"! Non of us are worthy by the way and any of us who are blessed to be revealing the Lord to others have the burden of whom much is given much is required... judgement!  :D Your encouragement is precious.  :)

I know what you mean about trying and trying again to post but 13 times! THATS ENDURANCE! ;D

Hope to see you more often. This is the place to share what we learn and invite others to add to our studies. You are welcome!

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)



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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2007, 06:14:52 PM »

Hi Bud,

Welcome, I'm glad you finally got past that first poat.  It was good to hear about your journey here.
I hope you will comment of some of the threads.  It's good to hear the different perspectives of what you are learning at BT.
This fellowship can be really important to your spiritual morale, as a lot do not have anyone else to discuss this truth with.  This is a great place to share and have people to help each other grow in our understanding.

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2007, 06:43:28 PM »

Hi Bud,

Welcome to the forum.
Thanks for sharing, and I look forward to hearing more from you.



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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2007, 12:41:02 AM »

Welcome to town, Bud. I hope you stay around, and don't feel uncomfortable about posting. Just do it! Half the time when I post I think nobody will think anything about it, but I get involved in some good conversations. I love seeing ideas bounce off each other here. People learn a lot around here.

Hope to hear from ya more!


p.s. I know what it's like growing up in a baptist church man. And good luck with the cancer! Do what the doc says okay? My buddy at work beat it, so can you!


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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2007, 12:54:39 AM »

Hi Bud,

Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing. It's been quite a journey for you. God brings us to Himself in all sorts of ways.
He is so amazing!



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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2007, 01:42:21 AM »

Hey Bud

God bless you man!
I currently live in Lithonia, GA
but work in buckhead. if you ever need someone
to talk too I have a listening ear.
I have a friend who is going through breast cancer
right now, I think she will make it through.
Hope you beat it Bud!!

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
-Albert Einstein
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
- Jesus


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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2007, 01:49:31 AM »

Hello Bud

I usually burn the candle from both ends, and sometimes the quiet time is nice!


- jER


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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2007, 08:24:33 AM »

                             Thanks for the warm welcomes. I think I'm beginning to understand how Moses and Co. were feeling coming out of the wilderness :)



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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2007, 01:13:08 PM »

Hi Bud,

Welcome to the forum, thanks for sharing your story!  I look forward to more of your posts.  I know God gives us the struggles we  have in this life for a good purpose, but he also performs miracles, so God willing I pray he grants you a miracle and you beat the cancer :)

Peace to you,


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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2007, 05:29:28 PM »

Welcome Bud!!  Thank you for sharing your testimony.  Wow.
Think of us as your new church family.  We will be keeping you in prayer and you post and keep us posted ;)


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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2007, 08:24:19 AM »

                Thanks again for all  the warm welcomes and words of encouragement. Akira you have my daily prayer for that brutal commute you have before you everyday.



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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2007, 11:38:34 PM »

Hey Bud... W-E-L-C-O-M-E!!!!   ;D

Glad to meet ya!  If I remember correctly, you were a Machinist.  Me too!  I'm a Hearing Specialist now...who'd a thought?

I always like to hear what someone like yourself has to say, when I take the time to read it.  I look forward to hearing from you a lot more.

- Jason


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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2007, 03:21:26 AM »

chur! Welcum! D dudE,
                             yep! I lyk wot U sed abowt Moses & co, ur sO ryte duDe, Xactly! lol!:). & yep b Awesum! 2 hear moRe frm U, Well n e wayZ Im frm New Zealand & NO dey dont alL write or speak like dis lol! :D, GOD b wit U alwayZ!!!! duDe BlesSnz! 2 U & ur family!.
                              much muchLOVE!! Pera


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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2007, 01:55:24 PM »

Hey Bud
I plan on moving back into town at the end of the year because the commute to work is
just to long. I used to live in chamblee which was much closer I'm thinking about going back.
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
-Albert Einstein
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
- Jesus


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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2007, 02:31:11 AM »

Welcome Bud!

So very happy to hear you are also in the Atlanta area!  How cool!  Me too, yippee!

And it was so very interesting to read of your Baptist background and of your cancer treatments that are now under control, praise God!

It's funny how you "stumbled" upon the website [wink wink, nudge nudge  ;)]

It "stumbled upon" too, and I'll never know how it happened.

Yes you are here, where it really matters, and you're so very right, you're here where He wants you.  Continue to pray always, even in traffic.  Aak!

[Blessings upon Akira and her commute in our lousey local traffic also!]

Bud, your imagery of SWEEPING THE STREETS = TEARS IN MY EYES.  I will sweep them with you my new friend.

Take care, Caregiver

« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 11:48:54 PM by DuluthGA »


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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2007, 12:47:28 PM »

Hello Bud:

I too am new to the forum.  My background: no religion to speak of until aged 30, immersion in non-denominational (Moody) church for 3 years (a wet sinner, nice!), two years of bible-truths and *not-allowed*, a sore neck from looking around and wondering what just happened.  Anyway, the Lord blew me away with His truths as communicated through Ray's teachings and I believed and left the church.  I don't really know what to say because I could go on for hours, but to get to the point, here it goes.  Through the internet, God led me to these websites speaking of His truths and confirmed His truths in my spirit.  Likewise, God led me to certain other websites and confirmed their truths in my spirit.  These websites concern themselves with cancer and I wanted to share this with you.  I don't know what kind of cancer you have been diagnosed with and I'm not a doctor.  However, much information is available that contradicts current standard operating procedure as it relates to cancer therapy.  Namely, something is wrong with a bodies immune system, resulting in cancer.  Doctors cut, burn and dose the cancer until the cancer is in remission.  The problem that doctors don't address is that nothing has been done to improve the immune system.  Bud, you have no reason to listen to me, but God has compelled me to give you this information.  Go to and read everything.  This guy is not selling anything, but has researched just about every "alternative" cancer therapy.  You'll find that there is a whole parallel world of cancer treatments that concentrate on building a bodies defenses to combat cancer rather than the "scorched earth" policy favored by the medical establishment (not only that, but there is a world of natural highly nutritious foods, superfoods, supplements, herbs, enzymes that are available on the internet - many of the providers have gotten into the business because of illness or loved-ones with illness, so they are cognizant of the need to keep the product pure and affordable - they are trying to help heal, not rip you off).  My mom died of cancer treatments.  I'd like to say that led me on a crusade to find alternative treatments.  Rather, only when I thought I had cancer and I was freaked out over the thought of what the doctors did to my mom did I begin researching.  It gave me great joy to realize that we don't have to be paralyzed by fear of a life in and out of hospitals.  Cleansing, nutrition, exercise, fresh air, clean water.  We are swimming in toxins in this day and age, but God has made our bodies with an amazing ability to mend itself if only we give it a chance.  Anyway, sorry to preach, but God has instilled a certain knowledge in me that I must share as He gives me opportunity and when your entry was the first I read, I knew I must share.  If you'd like to discuss, let me know.  To paraphrase an old Chinese saying: A bad doctor treats illness, a good doctor keeps his patient healthy.  Our American system is awash with bad doctors. 



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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2007, 08:12:28 PM »

Hi Brain,

Welcome to the forum!!!
Glad your with us.



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Re: New stranger in town
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2007, 09:40:51 PM »

Hey D, just wanted to say hi....I just joined today.  I'm really glad that you shared in that post; it helps to read about other peoples experiences and tough times.  I sure can put things in perspective.  Hope to hear more from you....take care....
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