Brothers and Sisters: PLEASE, give this ALL your ATTENTION!! PRAY on what I am going to say . I may be leaving , trying to find another place to stay, and a new JOB! , may be out of touch, for a while, BUT that is not what I got back on line for.. When I came to this Forum, I was searching for truths, and truths I did find, and people such as myself, also looking and a desire, for nothing LESS than the truth. I got on line again because the Holy Spirit, was a witnessing, and I must obey . first , when I came to this forum, I had no intentions of typing replys to anyone , but must say , I enjoyed it , the FELLOWSHIP with like minds! but !!! now for the "point" and it is sharp! what does the scriptures say ?
"He that hath my commandments , and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." {Jn.14:21}
the HOLY SPIRIT is the seal of god , and MUST BE , witnessing to YOU, BEFORE ,you or me ,can claim that 'WE'are the Father ELECT and or FEW'
therefore, brothers and sisters, let me have your undividing, SPIRTURAL attention, PLEASE, you and me, are told .."
"examine yourselves wheather ye be in the faith; PROVE your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ IS IN YOU , except ye be reprobates?" { 2 Cor.13:5}
"but the hour cometh, and now is , when the TRUE WORSHIPPERS shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth: for the Father SEEKETH SUCH to worship him." {Jn 4:23}
The ELECT; are told to : love NOT the world, neither the THINGS that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. {1Jn.2:15}
"and 'WE' know that we are of GOD, and the WHOLE WORLD lieth in wickedness." {1 Jn.5:19}
there are many more scriptures , such as : "wherefore come OUT from AMONG THEM, and be ye SEPARATE, saith the LORD, and touch not the UNCLEAN THINGS:"AND I WILL RECEIVE YOU. {2 Cor.6:17}
what is JUST ONE , and it is a VERY UNCLEAN THING, here on this earth , that most all Christanity is GUILTY of and have in their homes, in their office, and in their vehicles.. SOMETHING that despises our LORD, is EVIL, sexual, perverted, makes "many"look upon the FLESH, daily , and I am still talking about PROFESSING CHRISTIANS, brother and sisters. NOT the ONES we claim are lost, in this evil world. WHAT COULD IT BE, HOW ABOUT A TV. that what. DO you truly beleive , OUR heavenly Father would {approve} of the FILTH, [foul matter;obscenity, unclean;..] ABOMINATIONS, that are OF THIS WORLD, and who is DECEVING the MINDS of our CHILDREN, and OURS also, "SATAN" that who! what are the children, and the boys and girls , and what are WE as adults THINKING as WE watch half naked men and women, on any given hour, day or night, but... BETTER YET, what is GOD THINKING as he is looking at your THOUGHTS, as you watch. TRULY, brothers and sisters , even the GOSPEL ALL seems to be of satan, chosening, ALL FALSE, not even to mention the commericals, which are truley just as bad..
I will stop , IF you CLAIM to be of the FEW, brothers and sisters , the VERY ELECT, then 'WE' need to RE-EXAMINE ourselves.. we have come out of the church , BUT MANY, if not MOST are still in the FLESH.. I LOVE YOU ALL , brothers and sisters.. the only thing that I HAVE, that they can't take from me is the HOLY SPIRIT, I LOVE OUR LORD. amen, and GOD BLESS"" YOU ALL"". mark twain, tell you the last name some other time! yea...