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Author Topic: Back to Babylon?  (Read 29038 times)

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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #60 on: July 01, 2007, 02:23:29 AM »

Great Link.  Helped me too.

That answer was Ray at his finest too.


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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #61 on: July 01, 2007, 02:54:36 PM »

Timothy, you said

Most of the people that I know from the church that I attend are very good people.

I don't believe this should be the criteria someone uses to determine whether to attend or not attend a denomized church. 2 Corinthians 11:14 says - And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. I don't care how righteous someone seems, are they standing for THE WORD (God's righteousness).

i think true born again believers should pray before doing anything. 1 Corinthians 10:31 - Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.    



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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #62 on: July 01, 2007, 05:00:30 PM »

Dear Matt,

I love you brother so please do not be offended by this b/c no offense is meant by it, but, (to me) it sounds as if you are caring more about appeasing  your wife  (to come to church with her and let her and your kids stay there) than of doing what God says to do as their spiritual covering...(which is to bring them out...'come out of her my  people'.)  It also seems like she is not willing to trust, support, respect and submit to your spiritual leadership; to me this is here the problem lies.   IT IS SHE THAT IS TEACHING YOUR CHILDREN AND LEADING THEM ASTRAY...BY LETTING THEM LEARN WHAT THE CHURCHES ARE TEACHING.  Why is this?   YOU will be held accountable for allowing the wolves to teach your children and her; and since she wants to stay, let her go , but let the kids stay out of there and at home with you.  You are to protect them from satans (church) wiles since they are blinded by the wolves' (church) tactics.  God gave you the truth for a reason...use it to get them out of there while you have the chance and before it is too late Matt!  (It is harder to UNLEARN lies than it is to learn truths.)  Your wife needs to give YOU a chance to teach them at home and give you the respect due you in this leadership/covering area!  This will be one of the most important decisions of your life, marriage, and family!  As sweet as she and the kids are, she is still  blinded, therefore, you must lead her or else it is the blind leading the blind.

I absolutely feel your pain in your struggles in wanting to be pleasing to God while at the same time trying to make spiritual peace in your household.  I think that here has been excellent info given on this topic.  And after reading all of the posts, I think that Roy, Ciy, and Bradigans has the biblical answer and are unified in the truth of this matter.  The issue at hand here is definitely meat and not milk!  This is a very hard thing to accept too, but the rewards of living the truth far outweigh the temporal rewards that will not last.  Basically, I think that you should take their wisdom and be the spiritual leader of your house once and for all and to be their spiritual covering instead of your wife being the spiritual covering of everyone.  I thought it was a good idea that your wife visit the forum instead of you always visiting the church.  (WE are the church.)

Again, please don't take this message offensively, you are a dear brother to me!!! :)



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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #63 on: July 02, 2007, 01:31:04 AM »


I can't help wondering what happened today???  Come out, come out, wherever you are! ;D



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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #64 on: July 02, 2007, 11:59:06 PM »

Matt.  How was it.  I want to know too. :D

(boy, this is the thread that would not die)

We love ya, dude!!! ;)


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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #65 on: July 03, 2007, 01:48:50 PM »

Hey Matt, my prayers are with you brother.

I am possibly the last person who should comment on this thread; however, let us never forget that the darker the night, the brighter the light. You have clearly came out of the Church and all of it's heinous beliefs. Thankfully, I am not in the same position as you, but brother, like you I could never let my family attend a den of theives alone either.

But neither would I plan on attending the church indefinately either. If your wife is serious about the church and it's doctrines then discuss the sermon and all that she and her kids got out of it when you get home. Like I sai, your light WILL shine over the darkness, and the fruits of the Spirit of Truth will always been seen for what they are. You need not be combative, neither to your family nor the church. By all means drop a hint of truth or a question here and there; if the church EXPLODES and becomes hostile towards you, your family will soon see the darkness for what it is.

Go always prepared for battle brother :)

Eph 6:14  Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

Eph 6:15  And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

Eph 6:16  Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

Eph 6:17  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

And never be afraind to expose a lie with simple truth.

Be strong in Christ.

Your bro,


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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #66 on: July 03, 2007, 02:06:12 PM »

Well said Darren,

The word surely is a double-edged sword.  Because now I'm thinkin of when Jesus said;

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

1 John 3:16  Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

Wow, not an easy situation.  And Matt surely loves his wife as himself.  Prayers are with you Matt.



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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #67 on: July 03, 2007, 03:29:44 PM »

Darren, I am concerned that your advice could backfire on Matt if he takes your advice (by dropping hints of the truth to the church and then it explodes on him) ???  I am wondering if this 'explosion' comes down on him from the church members/leaders how his wife may take it?  Will  she blame him for starting the explosion or will she see that the church is in the wrong and thencome to see the light?  I hope that she sees the light as you say.  (I sure hope and pray so, but, there are no guarantees.)   :(

Matt, I am praying Gods' will be done here and that HE gives you all that you need to do what HE wants of you; I am also praying for your discernment, strength and wisdom my friend and brother! 


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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #68 on: July 03, 2007, 06:37:02 PM »

Seeks all truth

If you are like me, you get 'lonely' socially.  Maybe you don't, I know I do.  I haven't found anyone that seems at all interested in seeking truth in my circle of friends at work or around home. Perhaps the price I'm paying.

That's the truth. Man it gets so lonely out here believing like this.


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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #69 on: July 03, 2007, 06:55:55 PM »


Brad, well said. I'm approaching this whole thing with upmost humility because that's how I am. If anyone thinks I'm not swallowing some humble pie by even contemplating going to church, you're nuts. I am very un-authoritative to my wife. This isn't Iraq. Our women don't need their men to command them, force them, coerce them or threaten them. Am I right?

I believe that according to THE WORD you're right. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 says - Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own (seeks the welfare of others first 1st Timothy 5:8), Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

I know guys who won't even change diapers because they say it's not in a husbands or a man's job description. Stay in THE WORD and follow your heart. Proverbs 20:27 - The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD


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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #70 on: July 04, 2007, 01:19:51 AM »

wow! Susan,
                   everything U sed 2 Matt, I felt it was ment 4 me also, Thank YOU FATHER, it sort of answered sumfing in which has been buggn me, again Thank YOU FATHER, bcoz it really does sound xactly like wots happening in my relationship, I hav thorts of the perfect & da timing bla bla bla of my marriage 2 da woman i had been wit for 16yrs We jus got married dis yr in January blieving in my Heart it was all GOD, Until now Im thinkn differntly!, Im tryna plezZ my wife but it jus seems everything I say or do is WRONG!, & I fink hmm... "FATHER! were we really suposed 2 get married?". She says 2 me, since urve joined d@ forum urve bcum, arrogant, unsocialble, judgmentle etc etc.. & I start finkn man is she Right!, & I find myself finkn man!! am I being deceived! az every1 trys 2 tell me, But! I jus reply wit "woteva!, uz r" lol!, but! trully I do start wandering Honestly!. Bcoz I hav (loud) debates wit her on our children goin 2 church, she jus answers me wit "well u say da church is like a kindagarten, dont U? so let dem go thru it, U did". So I jus dont no wot 2 say but 2 jus humble myself & let her do woteva, & now jus reading Susans comments 2 Matt jus Hit mE HarD!!, GODBLESS! U Susan u r so Blessed az r alL of uZ in dis hea Forum, I LOVE!! uZ! all so Very much thru  JESUS I Pray 2 our FATHER n Heaven Amen.
                   muchLOVE!! Pera

PS. YES!! Susan u sed it again :) "GODS WilL be done!", muchLOVE!!
« Last Edit: July 04, 2007, 01:22:07 AM by GODSown1 »


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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #71 on: July 04, 2007, 01:44:03 AM »

I am glad that HE used me to help you.  This is a hard life and being a man and spiritual covering over a wife and children must be one (if not) the most responsible jobs that a human has... in my opinion.  I respect you guys for having that job...obviously you men are right for the job and women aren't!!!  I do not envy your role!  MEN will have to answer in  judgement for how well you lead your family; we women will have to answer for how well we submitted to and supported our husband and children.  (One always knows when they are not in their God given role b/c ...NOTHING WORKS OUR SMOOTHLY as it does when the role is lead by the proper gender.)

I will pray for your family as well.  Being in our proper roles makes for an easier and happier marriage.  Would your wife be willing to get on the forum?  We would love that!  I love it when couples are equally yoked and can share this info.  Just try to show her LOVE in what ever you choose to do; otherwise, she will not see God and all will be done in vain.

God bless you too Pera. :D 


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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #72 on: July 04, 2007, 04:15:50 AM »

Wow. There's lots of new replies so I'll just reply to all of you. Thanks by the way to all of you who responded in love and kindness.

I have to set the record straight though:

First, I can't stress enough that I'm not going for my wife. Yes I've gone on a few "special" occassions as a favor, for Christmas and Easter and stuff, but not routinely.

Second, if any of you think I'm going to be deceived, you're way off. It's been brought up in this thread. "The church" couldn't deceive me when I was a young child, how then will they now? Even as a kid I had God saying, "No that's not right. Don't listen to that." If you can't April Fool a kid, you won't get the adult. God is on my side.

Third, and this one's big. None of you mentioned this unless I overlooked it which is possible because I've been working 12 hours at my job lately and I'm tired. But if I end up going, or not going, it's because God is in control!!!! If God wills it, I'll be there. If He doesn't will it, I won't be there. It's that simple! That's one of the basic teachings here at Bible-truths! If God isn't pushing for it, it's not going to happen, no matter what it is. Correct? I know it's correct. I don't need to ask.

Fourth, I'm not going to attend "The Church". I am thinking about going to A Church. Not the church that hurt some of you, but a different one. I'm not defending them or attacking them, but only saying it's A Church, not The Church. They aren't as one. They're so divided it's not even fathomable anymore. You all know that. Two churches across the street from one another can have totally different doctrines.

I love you all for your concern, I really do. How awesome it is. Just to let you know we didn't end up going at all, which was cool with me!  ;D We'll see what happens this weekend I guess. Whatever God has me do is what I'll do. It's all Him.



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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #73 on: July 04, 2007, 11:23:21 AM »

matt, you correct...Whatever God wills will happen in the end.  Bu, did I misssomething?  What was your main reason for going to church in the first place if it wasn't for your wife/kids?  (I'm not trying to argue here, just trying to understand...) :)blessings.

Dean Peterman

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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #74 on: July 04, 2007, 02:29:26 PM »

Dear Matt,

I read your post.  I can totally relate to what you are saying.  I have a similar problem and I don't even know half of what you do.  However, something I have learned recently is that your number one responsibility is to be faithful to God.  Also, ask yourself this question.  If they knew you thought they were in deception and in Babylon how would they feel.  Would they want you there?  Probably not. 

It is Rodger who taught me this truth.  Although he misunderstood me, the principle he was teaching is the same.  It really hit home how wrong it would be for someone to do this.  So you have to ask yourself whether or not your motives are pure and then let God guide you. 

Amazing, I guess I do know something now.  Thank you Rodger.  This is something you taught me.





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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #75 on: July 04, 2007, 06:06:11 PM »

Dear Matt,

I read your post.  I can totally relate to what you are saying.  I have a similar problem and I don't even know half of what you do.  However, something I have learned recently is that your number one responsibility is to be faithful to God.  Also, ask yourself this question.  If they knew you thought they were in deception and in Babylon how would they feel.  Would they want you there?  Probably not. 

It is Rodger who taught me this truth.  Although he misunderstood me, the principle he was teaching is the same.  It really hit home how wrong it would be for someone to do this.  So you have to ask yourself whether or not your motives are pure and then let God guide you. 

Amazing, I guess I do know something now.  Thank you Rodger.  This is something you taught me.



How can you be faithful to God and His word without God and/or His Holy Spirit? 2 Corinthians 3:6 - Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. Philippians 2:13 - For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.John 6:63 - It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

God has provided us with a living way to do or not do things. I'm a monster, and I'm waiting for a living way to be righteous. I'm becoming more and more like Paul who said in Philippians 3:10-11 - That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. I don't want to do or not do things from the standpoint of tradition or political correctness. Though it's tempting when everybody's pointing the finger. I want to do things that stem from a resurrection because I've become a new creation in Christ, Jesus. Paul said in Phillipians 3:12-14 - Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

We can only be ourselves as we seek the will through THE WORD of THE HOLY SPIRIT (Luke 11:9-12). Everybody tells me I should get married, but my heart still isn't right. I know I went way off, but keep me in your prayers. 


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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #76 on: July 04, 2007, 07:38:15 PM »

DEAN...BINGO BUDDY!!  I want to thank you for what you just said about..." what would the church members think if they thought that you thought that they were living in deception and pretended to be in spiritual agreement with them?"..THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO SAY HERE; I was just at a loss for words.   

(Also, to relate this same concept to an almost exact parallel to what I have been going through with a particular homeschool group just a week ago!  You see, I could never feel comfortable being around those HS families since I believe that they are deceived (they  base the hs groups' statement of faith on the TRADITIONAL CHRISTIANITY belief system instead simply letting all homeschoolers into their group.  They are discriminating against me for not believing just as they do with their 'plan of salvation".   I felt hypocritical to be a MEMBER of their group when I could not support their foundational Christian precepts and beliefs or participate in them  How could I get along with these people when I beliee that they are biblically wrong???.  All of the members are unified in these biblical errors.  They will not accept other hs'ers, and especially not if they are unbelievers.  (...AND THIS IS NOT EVEN A CHURCH; ITS' A HOMESCHOOL SUPPORT GROUP!!!)  Plus, it tells me something when we have been with these people for three yrs nearly day in and day out, and NOT ONE has called or emailed to see why we have become inactive members....)  Although they call to see if I can help with a project or class!.... ) ??? 



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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #77 on: July 04, 2007, 09:19:02 PM »

Hi Susan,

I would like to comment on a couple of points from a different view point. I love you sister and I do not wish to hurt you in any way.

Let's look at this from the view point of all is of God and all is according to his plan and design.

To keep this simple, let us assume only 2 positions, yours and the HSSG (Home School Support Group)

If we truly believe that all is according to God, then how can the HSSG be deceived?  For they didn't / couldn't get it wrong, how could they? God planned it this way. Also, any lack of care on their behalf for you is NOT there fault, not if we give God credit for all; they are unified in thought for a reason.

Feeling like a hypocrite is one way of looking at the position you were in, another is being 'Thankful' that God has seen fit to give you eyes to see the gulf between the HSSG and your God given spiritual understanding.

So now we have two givens, you who can see and the HSSG who cannot. There is really only one other question that needs to be answered. Why did God put you in that position? What was given for you to learn?

This is always the hard part to discern. Was it so that you could in His time, see the gulf between truth and lies? Or was it so that you could suffer ridicule and learn endurance in the hope that the fruits of the spirit might convert some if it God's will to do so. Or was it as you did, seen, understood and acted, that is left the HSSG.

It is how one feels regarding those whom God used to bring one understanding that really counts a lot. I used to feel sorry for such, but clearly that is in error, for feeling sorry means that God messed up. Therefore, feeling anything but love is counter productive to God Himself. I guess the point I am trying to make, is that closer God draws one to him, the less personal life becomes. I might be way off base here, but I don't feel so. I believe that the world becomes less than a mayhem of mass humanity, confusion, deceit and hatred, and more of what it is, a very elaborate testing or proving ground for our spiritual growth.

We can no longer blame 'anyone' for attacking us, without knowing full well that it is "God" we are blaming. Anger, frustration, hurt is simply not an option unless we are happy being the same towards God. I am so discovering that this crazy complicated life is no such thing. It is simple, providing we always understand that God is responsible for everything, and that there is ALWAYS something valuable to learn from it and an opportunity to share the fruits of the Spirit. :)

Thankfully God grants all wisdom and the truth learned may be so simple yet so profound. It sounds simple, and is liberating, but sometimes the answers do not come easy; but this is good, because at least one can determine a breach in understanding, instead of being consumed in carnal traits, blame and indignation being two common ones.

Well I hope I did not lose you or anyone else with this. Comments are always welcome

Love to all in Christ,
« Last Edit: July 04, 2007, 09:20:14 PM by YellowStone »


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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #78 on: July 04, 2007, 09:30:19 PM »

Hi Susan,

I would like to comment on a couple of points from a different view point. I love you sister and I do not wish to hurt you in any way.

Let's look at this from the view point of all is of God and all is according to his plan and design.

To keep this simple, let us assume only 2 positions, yours and the HSSG (Home School Support Group)

If we truly believe that all is according to God, then how can the HSSG be deceived?  For they didn't / couldn't get it wrong, how could they? God planned it this way. Also, any lack of care on their behalf for you is NOT there fault, not if we give God credit for all; they are unified in thought for a reason.

Feeling like a hypocrite is one way of looking at the position you were in, another is being 'Thankful' that God has seen fit to give you eyes to see the gulf between the HSSG and your God given spiritual understanding.

So now we have two givens, you who can see and the HSSG who cannot. There is really only one other question that needs to be answered. Why did God put you in that position? What was given for you to learn?

This is always the hard part to discern. Was it so that you could in His time, see the gulf between truth and lies? Or was it so that you could suffer ridicule and learn endurance in the hope that the fruits of the spirit might convert some if it God's will to do so. Or was it as you did, seen, understood and acted, that is left the HSSG.

It is how one feels regarding those whom God used to bring one understanding that really counts a lot. I used to feel sorry for such, but clearly that is in error, for feeling sorry means that God messed up. Therefore, feeling anything but love is counter productive to God Himself. I guess the point I am trying to make, is that closer God draws one to him, the less personal life becomes. I might be way off base here, but I don't feel so. I believe that the world becomes less than a mayhem of mass humanity, confusion, deceit and hatred, and more of what it is, a very elaborate testing or proving ground for our spiritual growth.

We can no longer blame 'anyone' for attacking us, without knowing full well that it is "God" we are blaming. Anger, frustration, hurt is simply not an option unless we are happy being the same towards God. I am so discovering that this crazy complicated life is no such thing. It is simple, providing we always understand that God is responsible for everything, and that there is ALWAYS something valuable to learn from it and an opportunity to share the fruits of the Spirit. :)

Thankfully God grants all wisdom and the truth learned may be so simple yet so profound. It sounds simple, and is liberating, but sometimes the answers do not come easy; but this is good, because at least one can determine a breach in understanding, instead of being consumed in carnal traits, blame and indignation being two common ones.

Well I hope I did not lose you or anyone else with this. Comments are always welcome

Love to all in Christ,

Amen! Jesus said in John 6:44 - "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.I'm finding out that no one is more deserving than anyone else. God simply does what He wants, when He wants, and how He wants. Romans 9:16 - So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.


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Re: Back to Babylon?
« Reply #79 on: July 04, 2007, 11:42:37 PM »

Hello Darren and Bradigans,
Thanks for your input and you both made great points and I agree with you!  God is in control of everyone and where they are in their spiritual understanding right now; and to think less of a person is to think less of God b/c God has put them  spiritually where HE wills.  Yes, they (HSers) are blinded and they do not have a choice to see until HE opens their eyes; I have no problem what so ever with this understanding.  (Again, I say that the HS group is 'deceived' b/c that is where God has put them; not to act like I am better than they since I am not 'deceived'.) 

My whole point is that I am there to homeschool  my son and to help him to get a well rounded education but he cannot get it from these people b/c they do not like the spiritual differences between us (even though we are not there to discuss our spiritual differences); thus, my child is not being offered the same learning opportunities as the other kids are getting.  I cannot stay around a HS group who does not care for my child's learning opportunities; that defeats the purpose of being in a HS support group!

 (So yes, due to the fact that they do not care THEN IT IS B/C GOD SET THINGS UP TO BE THAT WAY!  (I AGREE AGAIN.)  Therefore, I cannot blame THEM (or God), I can only be left with a choice that includes getting my son the educational support that he needs.  Darren, I see it BOTH as a hypocrite if I stay around a HS group that clearly states that they are a Christian based organization and that they do not want anyone as member who is of a different view point on the 'christian plan of salvation'; as well as I AM EXTREMELY THANKFUL THAT GOD HAS GIVEN ME EYES TO SEE THESE SPIRITUAL TRUTHS. 

Good point Darren; I think that God put me there three yrs ago to get me grounded in learning how to HS, while at the same time; I used to be blinded (and they knew me then) and now God has lifted the blinders, so He had me there to suffer ridicule as well; HE had me there to plant some seeds of truth (while currently there is ONE family that has been there for about 6 months now and they are open to these truths that I have been sharing with them!  So...all of the above reasons is why HE put me there Darren.  (Thank you for your insight.)

I agree; life is and should be simple...(I have to remind myself sometimes when in the midst of a trial as this), but, we are here on earth for the purpose of judging ourselves...this lifetime is our white throne judgement... and I am SO THANKFUL FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY TO GET IT RIGHT, right now.

I WAS (not any longer) just disappointed to think that I had planned to be with these HS families for 12 yrs of HS educational opportunities, and now I can't since they have closed off the opportunity for my son to learn with these kids since we cannot now get into their SUB GROUP within our already exclusive HS group ( they said that they were too full to accept any other member!)

 Now I am sure that I could start up my own sub group within this exclusive HS group by working with a few other members who are also NOT a part of the sub group; but, even they do not want to get close to us b/c of our differing spiritual views; and yet, they do have a personal relationship with the members of the sub group; I know this, I've tried for 3 yrs now to no avail.  My child understands that he must endure a certain amount of persecution, and believe me, for an 8 yr old, he has done more suffering at the hands of more family, neighbors, friends, and HS relationships than any 8 yr old child I know!  (That is Gods' will too, so it's OK.)  But, he also doesn't feel good to know that several of the HS group families all secretly went on a weekend campout and we were not even invited to that either!  So as his parents, we do not want him where he is not wanted!  hem not wanting us in their classes and personal lives has actually been a blessing b/c it helped us to make the decision to stay away where we are not welcomed.  Again, GODS' WILL BE DONE even here.  I cannot continue to sit back and allow my child to be ostracised day after day, year after year when all he wants to do is just be friends with his peers!  HE needs friends like the HS kids  have!  He has suffered enough persecution in three yrs. (yes, Gods' will), but now its time to go where he is accepted/respected.  HE will provide for Daniel to have friends and peers who respect him.

It is now time to do less with this EXCLUSIVE HS group and to do more with the other groups in town who are INCLUSIVE to anyone that is a HSer.  I will just have to spend more time trying to arrange for my son to have access to the same opportunities that I am leaving.  (which is also of Gods' design.)  At least there is one other HS group that does not have a mandatory christian prerequisite view point in order to join!  There are 7 diff HS groups in this town and 5 are christian, one is catholic, and one is non discriminatory (which is the one I will start getting active in order to get Daniel what educational opportunities that he needs and can get accepted at.)

Matt, I am sorry about taking the time to discuss this on your thread (although it does have a common parallel.) 
So, if anyone wants to continue this HS discussion, please PM me.  Thank you Darren...You've got alot of heart brother :D!

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