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Author Topic: A Question I couldnt answer but! with its "GODS Plan"  (Read 5658 times)

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A Question I couldnt answer but! with its "GODS Plan"
« on: June 30, 2007, 01:50:02 AM »

Hey hi all,
              I had dez 2 young 19yr old fellas cum in2 my workshop just da other day & I saw an envelope in der car sayn new Christian. lol! So I started a fellowship up wit dem I told dem der was no such thing az 'free will' wit sum sort of xsplanations, den 1 asked me dis Question in which I saw az bein very valid, & az da title of dis Thread, all i could say was Well its "GODS Plan", but deep down I didnt blieve d@ was a good enuff answer 2 sum1 who had been tort da 'free will doctrine' & den b told its all a Lie. Well dis was da Question:" So why was there a flood?", hav I missed da answer 2 dis n e wher else in n e of Rays writtings? Or was my answer a valid 1? :), Thanks all ilL leave it up 2 da masters!!! lol! :D :D 2 answer, much BlessingZ! 2 u all.
             muchLOVE!! Pera


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Re: A Question I couldnt answer but! with its "GODS Plan"
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2007, 02:25:18 AM »

Hi Pera,  :)

I think it's important for you to hear the good news that God is in control of everything!  Yep, everything!  It's all really quite that simple. 

Every little thing that's going on (or has ever gone on) is the way God intended it, even bad stuff.  Even really bad stuff.  And for why????????

FOR OUR OWN GOOD that's why!!!  In the looong run that is... because of His coming Kingdom.

God is preparing us as His children now in each of our lives here on earth for that Kingdom.

He wants us to be very very good eventually, like His first Son Christ, so we must learn lots of lessons and be exposed to all kinds of evil stuff so we will know what it's like so we will never have to have it again.

Because when His Kingdom comes... this SPIRITUAL KINGDOM... all the bad stuff will distintegrate 'cause we won't need it any more to teach us.  Poof, it'll be gone.  PRAISE GOD!!!  Then we will all be in God and God will be in us.  God does this out of love for us, as a Father would want THE ABSOLUTE BEST for His children.

I firmly believe this is the truth from reading it in His Word.

And I am very joyful of it!  Take care, Janice   :)


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Re: A Question I couldnt answer but! with its "GODS Plan"
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2007, 03:18:18 AM »

Hi Pera,

I admire your freedom in the Lord to be courageous and stand up for his truths...I pray the Lord give that kind of courage when and if I need it someday.

As for the question of "What about the flood?", I'm assuming they are referring to the many people who were seemingly given the "choice" to get on the ark...except for you are wasn't in God's plan for the "many" to get in the Ark at that time, but only the "few".  I think Ray has said somewhere, that it is part of God's plan that man go against His will, for a time.  Most of mankind is naturally against God because they are carnal:

Romans 8:7
because the carnal mind is enmity(hostile) against God, for it is not subject to the Law of God, neither indeed can it be.

All the things in the Old Testament happened literally, but more importantly they happened as examples or types to show a deeper spiritual truth or message:

1 Corinthians 10:11
Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come.

Noah and his family equaled 8.  The number 8 represents new beginnings.  8 people compared to the many who stayed outside of the ark.  This is a type of the Elect who are in the Kingdom of God, and the many who will be outside of the Kingdom of God....for a time....The Elect and Christ usher in the Kingdom of God and begin a new age of judgment in the spiritual Lake of Fire.

This is God's plan:  many called, few chosen.  Few are chosen to be Priests and Kings with Christ.  That's just the way God has done it.  Those who died in the flood still await their judgment during which time they will be purged of their carnal minds and thus will no longer be "against" God.

Notice they died in a flood...baptized with water...First the natural, then the spiritual...they will still need the baptism into Christ:

Mark 1:8
I have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

Romans 6:3-4
3  Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?
4  We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.

There is yet a spiritual baptism into Christ for those who died in the flood.  It's not over for them.  Before Jesus' death and resurrection, no one was baptized into Christ...there is still the many, a whole slew of people throughout history, who have yet to be baptized into Christ, who is our consuming fire. 

Luke 3:16
John answered them all, saying, "I baptize you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

The Elect are the only ones baptized with fire, while in the flesh.  But God will bring everyone through this baptism and they will come out the other end in "newness of life".  But each man in his order, first Christ, then the firstfruits, then the rest of the harvest of humanity.

Hope this helps and doesn't confuse you more....I tend to want to say WAY too much, which is why I think the Lord doesn't let me talk to too many people... ;) ;D  It's far better, methinks, to keep it simple as you did, and if a seed has been planted, and the Lord wills, they will come back to ask more questions. 




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Re: A Question I couldnt answer but! with its "GODS Plan"
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2007, 07:11:48 PM »

Diana, I sure got blessed from your reply!!!

Pera, you indeed are courageous to "tell it like it is"!!

Your'e right tho.  It was part of His plan for the world at that time. 

Will you meet them again??   Just give them Ray's website.  Let them read for themselves.


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Re: A Question I couldnt answer but! with its "GODS Plan"
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2007, 09:07:00 PM »

Great reply Diana

 ....Short and Sweet ....Natural and Spiritual



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Re: A Question I couldnt answer but! with its "GODS Plan"
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2007, 09:47:49 PM »

Hey Thanks 4 ur replies,
                                    Hi Janice lol! telL it like it is booyaah!!! :D thanks & yep! I agree wholeheartedly!.
U go gurl Diana alwayz a pleasure 2 read wot U hav 2 say coz it is alwayZ answered wit RighteousnesS! & I Thank U once again & yes! I do understan jus needed 2 b assured lol! .
 & Thank U 2 u 2 Gena, Yes Im jus bein myself az GOD planned 4 me lol! 2 b str8up!! alwayz hav been & alwayz will b :), But! I speakn owt az I hav haz caused a rifF btween my Wife & probably da church she attends 1 I once attended, I wish I had more time but dis is a rush reply & 2 giv Thanks az Im @ work lol! :D.  Well my wife came home sayn da snr Pastor spoke of L.Ray.Smith & 4 all 2 b aware of him bla bla bla, But! I jus told my wife hw it is plain & simple I live by GODS Word not mans, fings r Rocky! But! I hav Faith in the FATHER 4 HE is in Control.
                                     muchLOVE!! Pera

ps. ilL keep uZ posted lol! GOD is GOOD


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Re: A Question I couldnt answer but! with its "GODS Plan"
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2007, 11:24:26 PM »

Pera,  You said the perfect thing to get them to start thinking!  And are so amazing!!!!!   Thank you for the deepness of your responses.  That also was a perfect reply top Pera's question.  I was very enlightened too ;D ;D  You go sister!!!!

Bless your heart Pera!  I hope that things go better with your wife and yourself and I pray that God opens her eyes to the truth soon; it makes a marriage all that much sweeter!  Hang in there dear brother; it is all for HIS reasons...and HE won't give you more than you can bare...even though it seems like the world is against you....we are here! :D


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Re: A Question I couldnt answer but! with its "GODS Plan"
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2007, 02:06:40 AM »

Yea! Thanks so much Susan,
                                            Yes bcoz U jus sed it so rite, its like the world is sO against! mE Hardout!! lol! :), But! I alwayz! stand by dis I heard 1 day, "The task ahead of U is Nothing! 2 the POWER! bhind U".  Thank uZ alL so much, times like dez, jus remind me of all da gr8! pple of the Bible whom went thru all sorts of traumas, etc etc 4 the name of the LORD! & da Glorifying! of it, GOD is AlLmighty!!.
                                              muchLOVE!! Pera

ps. oh sorry Gena, yes I did giv dem the website & I sed 4 dem 2 cum back 2 me 2 tell me wot dey thort, either way, GODBLESS! U, Peace!


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Re: A Question I couldnt answer but! with its "GODS Plan"
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2007, 07:02:53 PM »

Yayyy! Go Pera!
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