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Author Topic: Job Hunting Tips  (Read 6119 times)

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Job Hunting Tips
« on: August 30, 2007, 12:18:01 PM »

I have noticed over the past year or so several people on here who are/were out of work and having a hard time finding a job.  As a former employee, who moved around alot, and a current employer I hope I can offer some advice on how to find a job.  I find the classifieds are a waste of time.  Too many people applying for the same position.  So here is my advice... 

Maximize your chances.  Don't just apply to the companies who advertise that they are hiring.  Apply to the ones that aren't advertising as well.  Take the yellow pages and look up your field.  If you are a hair stylist or a mechanic or whatever then call every single company under that category and ask for their fax #.  Fax your resume to each one of them and wait for the calls.  An employer would much rather not post an ad if he doesn't have to.  If he/she is thinking about posting an ad in a couple of weeks to hire someone, chances are they will call you first.  Make sure you keep the fax #'s so you can fax again next month.  It is not a pain in the butt for an employer to receive a 2nd and 3rd resume.  It shows that you want to work.  Anyway, maybe this is common knowledge, but hopefully it helps someone out. 

p.s.  For you young people...  Do not bounce around from job to job because someone else is offering 10 cents more per hour.  Find a job that is willing to offer you an apprenticeship or an opportunity to get some sort of license or ticket in that field and hang on to that job.  Once you are certified then do whatever you want. 

p.s.s.  Never put more than 3 or 4 past jobs on your resume.  If you have had 10 jobs in the past year only put 3 or 4 with NO DATES.  The first thing an employer looks at is how long you are going to be with them.  Nobody wants to pay to train someone who is going to bail in a couple months.

Last and most important...........PRAY and THINK POSITIVE.  The two go hand in hand.  Finding work is the hardest work.  Don't let yourself get down.

Happy Hunting
with love


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Re: Job Hunting Tips
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2007, 01:19:39 PM »

Hi Scott,

Those are some very valid tips, I would like to add one more thing I know it impresses me when I review applications, a cover/introduction letter.

Prospective employees can become more 3 dimensional with an introduction or a review on what they have done in the past for other employers, show that you are a problem solver and a team player, not by only declaring it but by example.

Such as what type of obstacle(s) were you able to identify and resolve for a previous employer that made either your job or another employee's job more efficient and productive, or perhaps how you saved time and money.

If you are willing to work varied hours, shifts, etc. and that is something you can see might benefit the employer let them know it.

The purpose of an introduction letter (one page if possible) is that more of your personality and uniqueness will be readily displayed perhaps separating you from someone who may have a bit more experience in the position you are applying for but they are lacking (or not declaring) the flexibility, problem solving team player that is you. I have found you can train skills but you cannot train the ability to care about the whole business, that working is more than a job it is an expression of who and what you are.

Scott, you are so right about being diligent in seeking a job, especially one you really want, enthusiasm is contagious!

Here are a couple sites that can help with composing an effective cover letter;




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Re: Job Hunting Tips
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2007, 02:43:17 PM »

Very good points Joe.  Thanks.



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Re: Job Hunting Tips
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2007, 06:20:49 PM »

Hey thanks guys!  I will be looking for work in a few months after being at the same job for 28 years -- so, I'm a bit out of practice.  Now if I could just figure out how to let someone else do the interview for me  *wink*
I will save these tips!


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Re: Job Hunting Tips
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2007, 12:41:43 AM »

Thanks guys.  Will hellp my sons out.


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Re: Job Hunting Tips
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2007, 01:02:46 PM »

Hi Gena,

You are welcome!

I was thinking about you and Jerry yesterday as Susan and I went to breakfast in Tarpon Springs, we then went to the beach nearby at Howard Park. After a couple hours of sand, sun and salt water we went back there for lunch as well. We got our Greek food fix satiated for a while, this time we refrained from all the pastries that are so readily available there.

Well, college football is back I know Jerry is happy about that (as am I), hope you guys have a great weekend.



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Re: Job Hunting Tips
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2007, 06:38:54 PM »

Thanks, Scott.

One thing I read in a book titled "48 Days To The Work You Love," the author says not to wait for them to call you. He suggested writing an introductory letter, saying you will send them a resume in 3 days. In your resume, never say things like, "Please call me at your convenience" or "I look forward to speaking with you." He said you should be in the driver's seat. Instead, say, "I will call you in a couple days to set up a time to discuss this opportunity." That way, they have 3 separate contacts with you, and you will keep yourself in their minds.

I've sent COUNTLESS letters & resumes, asking them to call me. Very few have.

Also, under "References," he says to simply put: "Available upon request."

I have an interview on Friday. We'll see what happens.



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Re: Job Hunting Tips
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2007, 11:01:01 PM »

Sandy it is Friday nite.  Do you know how your interview went?? Sure hope the Lord has something great for you!

One job I interviewed for only gave 9 interviews.  None of us nine got it!!!  I was so bummed.  Then, I got a call totally out of the blue, from a diff. district that asked if I wanted a job and I never even had an interview-just showed up! I had talked to someone at a funeral of all places and she remembered me. That was 8 years ago.  I am so glad I didn't get that other one now.   Our journeys the Lord has for us sure has some strange twists and turns.



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Re: Job Hunting Tips
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2007, 10:18:46 PM »

I doubt I will get the job. When the woman who interviewed me asked how many hours I want to work, I said 40. The manager said they can only guarantee 20-30 per week, and even she doesn't even get 40. I also said I wanted at least $9.50/hour (I was getting $11 at my last job), but the position only pays $9. Oh well ...
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