Welcome Kevin!
Kevin, I just want you to know that as I was reading your post and you stated that you had been a member a the 'C OF C'...I immediately felt your pain b/c I have been there in the deep of the C of C too and had come out of her (long ago) too. I know exactly where you are coming from...I had gone through their seminary and apprentice missionary program and ...let's just say that they are good to ground you in the basics of what the bible is all about, but are far from having their eyes opened by God yet. Ha, I was in the thick of it for sure; that seems like a lifetime ago!
Your suffering is normal no matter what your religious background is; you are simply going through he purging process that is required of every one who hopes to be of the elect. As far as you worrying about opening the eyes of your friends in that congregation...YOU can't; only GOD can open their eyes IF and when HE chooses to do so, otherwise they will remain blind to these things, so be prepared friend! YOU will know what and how and when to say it if the Spirit wants to use you in that capacity, otherwise it will not happen unless you attempt to teach them out of being prompted by your flesh instead of by the spirit. Be careful. It will hurt alot to see that it is not their time to see and hear these blessed and wonderful truths, but, just let God work through you and let HIM do HIS work in you and all will fall into place. You had a PAUL/SAUL moment (a Damascus Road eye opening experience)when GOD lead you to BT and opened your eyes. PRAISE GOD that your son is now open to these truths and that he is accepting of them!!!
Where is Greater Richmond? I'm in West Texas (where the Founder of the largest C of C International Bible Institute is located just passed away about two weeks ago.) I had my eyes opened about a year and a half ago and it has been a very exciting journey indeed. Do not fear in letting go of the idols of your heart, you will gain so much more in comparison...but, it is a process...we've all had to put down our idols too and it can be painful, but trust us it can be done...
We here at BT have overcome alot of it and are still a work in progress!!! I can count on one hand the number of individuals whom I've known (not including this forum) whom God has revealed these truths to...and I have known hundreds of thousands of believers in my lifetime... most will have to go through the white throne judgement., but at least they will be SAVED, unlike what is being taught by the C o C's. I know of only ONE individual in my city who accepts these truths wholeheartedly, she is the one whom introduced me to BT! Searching for the TRUTH is truly like liking for a needle in a haystack...but,you can't quit searching! (There is a big difference between looking vs searching!)
(I just met a woman who is in her 50's and she cannot get over her C OF C's "NO MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IN WORSHIP" doctrine that she had been taught since birth...thus, her joy has been stolen and it is obvious on her face and in her life.) You may pm me if you ever need help or to discuss these C of C matters more indepth, since I had been there and done that indepthly.
keep us posted.