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Author Topic: Song of Songs... Purpose?  (Read 5895 times)

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Song of Songs... Purpose?
« on: September 18, 2007, 10:04:18 PM »

Hey Everyone. I haven't posted or read threads on here for a long time. Been busy reading emails and responses from Ray. Im all done now so hopefully my question is not a dupe and I am pretty sure it has never been referenced in any emails to Ray (That I know of or can remember).

But has anyone here ever read the 'Song of Songs?' Why is it so explicit in it's language? There is absolutely no mention of God, so is it an allegory of some type? It has definitely been debated whether it even belongs in biblical canon. The following scripture just echoes in my mind when thinking of this...

2Timothy 316-17
16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

How is this entire book able to furnish us unto all good works? Instruct us in righteousness? ... etc. Any comments are welcome.

God be with you all,



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Re: Song of Songs... Purpose?
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2007, 12:40:23 AM »

I have to admit that I am not well versed on this particular book.I did have some thoughts on it for whatever it's worth. I always thought of it as a love poem from God to us. I remember a statement that God would often speak to my spirit years ago. He would say to me rehearse to poetry,and sometimes state that I do not rehearse the poetry. I know this might sound strange or even off your original post,but I think it applies. I understood that to mean that God, has literally written us a love poem through this book, detailing his love for us. David once asked God, who art man that thou art mindful of us? This to me is somewhat of a response to that question. Also keep in mind that the book of Esther does not mention God but this also is am extraordinary book. I hope this helps in some small way.


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Re: Song of Songs... Purpose?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2007, 01:55:58 PM »

The Song of Songs is very much an allegory.

Song of Songs, (just like the Holy of Holies which is above and higher than any other holy place) is the the highest, most glorious song mankind can ever sing, and is sent down from the heart of God to His elect.

The Beloved represents Jesus, the Shepherd.
The Shulamite represents the Elect.
King Solomon represents the carnal church, the world.

The Beloved draws the Shulamite to Himself. She sees how lovely He is and her heart longs for Him. But the king sees her and wants her for himself and takes her to his chambers. He offers her all sorts of riches, ornaments, but her heart longs for her Shepherd. All the while she is in the palace, she talks about her Beloved. The Shepherd comes after her to the king's palace and beseeches her to return to Him.

Some people teach that Solomon is a type of Christ. But he never can be because He ended up running after false gods and turning away from the one true God.
I'm sure others can explain this better than I can, but this is how I understand it.




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Re: Song of Songs... Purpose?
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2007, 11:03:13 PM »

  cant the Lord sing a love song to his beloved?

          Is not Israel the Lord's daughter and Wife? And the Church Jesus Bride?  If ya looked at it three steps beyond a sex manaul, and read the spiritaul meaning of the expressions of lvoe and adoration, tha tbook tells the same story as the rest of the Bible.

           God loves us, He adorned us, and showed himself to us, and will nto force himself on us.....The books speaks of Gods paitience with our stubbornness and carnality........what will we not even get out of bed to meet him, ah............i jsut listened to this boook makes me cry every time............i see it as a Faithfull Husband loving and not charging his wife with adultery, but waiting for her to want to love him. And its abotu her regret and renewal of her genuine love for Him.

well thats my take..........screw the theologians i liek my take better . lmao.



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Re: Song of Songs... Purpose?
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2007, 11:15:20 PM »

To me, this is a lovely book, which speaks of a sacred spiritual marriage.



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Re: Song of Songs... Purpose?
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2007, 01:21:54 PM »

I just can not get this out of my here it is.  Yes, I see this as a love story between Christ and his church.  Can it also be a story of our true mates?  Are we shown our soul mates early in life, and then the world gets in the way of this true love.  First love is often spoke of, as well as soul mates...which brings to mind the following;

Matthew 19: 4-6 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh: Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

And even though, the world separates the lovers, they are still in love.  Will all be reconciled through Christ one day with their true mates?  I hope so.  There is too much loneliness in this world.  And maybe, the divorce rate would go down a bit.  :)

Thanks for letting me share my thoughts with you!
« Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 01:40:29 PM by Redbird »


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Re: Song of Songs... Purpose?
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2007, 03:24:58 PM »

Wow Roy

Thanks for bringing this topic up. I apologize for taking soooooo long to respond...your question really stirred me up.  There are some things that are posted her on the forum that need lots of thought and study. We should not always be in a rush to post sometimes.

This Book on the Song of songs is soooooooo spiritually deep. You cannot read it when you are in Babylon only when you come out.

Yes Justine it is the same message but now it is PERSONAL.Maybe Intimate is a better word>

Each of us is the Shulemite who attempting to commune with The BELOVED/ the KIng.  

There are nineteen other characters or portraits of ourseves in this story. 

Two main chraracters are
1. Solomon- The Peaceable God, The Beloved The Elect One
2. The Shulamite- The Peaceable Bride, The Choice One

3. The Daughters of Jerusalem- The Carnal Ones (1:5; 2:2,7; 3:5,10,11; 5:8,16; 6:9; 8:4)
4. The flocks- The Closer Ones (1:8)
5. The kids of the flocks- The Infant Ones (1:8)
6. The street watchmen- The Preaching Ones (3:3,4; 5:7)
7. The virgins- The Pure Ones (1:3; 6:8)
8. The Shulamite's Mother- The Institutional Ones (1:6; 3:4,11; 8:1,2,5)
9. Brother- The Kindly Ones (8:1)
10. 60 Valient Men- The Warrior Ones (3:7,8)
11. Keepers of the walls- The Ecclesiastical Ones (5:7)
12. 60 Queens- The Gracious Ones (6:8,9)
13. 80 Concubines- The Serving Ones (6:8,9)
14. A little sister- The Immature Ones (8:8) 1 Introduction
15. Keepers of the vineyard
16. The upright- The Righteous Ones (1:4)
17. The sons
18. The companions- The Backsliding Ones (1:7; 8:13)
19. The shepherds- The Pastoring Ones
20. Friends- the Associated Ones (5

Oh this was great to re-study. The Genders in the Bible do not correlate with the worlds view of gender. 

Every "person on earth"  is female gender in relation to God.
This is individual and corporate..

Even Adam gave physical "birth to Eve" and Eve gave physical birth to all the rest... never mind the deeper...out of her came the physical Jesus Christ who is timeless and gives Spiritual LIFE TO ALL.

This Book is truly a banquet of spiritual meat.


« Last Edit: October 08, 2007, 05:22:45 PM by Beloved »


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Re: Song of Songs... Purpose?
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2007, 04:23:03 PM »

Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are books of incredable instruction, knowledge and wisdom.  The Song of Solomon is a book; as everyone has so aptly pointed out; about love.  God's love for us and what our love for one another should be.

There is a very good reason this book of love follows immediatly after these books of great wisdom.....


In His Grace,
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