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Author Topic: Frank Viola  (Read 12387 times)

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Re: Frank Viola. Bob's reply
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2007, 04:48:25 PM »

Friend Confine,

If I may respond to your original question about the content of this forum.

I have been searching the way you seem to be for ten or more years.  I have examined many authors and have ended up more confused than enlightened.  Yes, I did get some truth, but not enough to satisfy. It seems that everyone retains a little error and will not give it up.

I attended the last conference in Nashville and was favorably impressed with the humility and friendliness of everyone there.  The defining attribute of the members and first time visitors at the conference was an obvious attitude of 'like mindedness'.  I spoke with thirty different people and I really dug into their personal lives and personal opinions about God, the Bible and their sense of what God is teaching His called out people.  In spite of the fact that most had never met before, it was as if we had been life long friends.  It was a beautiful, refreshing thing to behold.

My point in writing this is that there is evident among the members a definite sense of being taught by the spirit of God as opposed to having to learn to translate what another person is saying.  Whether Ray is speaking on his topic of the day or whether a new friend is relating what they have been learning at home before the conference, what you notice most is that almost everyone listening is nodding their head in agreement.  What you hear after the lesson is given is "I've been trying to put that thought into words myself and when I hear it stated by someone else it is so clear, so obvious".

There is just no other way that I can explain what is happening.  We are all listening to the same voice or spirit.  Sure, Ray and Dennis and Joe and Kat and Arcturus are all individuals with their own personalities, but they are being fed by the same Holy spirit and after you listen face to face for only a few hours it becomes obvious that we all have the same teacher.

I can't recommend any special course of action for you at this point in your growth in grace and knowledge, but I do know that when your mind or our mind is on the same frequency as God's spirit, things just begin to fall into place as if it was natural, as if you had known and understood all of your adult life.

I pray that you will be able to have this experience, maybe at the next conference, and I pray that you will hold onto this opportunity on the forum and continue to share your thoughts and questions with us.  Just keep in mind please, that it is Jesus our Lord who is doing the teaching here, we all are just relaying what the Holy spirit has given us.

Please critique my remarks above, I do want to understand how you feel.

I find your post refreshing and insightful. I can as a result of what you articulated understand your position. I can remember the last church I was a part of which was about eleven years ago now,called the body of Christ. They believed as most here believe that the organized church is Babylon,and that they were charged to come out of her my people,in fact this was there mantra! They did not teach a literal hell or eternal punishment,they taught about making the bride or the elect and that this was done by overcoming in this life. When I first happened upon these people I felt like you described this overwhelming happiness and joy like we could finish each others sentences and were on one accord.It felt like what you describe now, like heaven.So I can identify with you when you speak as you do,and I am thankful for your post,because it helps me to see where you and some if not most of you are coming from. I don;t think that I will ever again identify,or relate to a church like this again,and personally I don't want to. I would rather do as I am doing now Love God and follow hard after him. I find that for me when I do this I love, more,not less. Like the scripture say how can we say that we love God who we have not seen yet hate our brother who we see daily? I have learned the hard way the answer to this question,and the answer for me was EASILY!! All you have to do is make yourself believe that you Love what and who God loves and vice Versa.That was for me anybody who believed as I believed I loved and vice Versa.I don't want to fall into that pit again,and so I cautiously do not over identify with any person or group only Jesus,and I seek to find the commonground amongst the believers,not what separates us. I choose to remember that none of us knows everything,and that salvation is no contest where the smartest pupils win the prize, there are plenty of Christians who do not intellectually know 1% of the scriptural knowledge many here know but they outdistance us in showing forth the fruit of the spirit or the nature of Jesus. This for me is far more important than the intellectual quest to know everything,and in doing so distance or separate myself from those who have not reached my level of understanding.I don't want that way of life anymore.


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Re: Frank Viola
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2007, 04:51:29 PM »

Hi everyone.  Well I'm going to just pipe in with my opinion.
I am very thankful for the truths revealed in the BT website from the Word of God
I am also thankful to Ray for his teaching.
With that said, no man is an island, and I did not just "pop" into BT without a lot of teaching from others.
God started revealing to me about His sovereignty as I read a book by R. C. Sproul (Chosen By God), and yet Sproul is a trinitarian and I'm sure he probably believes in hell.  Yet the scriptures he used spoke so strongly about the sovereignty of God and the folly of human free will.  I am thankful to him for the purpose in my life that he played.
I've read other writings where I walked away with some good and discarded (over time) what thankfully God showed me was error.
So I do believe that teachers (even Ray) have both truth and error.  No one has it 100% right.
Ultimately its up to us, through study and prayer, to discern which is which.  That is all part of this journey.
So I may read some others work and do as I always do, ask for Godly wisdom.
I think we all will be quite surprised when we enter His Kingdom of how much we didn't understand that we thought we did.  :)


I personally couldn't agree more.  I cherish what I learned form C.S. Lewis, George Whitefield and other writers, and I think it all lead me to what I believe today.  Maybe it was all about contrasts, I don't know.  But for me, being exposed to a mixture of trurth and error really helped me to see truth once it was presented.  And I do think God' truth is like an iceberg, there is so much under the surface we have yet to grasp.  Just my thoughts.    :)


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Re: Frank Viola
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2007, 04:53:50 PM »

If I may add another point.

In most other bible forums just about everyone is on the same page that's been around for the last several hundred years.

But here at BT, we are not even on the same planet let alone the same page as traditional Christianity.

If we allow links to other teachers it soon escalates into many other confusing threads. Left unchecked it will cause some to get angry and cause other divisions. After a while this forum would be hijacked by those who disagree with us. And then new people who come here to learn what BT teaches will get confused at best.

We don't expect anyone to check their brains at the door. It's okay to ask one narrow question at a time (but not many single questions all at once), even if it is contrary to what we teach.

As I said before, when it seems to us that someone is promoting another site either intentionally or unintentionally, that's when we have to act. I hope everyone understands.


Dennis I think that you are absolutely right in what you are saying. I both agree and respect the rules of this forum. I come here to fellowship and learn. I know of no other place like this.Before this place I honestly did not even know of the existence of christian forums.So this is a first for me,uncharted waters.As long as I have my right mind I will never intentionally lead or seek this forum off it's original course,and I have no problem holding myself subject to the stated rules.Thanks
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