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Author Topic: “Refute those who contradict”  (Read 7452 times)

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“Refute those who contradict”
« on: September 12, 2007, 08:40:03 AM »

    You say part of your mission is to “refute those who contradict”.  To me this rings a bit hollow when I read “your theory” about the so called “rapture theory” … a non-scriptural term for sure … yet your attempt refute those who truly understand the “snatching” revealed by the apostle Paul clearly shows you have not done your due diligence.  The article you take on is a bit like not seeing the forest because you are in among the trees.

    Having spent nearly 2 decades of my life in the last century seriously enamored with one of the most persuasive circumcisionist type theologies to hit the 20th century (HWA/WCG) , it was hard to fully extricate myself from many of his false teachings – including his heresy regarding the “secret rapture”.  And for a while I was able to fervently continue believing that at least he got it right on the “rapture theory”.

    I’m not a preacher or a teacher and I’m certainly not going argue with you and try to hit you over the head with a ton of scriptures … you have access to His Word and its best you figure it out yourself … with God’s help now … or later perhaps … like a lot of us I’m sure you too will discover the many errors we all still hold when we meet later at the dais.

    All I’m saying is before you condemn “those who contradict” don’t just tear apart one short article.  Find out where the writer is really coming from.  Find out what earnest sincere God-fearing diligent hard work of scriptural recovery may have led up to the short synopsis you attacked.

    To get a better perspective, my suggestion would be to take a little non-threatening journey into the past (before most of us were born) and read some of the early issues of Unsearchable Riches magazine.  I recently went back to the mid 30’s and I’m now up to the May 1948 issue.  It’s an inspiring read and if you will do this with an open an inquiring mind I guarantee not only will you be blessed but also you will be thankful to God that you did.

    I do apologize if I have given any offense.

    My God bless you always.

    Your brother in Christ Jesus,


    Dear JP:  What a crock.  You don't need to "hit me over the head with a ton of Scriptures"--just ONE would do. Do you have ONE Scripture out of that "TON" of Scriptures that contradicts one single statement of my hundred-page paper on the Rapture?
    I challenged the teachings of Dean Hugh who has done most of the Hebrew Translating of recent years for Concordant Version, Jim Coram who is the head of Concordant Publishing Concern and his detailed teaching on the rapture, and A. E. Knoch himself and his booklet on the rapture. So how is it that you suggest I addressed only one short paper?  That is not even an honest statement. I quoted virtually everything all three had to say on this subject, and I countered every one of their statements with Scripture.  Your criticism is not the least bit honest or academic.  I have virtually all of the Unsearchable Riches magazines in bound form, and after reading a few dozen pages from different selections, I no longer read any of them. They are filled with unscriptural heresy.
    God be with you,
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