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Author Topic: I HAVE BEEN STRUCK  (Read 6698 times)

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« on: October 14, 2006, 07:12:53 PM »

Hello everyone

I recieved the following message on my cel phone via the Pastor of a large Church.

"Feast of Tabernacles Revival Sunday. May God meet with you. I'm praying, dear that God will answer your deepest prayer needs. Love Pastor Harold...

Note..."May God meet with you." as if God will meet me in a building...or I have not met with God and must come to Church. Quoting Ray from LOF X1 " SATAN'S depths of doctrinal evils are in the Chruches (rev 2:24)  It is Satan who has his "throne" in the Churches - the Throne of Jesus Christ is in Heaven with His Father (Rev 3:21)"

When I got this message I felt, HEY! What are you infering...that God does not meet my prayer needs...that I need to meet with God because you think I have not!.... I believe that God does meet my prayer needs and that He does answer and hear my prayers...

I answered the  message with this responce  "  I believe God answers all my needs... not my wants which He also knows about but I do not bother Him with.

I recieved the following responce....Consider yourself struck from all lists....

My return reply was...."I consider myself "STRUCK" for confessing God supplies all my needs...not wants of my flesh...Thanks be to God.

I do not expect to hear from this Church again but I do expect my persecution has begun...... :-\BIG TIME!

Would appreciate some fellowship at this point.

Arcturus :)

« Last Edit: October 14, 2006, 07:21:30 PM by Arcturus »


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« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2006, 07:43:52 PM »

Thank God you have been "struck"!!

I haven't been to church at all in about 4 months and only spotty attendance since January. I still get mail for upcoming events.  Not ONCE have we been contacted by anyone to see where we have been or if we are ok. Nada Zilch....Surely they have noticed, but apparently not cared!  Seems like they would miss our tithe check! :D It seems funny to be hurt a little by a place that I don't even want to go to!

I am realizing how small God's little flock is. I want to be a part of THIS move of God, not what the churches are doing.

As far as needs and wants goes, when I was in the faith-prosperity movement :-[ we did have a lot and no problems to speak of, I was "confessing" the word etc etc....Nowadays, been a little tougher, more trials it seems.  And so many are hurting on this forum!!!

Count the cost and don't look back.
Sorry, Arc , this probably didn't help you, but for some reason I had to get it out!

Love In Him,


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« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2006, 01:43:15 AM »

Hi Arcturus,
I think you're right, persecution has begun, just as God plans. I too recently left my church (in July), and while it was a much smaller church than you attended, it has the same effects, and God's purpose is the same as your scenario.
These churches do not follow what they preach, or they would be praying for us to come back. Instead, they are afraid of approaching "The Light", less their sins be exposed, so instead they push us away, hoping "The Light" will go too. Of course, they wouldn't admit to this, or even realize it. They are blind.
Welcome to God's calling!
With persecution, God will never give you more than you can handle.
You are safe.
God bless.


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« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2006, 07:44:54 AM »

Gena you are absolutely correct...I should thank God I've been struck and that is really a fact! You say that it is funny tobe hurt a little by a place you don't even want to go to..and I know what you mean....

You see i completed 2 years Bible Study with this Church and got the highest marks I am most embarrased to say because this discloses just how blind, gullable and needy of approval.....I DID NOT REALIZE IT!...I knew after God gave me the privilage of studying HIS Wisdom through Bible truths ...that I could not go to the year end fellowship, back slapping ego building approval dousing squalor of self agrandizement celebration to publically recieve the adualtion of getting a certificate in ministry....I had studied hard and faithfully!...I had realized I could not attend because I would say something that would cause them to pick up stones!....I did not want the persecution!.....Sorry, but I didn't!....So i did nothing.....reminds me of what God says in REV 2:21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornicatrion; and she repented not.

Yes ME dear Forum...ME...that woman Jezebel...So God came....all thanks to HIM and dragged me out! ME...WHY me....NOTHING TO DO WITH ME...EVERYTHING TO DO WITH GOD....but it HURT!....IT HURT....Luke 22:62 And he (Peter) went out and wept bitterly that is with painfully moving grief....." after he denied Christ and the cock crew thrice...

When Jesus looked at me I realized...not only was I shown that I had been blind following the blind...but I was shown I was more loyal to man being blind than I was loyal to Christ with my sight!...not wanting to fall out of favor with Babylon! who STRUCK ME....

I feel like a baby, birthed out of darkness, turned upside down and struck hard on my rear nakedness with ...a hard strike from God using man  to whelp out my fisrt yell of pain from persecution.... and now Glory to God...I am alive!....I am alive!....Now I have to be clothed!... :-[

Arcturus :)

« Last Edit: October 15, 2006, 07:47:36 AM by Arcturus »


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« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2006, 10:18:34 AM »

I hear you, Arcturus.

When we build our house upon the sand, it will fall and fall big time.  All is Gods plan, this brings about true and real repentence, when He allows us to see that we have been living for self and not for Christ.

Now it is a totally different view, a view that is truly amazing to know of the love of God.  He will put you through experiences in which you will learn how to forgive those who persecute, you will learn how to pray for those who use you, and you will learn how to forgive them for they know not what they do.

We are taught by the Spirit to love them first, because this is what He did for us.

God bless,



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« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2006, 11:55:24 AM »

Thank God you have been "struck"!!

I haven't been to church at all in about 4 months and only spotty attendance since January. I still get mail for upcoming events.  Not ONCE have we been contacted by anyone to see where we have been or if we are ok. Nada Zilch....Surely they have noticed, but apparently not cared!  Seems like they would miss our tithe check! :D It seems funny to be hurt a little by a place that I don't even want to go to!

As some of you know, I work as a janitor at the church I was a member of for 38 years.  People are always coming up to me and telling me that they miss me so much.  I always tell them, 'I must've missed all those phone calls, and letters, and emails, and must not have been home when you came to visit me.'  If they truly do miss me that much, they would be calling me all the time but they don't.  Keep in mind, that I was a member for 38 years.  I grew up with most of these people.  When these people say they miss you, it is just their way of making themselves feel good, thinking they have done something good for God. 




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« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2006, 01:27:08 PM »

Well it is of some comfort to know I am not the only one,
who did not receive contacts from the church after I left.
Actually I was in a church 15 yrs., left it and was in another church 10 yrs.,
before I was called out.
Neither of these churches made any real effort to bring me back.
Tho I was not too surprised,
I had been there long enough to know how most of them really were.
I had began to think of church as a social club for Christians,
they wanted to enjoy the things of this world with others like themselves.
There was the clicks and the ever present gossip.
Years before I left, I stopped attending the many social functions.
I stayed there, because I knew the churches were pretty much all the same,
and I believed I was surposed to be in a church.
I can not express the joy I felt when I came to Bible truths,
and was released from attending, what felt like prison to me.
I've been out about 10 months now,
and the fellowship I have here at the forum is great.
I am preparing now to deal with the 'season' that is rapidly approaching.
That is another thing I am grateful to be release from.
Well that's the first time I've spoken of these things,
it felt good to acknowledge all this.

mercy, peace, and love



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« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2006, 02:40:54 PM »

I did receive contact from the "church" I attended.
It came thru the conversation with a fellow member who then called a deacon and he called me.

A fellow member called me asking about the selling price of a motorcycle; after that conversation was over, she asked me why I was no longer coming to church. I informed her about being called out and not being a part of the "christian hell hoax" and she assured me there is a hell "have you not read Revelations?"
Then the conversation turned to "free will"; she could not understand my explanation.
Maybe 10 minutes later, the deacon called. After explaining myself again and giving him the 1 Tim 2:4 and 4:10 Scripture, he informed me that the salvation of all was most certaintly God's desire, but mankind won't allow that( God would fail because of man's free will). At that point, I informed him that we could not continue without him studing the material (Ray's teaching) I had been studying. He agreed to read the material, but asked if it was long.
I printed out some of Ray's teaching and Eby's teachings (I was reading his material also at that time). I received a call from this man about 2 months later asking if I was coming back to church, nothing was said about the material. That was July 05'.
About a month ago, I received a nice card from some of the women of the church stating how much they missed me and wanted me to come back; I also bumped into one of those ladies in the grocery store a couple of weeks ago. The same questions all over again. I have turned tail and gone down another isle in the grocery store to avoid other members of the church.

I think, deep down, most of us want someone to come running after us when we are called out; I did.
I thank God I no longer feel that way and I am not hiding in the produce section anymore!


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« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2006, 05:09:13 PM »

Hi everyone

This thred is really helping not the thred per se...JESUS CHRIST's SPIRIT in the thred!

I know what you mean Patrick....the Church members have to drive past my home every Sunday and I used to avoid bumping into them at the grocery store down the road from me....but now I think they dread seeing me more because for them I am the enemy to be crushed under their iron hooves.... I am still not there to see them with pity not fear of their violence of spirit and their fierce war against Christ as they follow the way of their own understanding...I have a long, long, long way to go.  I really am grateful for the insight shared and  I can see the direction now is to learn the ways of Christ .... I pray and hope and trust for this. I know too it will bring on persecution, hate and assault...I so enjoy how Ray shows his Christ ability to answer with truth and sarcasm the barbs of untaught, untrained worldly wisdom ;D

James 5:16....Confess to one another therefore your faults, your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins, and pray also for one another that you may be healed and restored to a spritual tone of mind and heart.....

....I've done the first part....confessed what Christ showed me about my self!....UGH :P and I know that what Christ has started in me HE will finish as HE continues to train me first to see HIS ways, HIS mind and heart....and then to cause me through repentence to become HIS hurts with a blessed hurt of privilage.....

Isn't it precious Kat that 1 Cor 10:13 (AMPL) temptation, not trial regarded as enticing to sin, no matter how it comes or where it leads, has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to glad HE caused you to share...

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: October 15, 2006, 05:15:59 PM by Arcturus »

Dean Peterman

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« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2007, 08:30:34 PM »

Thanks for sharing this Arcturus.  I know how this feels.


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« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2007, 04:25:13 PM »

Hello Dean

I was struck out by Babylon 9 months ago when I wrote that post for this thread. Back then the Forum did not have a spell check! ;D :D

It is so interesting that you are caused to post your observation and comment to this thread because this is making me look back.

The pain of being kicked out as I described, is no longer an issue as much as it was then!  I can see how I have moved away from being vulnerable to that moment of persecution. I am much stronger now for having been exposed to the truth taught here through Ray. I would be able to face any of the blind and know their thoughts without it being nearly as much as a problem as it would have been back then. I can see that Babylonians would be thinking all the thoughts that would justify themselves in ignorance and condemn me in my freedom in Christ!!! I know too that they would have the sanction and approval of the group leaders and followers to secure their sence of justification. Is that not bazaar!!! ;D

I too was once highly trained in the way of THEIR THOUGHTS and away from the thoughts and mind of Christ!....I perished from that life and now have a new one.

I was  thinking that very thought today about other aspects of my life.

I hope you too are finding peace and favor in your quest and desire for the truth.

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)


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« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2007, 06:13:28 PM »

Hey Brian, that's got to be really painful after 38 years in the church!  I was just going to say that I really like what you wrote, because people say the same thing to me, and I was like "you miss me in church....what about OUTSIDE the church?"  (I haven't said this to anyone yet, but I am going to...)

They miss you in the church, but that's it.  I know it is their way of maybe connecting or whatever, and some do mean it.  But it should make them think-call me at home!  Or whatever....

Kat, your post was excellent!  Exactly what I have thought as well, the social aspect/clique thing....some of the best "Christians" (specially the kids) are absolutely horrid human beings, and won't even acknowledge someone outside their social "class"....God forbid a homeless or hurting human being should ever come their way!

Patrick-same thing.  They will read the material with glaze over their eyes, and just nod, and then either never mention it, or just say that they believe the bible with hell right there in it!

Arcturus, I too wanted man's approval, and didn't want to rock the boat.  I still struggle with being a people pleaser, instead of pleasing God.  I lead worship in a little church for about 3 years, and now when I look back, I feel sick about all of it.

  Know that you're helping us by sharing what's going on, and hopefully you feel encouraged, strengthened, and are going to be a light to your church....James



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« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2007, 01:30:31 PM »

I love re reading these older threads!

As an addendum to my post of Oct.... I found out not long ago one of the reasons no one has bothered to call us....

My son had a meeting w/ one of the pastors and told him he was very concerned about the direction we were headed.  My son told him of Ray and our new beliefs.  Needless to say that would provoke a cold shoulder from them.  Carlton Pearson was our pastors' pastor and they just lumped us w/ him.

Believe me.  If all churches knew of all our beliefs we would be branded heretics!  And they would have nothing to do w/ us.

As an aside, my son is heart broken about all this.  He feels we are following a cult and that Ray has it all wrong.  Funny tho, he said back in college, he figured out there was no hell!  But the rest he can't accept.  Prayers please!!!


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« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2007, 07:49:51 PM »

I answered the  message with this responce  "  I believe God answers all my needs... not my wants which He also knows about but I do not bother Him with.

I recieved the following responce....Consider yourself struck from all lists....
Wow, Arcturus, that is really something and Praise God!!  I'm glad Dean brought this thread to the forefront as I've never read it before....Glad you were struck out of Babylon sister! :)

Gena, you have been and will continue to be in my prayers, especially about your son.  I feel sad for him that he is so heartbroken over the fact that you have complete faith and trust that God is able to perform His strange work to such a positive and joyous conclusion!  It never ceases to amaze me how our beliefs here are considered heretical and cultish just because we simply believe that LOVE NEVER FAILS!!  Go figure...

Peace and love,


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« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2007, 04:47:39 PM »

hi arcturus,
i am new to posting on the forum, but have read many of your posts over the months.  i learn much from the insights God has given you.  personally, i believe you are blessed by being "struck" by babylon.  and as another reply to your post said, people in the church he attended for 38 yrs SAY they "miss" him, but have never SHOWN it in any way, i say they have no clue to what they are REALLY missing.  the truth that God is showing us via His spirit to us on bible-truths / ray smith.  they are "missing" the mark. 

the blatant ridicule by that "church" to you, as their brother in Christ, because you would not attend their ritual truly shows that they have no clue to what the Love of Christ is.  i have not attended church since i first read through the lake of fire series about 2 yrs ago. 

cheers to you arcturus for your heart for God and His Son and your standing firmly planted on That Rock.



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« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2007, 05:41:44 PM »


Your kind words of encouragement have reached me and I am grateful. Thank you.  :) least your son has had thrown off of him the awful heresy of Hell...that should lead him to unravel the deeper issues in God's time as he matures in His sight. He has a Mom who bears witness and he can not shake that off so relax...all in God's timing and Love...there are no mistakes with God. As Diana says...Love never fails and His will is being done!


Thank you for your insights. It is such a strong encouragement to know that He is blessing you and giving you the freedom from the plagues of the Mother Harlot Babylon! I am happy for you and I that the fate of humanity will not pivot on what I have been through and must yet experience but on Him and what He has conquered and will yet establish...HIS Kingdom. I feel old and weary and lifted in hope. Without any doubt I am blessed to be one of Babylons unfixable rejects! :D ;D

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
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