I sent this to Craig first because of the WARNING that he put out for the Members.
Just wanted to let him know I'm no intruder,spamer,joker,hater,or whatever...
I'm glad that there are many other people that believe in the TRUTH.
Hello Craig,
I've been through alot. Now, when I say that, I don't mean it like no one else knows what it's like. It simply means that I was Blessed, just like the MANY others that were given the oppurtunity to learn things the
HARD WAY. The good thing is that now I know the hard way was the only way. My Father put me in situations where I would always question
and continue to wonder why these brothers & Sisters just did'nt do the things or live the life that they claimed. For the last 10 years of my life,
everything keeps falling apart. But I know it's always for the right reason
and I end up learning one more thing that He planned for me.
One day, Someone that was real close to me completely broke down.
The more I tried to help and continue to remind her of all the great things that our Father has given to us, the farther she kept walking away. All Faith has been lost. Soon after, The brother of that person did the same.
I kept praying (selfish prayers) for God to zap them back into order, but
at the same time 4 other close friends had walked back into the old life
that we loved living, because it's so much easier to destroy yourself.
The craziest thing about it, is that each one left for a different reason.
( The Road - The Rocky Ground - The Thorns )
(I'm almost done)
I read all the scriptures that I've read several times before, the only difference was that now, I was living exactly what I was reading...
It seemed that everything was re-written just so I would'nt go insane.
Paul said he felt he was alone(?verse?) but he always had people following him and his teachings. I felt alone... No one believed what I did.
Then of course on a day filled with Hope, I was seeking and -BOOOM-
there it was. " Exposing those who contradict " Another blessing at the
perfect time. So, I read and read and read. Copied and re read and so on.
I'm not so into online chatting and all that but, I did see this as a way to
actualy be able to meet for the first time, another person that believes
in the G O O D N E W S ...
D Student