Well, I guess I am what most people would call 'homosexual', although I seek a wife and a family, I find it hard to be with a woman for some odd reason. I don't like the way women act, they are overly sensitive and dramatic, and men are more passive and ...insensitive?...idk if that's the word i want to use...but nowadays it just seems like I would rather be with a man because it's much easier. Idk if that makes sense to you, I know your people probably think that it's wrong or something, because of what it says in the Bible, but there are an awful lot of people that feel the same way I do.
So, in my situation, should I try to date women, or keep on dating men? I really don't know which way to go.
Dear Charles: Someone one as mixed up and as uncertain as you are about whether you want to make love to a woman or to a man SHOULD NOT BE DATING ANYONE AT ALL! If you don't even "like" women, the last thing on this God's earth you should be doing is dating or marrying one. Your relationship or marriage would be nothing but FRAUD. And as for homosexuality, it is just a sinful as committing adultery. You need to get your head on straight and begin to obey the Spiritual Laws of your Maker. Seriously, you are looking for nothing but your own sexual gratification, anyway that you can find it. I would suggest you spend a year or two reading the material on our site, and asking God to show you what a real man is all about. We will be praying for you, Charles.
God be with you,