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Author Topic: hello all  (Read 10538 times)

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Re: hello all
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2007, 04:29:38 PM »

Hi Sonofone!  :)

Well, many times I've "heard" Ray say that if you have no one to fellowship with, then you fellowship with the Lord and Father, and surely I agree with him as that beats all.  Then as Arcturus provided in a few posts before from Mr. Eby that our fellowshipping with others...

"bespeaks of something far greater than merely collecting so many breathing bodies together in one place.  It is a meeting in a higher realm, on a higher plane, in the high places of the Spirit, and in the heights of Truth. It is a gathering together in a dimension above. It indicates an assembling IN THE SPIRIT…"

I realize this can still leave our human form somewhat lonely for the simple aspects of social bonding and interaction.  For many of us, this forum and Ray's biannual conferences in Mobile and Nashville are a great help in that regard.

There ARE other URist (universal reconciliation) groups meeting out there!  You just may not be close to one yet.  You might consider starting your own.  I can give you a direct link to a group of itinerent speakers that get together for weekend scripturally-based conferences in several cities each year:  Willard OH, Richmond VA, Wagener SC, Nicholasville KY, Kitchener Ontario, Grand Rapids MI and Augusta GA.  The South Carolina one sounds closest to you.  I have their DVDs of conferences for the past two years and they're great, covering many topics, and there are even more contacts through the speakers themselves, etc.  I'll PM (personal message) you with this and a few other direct leads.  One just has to start looking around and be determined.  :);) 

Please enjoy, live, learn, grow and share here at this forum!!  :):)
I'm very happy God led you here!

P.S.  You see, I was determined to find someone in my area through this forum so I used the name of my town as my user name... and voila... I did connect with someone which has led me to connect with others... praise God!   :):):)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 06:28:03 PM by DuluthGA »


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Re: hello all
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2007, 06:35:12 PM »

Isaiah 1:13 Bring no more offerings of vanity, emptiness, falsity, vainglory, and futility; your hollow offering of incense is an abomination to Me; the New Moons and Sabbaths, the CALLING OF ASSEMBLIES, I CANNOT ENDURE, - it is iniquity, and profanation, even the solemn meeting.

The above statement I believe applies directly to Christianities Sunday services and the special Christmas or Easter gatherings presented religiously by their leaders of Babylonian Egyptian paganism and false teachings.

By contrast, Ray's Bible studies are certainly most unlike the ways practised in Mystery Babylon. Like Paul, Ray is a Teacher and he teaches. Babylon is a false teacher, false worshiper and deceived leader of many.

Rays teaching on Worship in Spirit and in Truth which is yet another gem ...,5312.0.html...  for me put more emphasis on the wayward ways of Babylons appetite for carnal communal sensual worship songs which cover only that they do not do as Christ has said but they do rather as they please and as pleases others. Aaron too made the same mistake. When Moses did not show up, he built the golden calf.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)

« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 06:39:49 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: hello all
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2007, 09:22:16 PM »

Sonofone, to clarify, the conference references I mentioned are just that, bible study conferences, not worship services.  They are, however, attended by carnal, sensual humanity (who are eager to learn God's Word), so watch out.   ;):D

What a great and mighty God has us!  :)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 09:27:00 PM by DuluthGA »


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Re: hello all
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2007, 02:42:09 AM »

 ;D 8)


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Re: hello all
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2007, 04:12:03 PM »

Thank you all . I think that all of you have understood my question well, judging by your responses. I think that I have some issues and concepts in my head that I need help working out. I enjoy praise and worship and the fellowship of the saints.I long to be in communal worship services. I love receiving instruction in righteousness for doctrine,correction etc.. I don't enjoy being out on an island alone which I have been for ten years now, before I found this place. I guess I just have some stuff I need God to help me out with. I do however Love and appreciate each and everyone of you. Thanks again


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Re: hello all
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2007, 10:30:51 AM »

I hear ya Sonofone, it's a process.

To perhaps help you take a look at this issue, I offer three links here at the forum.  First is a scriptural theme compilation that I put together a short while ago.  It is in the Off Topic section entitled:  Please Don't Build Another Church.  When taken in all at once, the related verses are very revealing, at least they were to me.,5250.0.html

Second and thirdly are Ray's papers What Happened to the Church that Jesus Built LOF Part 8 and The Synagogue of Satan-There's One Near You LOF Part 10.

Much peace,  :)

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