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I ask my wife (she is a philosophy major, at University of South Alabama) so I ask her about this thing of free will. I ask what do the experts say, not people who have these fuzzy Christian doctrines in their heads, but people who work with reality. She said something to the effect that they all understand that for everything that happens or is, had a cause. Therefore whether they are dealing with psychosis or mental health, it didn’t just happen without a cause, something is behind it.
It is either a rateial phenomenon or chemical imbalance or something. These things just don’t float out of the sky, they actually are caused by something. It doesn’t matter, if you don’t know what causes a thunder storm, the truth of the matter is something does. I mean everything should be axiomatic, but they are not.
From: the (In italics)
The Principle of Cause and Effect underlies all scientific thought, ancient and modern, and was enunciated by the Essenic Teachers in the earliest days. While many and varied disputes between the many schools of thought have since arisen, these disputes have been principally upon the details of the operations of the Principle, and still more often upon the meaning of certain words. The underlying Principle of Cause and Effect has been accepted as correct by practically all the thinkers of the world worthy of the name. To think otherwise would be to take the phenomena of the universe from the domain of law and Order, and to relegate it; to the control of the imaginary something which men have called “chance.”
Comment: This is a pretty profound statement right there. What scientist or who do you suppose discovered or propagated this law of ‘cause and effect?’ What kind of knowledge and information would it take? What kind of scientific instrumentality would it require, to nail down this principle? Any ideas? A mathematician maybe? How long do you think they knew about this? Who do you think the first person was that came along and said, ‘do you know that everything in the universe that we see happen, had a cause.’? How long ago do you think that might have been?
About 425 BCE, Greek philosopher Socrates propounded the foundational of western philosophy and western thought. Socrates stated that we live in a world governed by law, whether we understand the principles behind it or not. It was later known as the ‘Socratic Method of Argument.’ It was from this premise that Socrates argued all his other philosophies. It was based on this one solid fundamental principle. Later it was known as the ‘Socratic Law of Causality,’ today called ‘The Law of Cause and Effect.’ It is nearly 25 centuries old and it was one of the reasons that Socrates was put to death. Just like declaring the earth revolves around the sun, rather than the sun around the earth.
Comment: I interject the thought here, suppose we do have free will. What good is it? Can you tell me something in your life that it has done for you that‘s good? It’s worthless, it’s worse than worthless, it’s pinning your hopes on something that doesn’t exist.
Here are more quotations from this paper.
As a result, physicists, neuroscientists and computer scientists have joined the heirs of Plato and Aristotle in arguing about what free will is. Whether we have it and if not, why we ever thought we did in the first place.
Mark Hallett, (researcher with the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes) said, “If Free will does exist, it’s a perception, not a power or a driving force. People experience free will. They have the sense they are free.
Comment: It’s a feeling, nothing but a feeling.
The more you scrutinize it, the more you realize you don’t have it.
In other words, he said we feel like we have it, we feel like we have this thing called free will. I mean you get up in the morning, you say I’ll have coffee and reach over an have that to eat. This is all free, see. Why is it free? Because we PERCEIVE it to be free. When you look at it carefully though, what does this scientist say, the more you look at it and scrutinize it, you realize you don’t have it. It doesn’t exist, it’s a figment of your imagination, it’s an allusion, it’s an idol of the heart. It’s something you wish you had and you want to have and whether you do or you don’t, you’re going to say you do. That’s what it is, it’s an allusion at best.
That is hardly a new thought (the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said), as Einstein paraphrased it, that a human can very well DO what he wants, but cannot WILL what he wants.
Comment: Have I not said that through out my papers. Have I not said that if a man lusts after a little girl, he can figure out a way to corner her, steal her away, kidnap her, have sex with her and cut her head off. Can he do that? Can he not do what he DESIRES to do? Yes he can.
This is so profound. This is coming from Arthur Schopenhauer;
That a human can very well ‘do’ what he wants, but cannot ‘will’ what he wants.
I’m telling you there is more truth in that statement than most theologians have ever gleamed from the Bible in there entire lives. You can choose what you desire, what you want, how can you do that? The human brain, the human mind has the ability. It is beyond any computer, it is so fabulous and marvelous, it is beyond comprehension. That it can gather information and data and analyze it and make decisions regarding it. It can do that, there is no doubt that it can do that. But that it can do that without a cause, is total hog wash and unscriptural heresy and demeans the very sovereignty of God. It’s tantamount to saying, I know we are here, I know we exist, but no God made us.
Everything has a cause. Your thoughts, your choices have a cause and the second you take away the cause, you don’t have a choice. So the idea, that you have a freedom that has no cause to make choices, is insane, it is stupid.
But you can’t get anybody to think about this in specific terms. I’ve had people say, ‘oh that’s your definition of free will, Ray.’ I know that dictionaries are not 100%, they say timeless means eternity, rather than not having time at all, which is what it means. But most of the time, when they say someone is homeless, pennyless, clueless, or hopeless they do get it right. Just when they come to theology, they screw it up.
But when you check all the definitions of words, as we did. We looked at ‘free,’ we looked at ‘will,’ we looked at ‘free will,’ and we looked at ‘choice.’ They all point to the same truth, they all point to the law of cause and effect. All of them do. All scientific research and discovery point to the same truth. There is no effect without a cause, there is no choice without a cause.
But we read the definition, if it has a cause it’s not free. Guess what? You don’t have free choice then. If free means without a cause, then you can make choices, but you can’t make ‘free’ choices, because there is no such thing. If free will is something one controls, then by its very nature it is not free. It is a self-contradictory term, it’s an oxymoron, it’s like dark light, cold hot, or true lies, it’s a square circle.
So what I said, it relates to Dr. Einstein’s thing that we can very well ‘do’ what we want, but we can not ‘will’ what we want. We can make choices, but we can not originate them. We do not originate the choices. Choices is what is presented to us. They just come in. The sunlight through the window, the air from the fan, the light from the fixture, you know. You’re sitting in front of me getting my attention, all these things are here and they cause me to make choices. They cause me to look around the room, they cause me to jester, they CAUSE me to do all these things, you see. Nothing that I’m doing here is being done without a cause.
“That strikes many people as incoherent," [said Dr. Silberstein, who noted,] "that every physical system that has been investigated has turned out to be either deterministic or random.”
I don’t want to get into that, I did some research once for about 8 hours on randomness, it will drive you crazy. Let’s just suffice that they find that in the universe, you either have determinism or randomness. But here is what he said, “Both are bad news for free will.” Either one of the two things that we find, or in other words when you get down to the level of quarks and things, they think there is such a thing as randomness - things that happen with no apparent systematic law governing it.
However I have this theory, that they are governed by the law of randomness. Okay, he said both of them are bad news for free will.
So if human actions cannot be caused and are not random, then it must be what, some kind of weird magical power?
This is a scientist talking here. Dr.Wegner (of Harvard) said;
I think that exposing free will as an illusion, would have little effect on people’s lives or on their feelings of self-worth. Most of them would remain in denial.
Isn’t that the truth, they just deny it and say, ‘oh well my pastor teaches this and your just a scientist and I don’t believe you.’ He (Wegner) said;
It’s an illusion, but it’s a very persistent illusion; it keeps coming back. Comparing it to a magician’s trick that has been seen again and again. Even though you know it’s a trick, you get fooled every time. The feeling just doesn’t go away.
It’s amazing, even when people are educated that this can not exist, like a magician’s trick, they still go out from this Bible study and think some how they do have free will anyway, because it APPEARS that way. I mean the magician really did pull a rabbit out of a hat, and you know it’s a trick, he showed you how he did it. But when he does it, it still ‘appears’ like he did something magical and you believe it.
Now here we get down to an ethical point, that I think is quite worthy. Dr. Wegner said;
We worry that explaining evil condones it. We have to maintain our outrage at Hitler.
Did you get that? He said, that if we explain the true cause of evil, people will think we condone it. We must maintain our outrage at Hitler.
How many emails have I gotten just like that. ‘Oh your saying, so Hitler is going to be up in heaven with us?’ ‘Oh really, nice Ray, and I suppose Sadam Hussin will be having tea with us and taking the last supper with us.’ You know they get real sarcastic like that. Why? Because they want to be better. They want to be better than Hitler, they want to be able to always think that Hitler made choices to do bad and he’s going to suffer for all eternity for it. They say, ‘I on the other hand, I choose Christ and I’m going to be saved.’ So people feel this way.
I don’t mince words any more. The reason Christians feel this way is they despise the Word of God. You may say, ‘well that’s pretty strong, Ray. Maybe they just are deceived about it or confused.’ No! Sooner or later people come to the point where they are confronted with the Word of God and they either accept it or reject it That is a choice, we have that ability. But it’s based on some cause, what we feel, what we know, what we see, what we hear. The mind can process data and make a choice. The Bible doesn’t say you can’t do that. I’ve never said you can’t do that, and even my cats can do that.
That is not free moral agency, however.
Now in James he says if you break any one of the laws or commandments of God, you’re guilty of all.
James 2:10 For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.
Now he didn’t say if you steal, you killed somebody. He didn’t say if you steal you kill, no, he didn’t say that. He said if you break one your "guilty of all." How so? He said because you are a ‘law breaker.’
There are laws, and if you break any one, you are a law breaker. Well what if you break that one, you’re a law breaker, well what if I break this one, you’re a law breaker. This is not rocket science. God has laws, when you break one, guess what you are? You’re a law breaker! It doesn’t matter if you break the first or the second or the forth, you’re a law breaker. That’s what you are.
Now, God says He’s no respecter of persons. So if somebody breaks a big law and somebody breaks a little law, if He can forgive the breaker of the little law, can He forgive the breaker of the big law? Well this is where it gets kind of fuzzy for some people. Because a lot of people don’t think they have broke many of the laws.
You know I have heard ministers tell the audience on international TV, the sins of their youth. I have never heard one yet say that he likes to suck another man’s body parts, never. Never have I heard of someone saying that he use to lust after little children. Never have I heard that, never.
Here is what I have heard maybe a dozen times, from the top leading evangelist in the world, here are their sins. ‘Well when I was young, you know 18 or 21, I was a little aggressive. You know I had a lot of vanity, about wanting to accomplish things.’ So that’s it? That was your sin? ‘Yea that was really vanity on my part.’ Wow, that’s not really too much to repent of, is it. I mean that’s something you could tell the whole world about and not even be embarrassed. You see what I saying?
I’m not saying that every man has homosexual tendencies or every man slapped his mother at some time or every man lusted after a child. I’m not saying that! I just thank God there are certain sins that I just never was tempted to have or partake of. I’m so thankful for that.
But if you think that I’m so stupid, that I can’t see that under the same circumstances, of whoever you want to take, say Manson, that I can’t see and know and understand in my very heart and being, that if I was born in his family under those conditions and circumstances, I would have been Charles Manson. This is the thing that people will not come to grips with. That’s why these people say, ‘Oh yes I was a little aggressive.’
That’s what Herbert Armstrong said, that was his sin. He said his sin was being too enthusiastic to succeed in life. Oh what a horrible sin that is. But he didn’t tell us the problem that he had with his daughter, did he No, that had to come out later, you see. Don’t condemn Mr. Armstrong, for that even, other than it is a horrible sin. You and I under the same circumstances, would have done the same thing. Why can’t we see that?
This is what should humble everyone of us. We are no better that anyone else! Except by the grace of God, that is the only reason!
Why don’t we all have leukemia? The grace of God.
Why aren’t we all blind? The grace of God.
Are there blind people? Yes. Why isn’t it us? Grace of God, no other reason.
God determined who we were, when we would be born, where, and under what circumstances. What sins we would commit, what sins we wouldn’t commit, it’s all predetermined of God. Why? Because God is sovereign, that’s why. He is in control of everything!
But people despise the Word of God. I show people a scripture and they despise it. “I create evil…” ‘No He doesn’t, it means calamity.’ There are words that mean calamity, there are words translated in the Hebrew that mean calamity, ‘RA’ is not one of them. In Isaiah 45:7 it’s ‘RA’ the same word translated over 600 times ‘evil’ that’s what He created.
Billy Graham at the National Cathedral on international television, a billion people watching... “God does not create evil.” Did he never read the Bible? Of course he did. Does he believe it? He despises the Word of God.