I wrote this about a week ago, insprired by the holy spirit. I've decided to share, hoping to inspire or encourage the body of Christ. As I've stated, it's untitled..
I've collected some thoughts, and here's what I found is true
Like a light that shines from the oceans blue
all signs of hope point straight to you
and as the winds come, and the waves are tossed
the light is dimmed, but never lost
though faded down to only a flicker
it remains insight as the night grows thicker......
the winds are violent....nothing less
and on all sides we feel pressed
a bit shaken, alittle distressed, we hold on how only we know best
We take deep breaths, admittingly scared
and look for the light in the thickening air
and moments pass with nothing in sight
was it lost hope that we would be alright?
with no sense of direction and worn out of emotions
we let go of all thoughts, all cares, all notions
then what seems like at once in a blinding glow
the flickering light begins to grow......
though the winds are violent and the waves are vast...
EVERYTHING must come to pass
We thank the winds now-for they were so strong-
they blew us right into the calm..............
I don't all, for I am flawed
which makes me even more in awe
But this I've learned from you, my Lord, And it makes me love you even more...
I've collected experiance, and here's what I find is true,
Like a light that shines from the oceans blue,
All signs of hope point straight to you
You are all in my prayers
God Bless