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Author Topic: Evildoers shall be cut off  (Read 6759 times)

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Evildoers shall be cut off
« on: September 18, 2007, 10:31:58 PM »

Psalm 37:9-11
v9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth.
v10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.
v11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

Could someone shed a little light on these scriptures? Any comments?

Peace and Love


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Re: Evildoers shall be cut off
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2007, 12:24:55 AM »

Hi Iris, I saw your question and started not to respond ,but remembered how I look for feedback when I post a question myself. I don't mean to answer a question with a question; but I have to ask: What do you think these scriptures mean? I ask this only because it seems that these particular verses are self explanatory. That is of course my opinion,an opinion I was reluctant to share as I stated earlier. Please do not think I am being flippant or dismissive of your question.


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Re: Evildoers shall be cut off
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2007, 02:00:41 AM »


I can't help but respond to this post because the Lord miraculously gave me Psalm 37:9-11 at a time when I was facing the permanent loss of my young daughter (she was 22 months old) to her father who was relentlessly threatening and strategically positioning himself to abduct her to the Middle East during our divorce and custody lawsuit and to deny her and I any contact with each other for the rest of our lives.  I was facing certain failure in the Texas family courts to protect her by preventing her abduction and I was facing a futile battle with U.S. immigration (the INS and now Department of Homeland Security) to deal with his other illegal behaviors.  Everything around me was HOPELESS and everyone around me kept telling me to GIVE UP and then His miracle occurred (that story is TOO long to tell) and the Lord spoke the exact  scripture to address my fears and my need for His Strength and His Hope amidst the chaos that surrounded me.  Those three verses brought me through a five year custody fight that left me the winner at every turn, at the last hour and to everyone's amazement, even my own lawyers.  I would show up in Court for hearings my ex-husband requested, with the odds clearly stacked against me because of the then lack of laws to provide protection for my daughter, only to walk out victorious every time with a signed Order already in my hand.  Court orders were handwritten by court clerks and signed by judges right then and there and that just does not happen.  I had to face a Muslim Imam who ruled in my favor.  And every time my ex-husband filed motions against me, he ended up with less then he had as far as access to our daughter is concerned.  He has remained under supervised visitation with her since the day after he walked away from our marriage (9/11/96), and she is currently in her eleventh year of the Lord's protection.  AND, I was able to have his petition for U.S. citizenship denied, solely by the Lord's Hand, AND in 2003 I was successful in getting international parental child abduction prevention legislation passed in Texas (that I co-authored with another Texas mother in my predicament) that has since become a model act (and the Lord involved me in that process) and is currently being implemented by states across our nation, solely by the Lord's Hand.

During that time, there were many other scriptures that lifted me up and comforted me and taught me about God's Omnipotent Will in my life, but again and again and again I would fall upon Psalm 37:9-11 whenever people were trying to advise me to make decisions that He was showing me were rooted in their fears and not in His Will.  Every time I walked into a courtroom or a meeting with lawyers, I clung to that scripture, knowing that I know that I know that He gave it to me for a purpose and He was faithful to fulfill it. 

There were many times during that process that I wanted to interject my own interpretation as to what it meant (i.e., "he" was going to DIE) but the Lord has taught me that it is HIS Will in that scripture that will come to pass.  My ex-husband is still in the picture, but 14 months ago he moved to California, after apologizing to me for all that he had done (telling me I never deserved it), thanking me for raising such a beautiful daughter, and promising me to never again file anything against me in a court of law.  He has weekly phone calls to our daughter and twice-yearly visits that are always supervised (and he pays for all of them).  Is he dead?  No.  Has the evil man been cut off from our life?  Yes.  Do I live in an abundance of peace over this situation?  Yes.  Oh, and I must add that "the meek shall inherit the earth" was instruction to me as to how to behave amidst all of this.  I was told by my lawyer that she wished all of her clients behaved like I do and the firm wrote off my entire bill!!!  As for the words my ex-husband spoke to me 14 months ago, I thought to myself, "That's fine, but the Lord has already spoken His Word about it and it was long before you were ever born!"

Iris, I don't know why you are asking for interpretation or comments but I hope that there is something in what I said that has answered you and given you hope.  The Lord's Word is my breath and the substance of my being, and Psalm 37:9-11 is very sweet to me, indeed.

In His Service,


« Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 03:06:23 AM by YellowRose »


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Re: Evildoers shall be cut off
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2007, 02:19:28 AM »

Wow Cathy, my jaw is on the floor for your own personal and true revelation of the very words of these verses.  What a testimony!

You accidently typed Isaiah 37: 9-11 instead of Psalms 37: 9-11.  Can be fixed... click on your post and click the Modify button at the top right, then fixie if you wish, no biggie. ;)

Cathy, kudos, admirations and a sisterly high five for how our Lord favored you in this crucial long-standing and stressful family matter.  We praise Him!  Halleluyah!

This really puts an extra dimension on these verses, doesn't it Iris?  ZOW!
Thank you for sharing Cathy! 



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Re: Evildoers shall be cut off
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2007, 02:30:35 AM »

Beautiful testimony Cathy, thank you for sharing that! 



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Re: Evildoers shall be cut off
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2007, 03:32:25 AM »

Thank you, Janice!  I fixed it!  My mistake stems from another favorite scripture (Isaiah 54 - the whole chapter) that the Lord gave to me when I was struggling with suicidal feelings from November 1985 through May 1986.  It brought me through those suicidal desires and so much more over the next three years.  I also said in my post that my daughter was 22 months old but she was actually 11 months old when I received Psalm 37:9-11.  The years 1996 and 1997 are a blur to me because of the stress of the situation I was in.  I was diagnosed with shingles the day my divorce decree was signed in August 1997, and I was an otherwise very healthy person.  The doctor said the shingles were completely stress-related.   

At the time all of this was happening to me, I was not always a person with peace and hope.  Many a night my whole body shook from the fear of losing my daughter and the thoughts of her facing a horrible fate in the middle east.  I physically aged considerably during the process.  Her father is very abusive and mentally unstable but also very cunning and manipulative.  It has been my experience to learn that people in the middle east tend to be very manipulative because of their culture and the fact that their governments are so dictatorial.  Manipulation is a very important survival skill and they have really honed it.  There were times that it seemed he had the lawyers all eating out of his hands, sometimes even my own lawyers, but when it came time for a judge's official ruling on a situation, God always kept my daughter safe.  I had a good friend at the time who once told me she was in awe of how clearly God's Hand was with me in everything that was happening.  I didn't always see that, at the time.  After the first three years I started to get it, and all I did after that point was to ignore the naysayers.  Also, after completely giving up for more than three years on trying to get INS to do anything about my ex-husband's illegal activities, "out of the blue" an INS adjudications officer called me on 9/7/01 and asked me to come in to sign an affidavit about what I knew about my ex-husband's illegal activities.  That affidavit was the sole basis for INS's denial of my ex-husband's U.S. citizenship application.  As for the model act legislation, a lawyer involved in the group that makes that happen (National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws or "NCCUSL") unexpectedly approached me at the Texas Senate Committee hearing I was testifying in, in support of the Texas legislation, and "asked" me if he could bring that legislation to the NCCUSL for consideration as a model act (which it has already become).  It was ALL by the Lord's Hand, I truly mean it when I say it. 

It has all been great life lessons, and I apply all that I have learned to each day that I continue to learn how to walk in Him. This journey is so precious to me and such a privilege.  I don't regret anything that has ever happend to me because I know that it has all been in His Will and for His Good Purpose, and when someone else is blessed by my testimony of God's Greatness in my life, it is more than I ever thought it was intended to be.  He is So Amazing!

In His Service,

« Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 04:04:07 AM by YellowRose »


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Re: Evildoers shall be cut off
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2007, 11:52:40 AM »

Hi Iris, I saw your question and started not to respond ,but remembered how I look for feedback when I post a question myself. I don't mean to answer a question with a question; but I have to ask: What do you think these scriptures mean? I ask this only because it seems that these particular verses are self explanatory. That is of course my opinion,an opinion I was reluctant to share as I stated earlier. Please do not think I am being flippant or dismissive of your question.

Hi Sonofone,

Thank you for your comment.
God has all of us where he wants us to be.
I already know what I think these scriptures mean. But is what I think right? Or could there be more added on to expand my understanding? Are these scriptures self explanatory? Maybe physically, but not necessarily spiritually.

Peace and Love


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Re: Evildoers shall be cut off
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2007, 12:03:22 PM »

Hi Cathy, Thank you for sharing that great testimonial.

Janice, Yes, it does put an extra dimension on these verses.

I would like to think everyone for their comments and feedback.

Peace and Love


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Re: Evildoers shall be cut off
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2007, 12:34:50 PM »


I love happy endings!



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Re: Evildoers shall be cut off
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2007, 11:39:54 PM »

Physical shadows spiritaul.   The 'tabernacle' in the wilderness was a type of picture of the spiritaul demention. 

        I think, you hinder yourself, iris, when you try to make your mind settle on,....what does this mean?....which interpretation is the RIGHT one?   These words speak to everyone, as god shows them to you. You cannot always interpret those words like they applied to cathy, and conform yourself to her testomony as the only way to know what these words mean.

        The fact that you wonder over them is the Spirit bringing you to understand them, for you... not for the world. or not because Someone told you what you where supposed to belive about those words.

       Listen to the Lord, He came into YOU in order that you may know HIM.  For me, those words speak of a Person's lament over the way of the sinners. Over Human blindness and greed. And understanding that God will not let them continue. Eventaully their ways will lead to distruction/insanity.  And when it happens, it wont be too will have been but for a little while...........Our father's Righteousness is Evermore.

       But thats just me. Take it as a promise of Judgment.

       Maybe you feel that you have not seen any Judgement, you have only seen the evils of the world. And you hope thses words are true......maybe you will get to see it............or maybe that is my own fantacy....i am kinda itchen to see how the Lord's End time Judgment is gonna go down. :P

   My point is............those are His words to YOU, learn form him. if you lack wisdom ask of God, who will give you all good things by and by, start with precept  and add to your understanding another precept. I promise you, the word of GOD will never exhaust it'self in lessons for YOU, both physical and spiritaul. 

     Get Busy.



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Re: Evildoers shall be cut off
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2007, 09:49:34 AM »


The shadows are slowly disappearing and the light is growing brighter and brighter.
Thank you for your comments.

Peace and Love
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