> Mr. Ray Smith
> First, thank-you! You're insights and knowledge have helped me
> immensely. I have known for years about the paganism in false
> churches, but
> never made the connection as to how early things went awry. I had
> always placed Constantine at the turning point. Now it has been
> revealed
> that Paul is the culprit, who preached ANOTHER gospel and planted the
> evil seed in Rome. Do you have any thoughts on the subject?
> Best Regards,
> John
Dear John: I don't mean to sound sarcastic in my answer, but you state that I have "helped
you immensely." I have about 2000 pages of material on our site, and I sometimes quote the
Apostle Paul as often as twenty times on one page. And you are seriously asking me if I think
that the Apostle Paul was an HERETIC?
God be with you,