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Author Topic: Ouch!!!!  (Read 5567 times)

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« on: July 11, 2007, 09:17:36 PM »

 Clip of a -mail to Ray.

  If you don't love your boyfriend enough to marry him, get rid of him. If your boyfriend doesn't love you enough to marry you, get rid of him.  Why do you torture yourself with a guilty conscience?  GET RID OF IT.  Do what you know is right and at least you will have peace of mind if not sexual satisfaction. You don't need some church or denomination of men to be close to God, but you can't LIVE in sin, that's for sure.  Talk it over with your boyfriend. Maybe it is time to make some life-altering decisions--either with or without each other.
God be with you,
PS   I really do feel like Dear Abby on most days when I answer emails.

Dear Abby.  ;D
I find that when I bang my head on the wall it really hurts,  :P
I've tried everything, running slower, dead stand , and it still hurts.
What should I do  ;D

Knothead.  :o
« Last Edit: July 11, 2007, 09:19:30 PM by Randy »


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Re: Ouch!!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2007, 11:33:55 PM »

Clip of a -mail to Ray.

  If you don't love your boyfriend enough to marry him, get rid of him. If your boyfriend doesn't love you enough to marry you, get rid of him.  Why do you torture yourself with a guilty conscience?  GET RID OF IT.  Do what you know is right and at least you will have peace of mind if not sexual satisfaction. You don't need some church or denomination of men to be close to God, but you can't LIVE in sin, that's for sure.  Talk it over with your boyfriend. Maybe it is time to make some life-altering decisions--either with or without each other.
God be with you,
PS   I really do feel like Dear Abby on most days when I answer emails.

Dear Abby.  ;D
I find that when I bang my head on the wall it really hurts,  :P
I've tried everything, running slower, dead stand , and it still hurts.
What should I do  ;D

Knothead.  :o

ROFL @ the last part you wrote, haha


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Re: Ouch!!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2007, 06:48:37 AM »


A GREAT post! ;D

I had just finished encouraging some poor child of God in another thread who was being abused and manipulated and encouraged her that she does not have to stroke the mouth that bites her. It appeared to me that she responded positively to this but no sooner had she acknowledged this encouragement, and the deluge of sentimentality and tolerance of evil erupted advising the contrary!

I was dismayed to see that the leaning was in favor of witchcraft and the abusers and manipulators and it appeared to me that the advise to her was to keep on banging her head! ::) in order to obtain patience and a likeness with Christ.... :D ;D  :o...

Then I read your post and feel okay again! We do not have to allow abuse. We have to resist the Devil not invite him to take a seat!  :D

Eph 4:27 Leave no such room or foothold for the devil, give no opportunity to him.

Eph 6:11....stand up against all the strategies and deceits of the devil

I believe that if we are learning anything via Ray we should be learning to CHANGE. We should be imitating Rays example more and more not less and less!  ;D :D

Thanks for the post! ;D 8)

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Ouch!!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2007, 09:41:44 AM »

Your welcome Arc,
Glad I was a help. Its strange how God lights our path.

Hope all is well with you and yours.
Thanks for  the reply.
 ;D 8) ;D
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