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Author Topic: joy to my heart....tears to my eyes..  (Read 6355 times)

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joy to my heart....tears to my eyes..
« on: April 23, 2006, 01:03:43 PM »

I cried , I read ,I cried... at All the testimonies/prayer's. that each and all have given. Please understand that I [mark] am a TWO finger typiest, and I cannot spell the best either. I dont CLAIM to be smart, but at this time of my life [46] , I do CLAIM that the HOLY SPIRIT does live in this body, .. I have my dad, mom, younger brother, and older sister-3 youngins[ho], I was raised in a "primative baptist up-bringing"once saved all ways, my dads ,DAD, my grandpaw was a primative baptist preacher, so I was taught a little bit , or should said ,I was around the church about every weekend, but most of the time would sneak out to play, with the other. I got my high school dipoloma, left straight in to the army , spent 3 years, got out , met a girl! they called me hillbilly in the service! way back in the woods, I was raised! got married, to a girl that had been married before, after in-law problems got a divorce. very devastated, I was ! I was told or understood it to be till death did us apart, did not work that way. I meet another girl, 2 years latter, and now have a son of 16 years old come june, and a daughter 15 years old come november! I love them very dearly. GOD knows, more than anyone! ..BUT I am no longer home, I am still married , but I dont know if it will survive.. I stay at where I work, I left home with the bible , and very few other things. I dont need much from this world , mainley love!, GOD's love! above ALL . pray for my wife and all , I can't hardly type from crying! I love you ALL, and I want to thank you with all my heart, its very lonely were I am at . God bless you ALL and a special thanks to ALL that responded to my introduction, I didn't respond back to you , it would took me a month to even try.  mark


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joy to my heart....tears to my eyes..
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2006, 01:20:53 PM »

Brother Mark,

I am so glad you found this forum, so many of us have found ourselves broken down and with no hope other than Him, exactly where He wants us to be.

This is the state we must be in for Him to begin His work in us. Please continue to read and pray and share with your brothers and sisters here. We value you way more than typing or spelling skills so do not let any fear of that stop you from posting.

Actually, I thought you did an outstanding job of expressing yourself.



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joy to my heart....tears to my eyes..
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2006, 03:38:12 AM »


Thank you so much.  That was a really really beautiful testimony!

Bless you brother,
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