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Author Topic: God's ELECT, and or few ?  (Read 10827 times)

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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« on: April 27, 2006, 01:34:18 AM »

Brothers and Sisters: PLEASE, give this ALL your ATTENTION!! PRAY on what I am going to say . I may be leaving , trying to find another place to stay, and a new JOB! , may be out of touch, for a while, BUT that is not what I got back on line for.. When I came to this Forum, I was searching for truths, and truths I did find, and people such as myself, also looking and a desire, for nothing LESS than the truth. I got on line again because the Holy Spirit, was a witnessing, and I must obey . first , when I came to this forum, I had no intentions of typing replys to anyone , but must say ,  I enjoyed it , the FELLOWSHIP with like minds! but !!! now for the "point" and it is sharp!  what does the scriptures say ?

"He that hath my commandments , and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." {Jn.14:21}

the HOLY SPIRIT is the seal of god , and MUST BE , witnessing to YOU, BEFORE ,you or me ,can claim that 'WE'are the Father ELECT and or FEW'
therefore, brothers and sisters,  let me have your undividing, SPIRTURAL attention, PLEASE, you and me, are told .."

"examine yourselves wheather ye be in the faith; PROVE your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ IS IN YOU , except ye be reprobates?" { 2 Cor.13:5}

"but the hour cometh, and now is , when the TRUE WORSHIPPERS shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth: for the Father SEEKETH SUCH to worship him." {Jn 4:23}

The ELECT; are told to : love NOT the world, neither the THINGS that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. {1Jn.2:15}

"and 'WE' know that we are of GOD, and the WHOLE WORLD lieth in wickedness." {1 Jn.5:19}

there are many more scriptures , such as : "wherefore come OUT from AMONG THEM, and be ye SEPARATE, saith the LORD, and touch not the UNCLEAN THINGS:"AND I WILL RECEIVE YOU.  {2 Cor.6:17}

what is JUST ONE , and it is a VERY UNCLEAN THING, here on this earth , that most all Christanity is GUILTY of and have in their homes, in their office, and in their vehicles..  SOMETHING that despises our LORD, is EVIL, sexual, perverted, makes "many"look upon the FLESH, daily , and I am still talking about PROFESSING CHRISTIANS, brother and sisters. NOT the ONES we claim are lost, in this evil world. WHAT COULD IT BE, HOW ABOUT A TV. that what.  DO you truly beleive , OUR heavenly Father would {approve} of the FILTH, [foul matter;obscenity, unclean;..] ABOMINATIONS, that are OF THIS WORLD, and who is DECEVING the MINDS of our CHILDREN, and OURS also, "SATAN" that who! what are the children, and the boys and girls , and what are WE as adults THINKING as WE watch half naked men and women, on any given hour, day or night,  but... BETTER YET,  what is GOD THINKING as he is looking at your THOUGHTS, as you watch.   TRULY, brothers and sisters , even the GOSPEL ALL seems to be of satan, chosening, ALL FALSE,  not even to mention the commericals, which are truley just as bad..

I will stop , IF you CLAIM to be of the FEW, brothers and sisters , the VERY ELECT, then 'WE' need to RE-EXAMINE ourselves..  we have come out of the church , BUT MANY, if not MOST are still in the FLESH..  I LOVE YOU ALL , brothers and sisters.. the only thing that I HAVE, that they can't take from me is the HOLY SPIRIT, I LOVE OUR LORD. amen,  and GOD BLESS"" YOU ALL"".    mark twain,  tell you the last name some other time!  yea...


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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 01:49:18 AM »

thats some argument while i don't fully agree some of the basis of what you are saying is true.i believe as long as we are not confound to such things it isn't  a harm,and besides we need to know what where up against and if we don't know whats harming others how do we help them  if we can't relate and if we can't resist most its temptation how do we ever know were truly elect.i for one am a person if i had to would toss my television and any other items out the it can be helpful if you know were to look.


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how you will know?
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2006, 08:10:34 AM »

Alucard, you said, we need to know what we are up against if we don't know what harming others, ? SIN, EVIL, the FLESH, which you and me and ALL others are SUPPOSED to be CRUCIFYING DAILY, BY GOD commandments.[don't forget about satan, transformed into an angel of light]. IS a little bit, of SIN ok, NO! it is not brother. people will give up a lot of things ,but the truth is , MOST will not give up, this THING called TV. but this is not between you and me , seek GOD, for the truth, because GOD is the one YOU and ME and ALL others will be BOWING DOWN, and CONFESSING TO!  
          YOU ask, how do we know were we are truly one of the ELECT ?  WHAT does the Scriptures say , about the HOLY SPIRIT, is it WITNESSING to YOU, IT MUST BE ? to be called GOD VERY ELECT.

 "The SPIRIT[FATHER] itself beareth WITNESS with our SPIRIT[Jesus Christ] , that we are children of GOD."    {Rom.8:16}

"And THEY that are Christ's have "Crucified the Flesh" with the 'Affections and Lusts"  {Galatians.5:24}

Brothers and sisters, I will pray that , WE TRULY , RE-EXAMINE our selves, NOW, This evening, tomorow, DAILY.  What did you think?, that I, believe the majority would welcome this with open heart , "ney" I BELIEVE that MOST would like to throw a stone at me.  peace brothers and sisters, prove all things, study to show ourselves approved unto GOD.......... RIGHTLY DIVIDING the word of GOD.   mark.


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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2006, 10:28:07 AM »

HI Mark

It seems like you are mad at TV.  TV is not the only source of "evil" content. when i walk outside, i see lots of things that i could also see on TV.  Does that mean i am going to stay in for the rest of my life and become agrophobic?  I listen to the radio, i go shopping, i read the newspaper etc etc.

Mark.  Spiritual law is the way to live.  Physical laws (like dont watch TV) are of no use to us.  They create judgments and hatred.  Christ lives in you, just leave it at that and the rest will follow.

For the LAW was given through Moses (that Christians are not to physically follow); grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17

But this is to fulfill what is written in their LAW: 'They hated me without reason.' John 15:25

We have a LAW, and according to that LAW he must die, because he claimed to be the Son of God." John 19:7

Dont fall foul of what the pharisees fell into


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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2006, 03:47:58 PM »

i believe you need to understand what category tv falls into. the best medifor i can think of that it would fall into would be wine such as wine isn't really a bad thing or a good thing just something to if someone gets hooked on it or doesn't use it properly then it's a bad thing'but just because he's hooked on its drunkeness doesn't make wine bad or evil just the way he's abusing its use is.such as television if lets say a show like regular kids toons was all that was on then tv isn't bad but when someone puts on a bloody show or someone thats very impretionable watches it then they are the ones really misusing television.and that does not make all television bad.i'm not trying to convince you to continue watch,you can do whatever you believe is right,i'm just trying to say you shouldn't point the finger at television when there are many other things we have to worry about.


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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2006, 06:14:46 PM »

I can appreciate your passion about distaining watching tv, but television is not evil in and of itself. If someone watches 8 hours of tv a day, it is an idol of the heart. But anything can become an idol of the heart. Money, sex, jobs, family cars, homes entertainment, body-building, exercise. Anthing can take the place of God in our life, and tv is just one of them.
I personally like the forensic show, and history channel. If either one is too risque, I don't watch. This is a conscience issue and not a moral issue.
I can applaud and say I admire your giving up tv, but we are no longer under law, but grace.


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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2006, 11:25:58 PM »

Sure there are carnal and degenerate offerings on TV & the movie theatres, also on the Internet, the radio, newspaper, magazines, the U.S. Postal service will bring anything to your door, so will UPS, Federal Express etc. Sometimes family and friends bring temptations and/or bad influence.

What are we to do?


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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2006, 12:08:26 AM »

Quote from: hillsbororiver
Sure there are carnal and degenerate offerings on TV & the movie theatres, also on the Internet, the radio, newspaper, magazines, the U.S. Postal service will bring anything to your door, so will UPS, Federal Express etc. Sometimes family and friends bring temptations and/or bad influence.

What are we to do?

couldn't have put it better.


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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2006, 03:33:20 AM »

Mar 7:15  There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.


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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2006, 04:13:24 PM »

Must we now literally pluck out our eyes? Must we not go through a Walmart line for all the magazines with women on them? There is bad and sin everywhere. You neednt have to look for, it is everywhere. If something is to bad to watch on tv thats what the remote is for. Im just glad that they have remotes, my wife and kids would get tired of me yelling to them to change the channel :lol:


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It's between you and GOD!!
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2006, 01:37:34 AM »

Brothers and sisters, as I said , it's between you and GOD.

Joe, you ask, what are we to do? GOD say's to "ABSTAIN from ALL APPEARANCE of EVIL." [1 thess.5:22]

In; [2.Jn.9,10,11] we read; "whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ , hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. [10]-If there come ANY unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive HIM NOT into your HOUSE, neither bid him God speed:[11]-for he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

 The WORD of GOD tells US, TO NOT INVITE someone INTO OUR "HOUSE", who ABIDETH NOT in the DOCTRINE OF CHRIST'. Do the [people] on your [tv] SCREEN, ABIDE in the doctrine of Christ ? Let's be true to GOD .

In [revelation .18:4]- And I HEARD another VOICE FROM HEAVEN, saying COME OUT of her MY PEOPLE, That ye be NOT PARTAKERS of her SIN'S, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

"I Will set no WICKED thing before mine eyes: I hate the WORK of THEM that TURN aside:It shall not CLEAVE to me. [psalm 101:3]

"Who is winning the battle for your childs HEART? GOD or the [TV].

"Casting down IMAGINATIONS, and every HIGH THING that EXALTETH itself against the KNOWLEDGE of GOD, and bringing into CAPTIVITY "EVERY THOUGHT" to the "OBEDIENCE OF Christ"; [2Cor.10:5]

"And be NOT CONFORMED to this WORLD: BUT be ye TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING of your MIND that ye may PROVE what is that GOOD and ACCEPTABLE, and PERFECT, WILL of GOD" [rom.12:2]

In "[Jer.10:1,2,3],..... the O house of Israel:thus said the Lord , LEARN NOT THE WAY OF THE HEATHEN............For the CUSTOMS of the PEOPLE are VAIN.......

Have you noticed your children developing more of an interest in the Bible , after a steady diet of television.

Who is the HEAD of your FAMILY . YOU are the PROTECTOR
 of your family against evil influences in your HOME, no one else!

"If ye then be risen with Christ, SEEK those THINGS which are ABOVE,{SPITURAL}, Where Christ sitteth on the right hand of GOD. SET your "AFFECTION on THINGS ABOVE, "NOT" on THINGS ON THE EARTH".[Col.3:1-2]

"Woe unto them that call evil GOOD, and good EVIL; that put DARKNESS for LIGHT, and LIGHT for DARKNESS; that put BITTER for SWEET, and SWEET for BITTER"  [Isa.5:20]

"See then that ye walk" circumspectly, "[looking round on all sides watchfully, cautious, prudent.],["prudent"-cautious and wise in conduct;discreet, dictated by FORETHOUGHT.] not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the TIME, because the days are EVIL. [Ephes.5:15-16]

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  [prov.22:6]

brothers and sisters , you say that sin is everwhere , I agree, 100%.  kevin, you ask ?...must we now literally pluck out our eyes? NO , brother, WE must set our SIGHT on the RIGHT HAND of GOD, Jesus Christ , OUR PRECIOUS LORD and SAVIOUR, of ALL mankind.

'television is of this world, BIG TIME, WHO does GOD say HAS HIS KINGDOM here on earth ? SATAN!

brothers and sisters , seek GOD with ALL your HEART, ALL your SOUL , and ALL your MIND, 24-7,  I pray that GOD the Father of OUR Lord and SAVIOUR, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit IS witnessing to you, YOU must DIE to the FLESH, lust, desires of this world, in order to be of the chosen few , and or elect.     GOD Bless YOU ALL.   mark.

Joey Porter

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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2006, 01:55:32 AM »

May I say that there is much more, and much more severe, content contained on the internet that will lead us astray when compared with the television, and we are all here on it.  So, I would think the interent would be much higher than the television, on the list of things to discard...


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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2006, 01:57:51 AM »

So true Joey

Joey Porter

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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2006, 02:08:32 AM »

But that's not to belittle or mock what Mark posted.  Perhaps God has brought him to a place in which he wants him do abstain from all television for a specific purpose...


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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2006, 02:15:37 AM »

Absolutely Joey,
We are to abstain from all appearance of evil. Only through God working in us can we do this. For I can do nothing on my own.


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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2006, 02:24:32 AM »

there are other places that are even more sever than the internet but i believe mark is really set out on television so after this i'm just going to leave this post alone.and mark for a paticular qoute from you:
The WORD of GOD tells US, TO NOT INVITE someone INTO OUR "HOUSE", who ABIDETH NOT in the DOCTRINE OF CHRIST'. Do the [people] on your [tv] SCREEN, ABIDE in the doctrine of Christ ? Let's be true to GOD .
do not some your friends,family,ect. not abide in the doctrine of christ yet you invite them in your house do you not?also i believe that's are spiritual house and that we resist the evil ways of others.

In [revelation .18:4]- And I HEARD another VOICE FROM HEAVEN, saying COME OUT of her MY PEOPLE, That ye be NOT PARTAKERS of her SIN'S, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

you are to leave the ways of the church but no matter where you turn it will be must resist it at heart as well as unscriptual ways of television.

"Who is winning the battle for your childs HEART? GOD or the [TV].

it is a shame that many children fall from god and don't return but you're in control of television and what they watch but that wont be enough for people are what drag others away in this world more than tv and that's what you should really watch out for.

In "[Jer.10:1,2,3],..... the O house of Israel:thus said the Lord , LEARN NOT THE WAY OF THE HEATHEN............For the CUSTOMS of the PEOPLE are VAIN.......

to me this verse says not to follow in their ways.learning what they do is kind of important if ray didn't know what the trinity was and refused to here it how could he disprove it?

 "If ye then be risen with Christ, SEEK those THINGS which are ABOVE,{SPITURAL}, Where Christ sitteth on the right hand of GOD. SET your "AFFECTION on THINGS ABOVE, "NOT" on THINGS ON THE EARTH".[Col.3:1-2]

this is true but if you follow the verse the way your saying we might as well throw out pictures,books,YOUR COMPUTER,and many other things.

i wont bother you again about this but do ask you to think more about what is good and what is evil


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Bless our heavenly Father..
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2006, 12:22:42 PM »

Brothers and sisters , I also am going to close on this issue or thing we call [tv], If the Holy Spirit is in you , Then let it LEAD you, ask GOD for the TRUTH, and pray for one another, and ALL.

As GOD the Father, and Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit of GOD, are MY WITNESS , I do NOT surf the internet, BUT ONLY for SCRIPTURAL reference, the WORD of GOD, in TRUTH , PROVING ALL THINGS, ABSTAINING FROM "ALL" APPEARANCE OF EVIL, and YES the HOLY SPIRIT does tell me the THINGS of this WORLD are VERY EVIL. SO are most of the things on this computer , but I try and be VERY CAREFUL, as to what my eyes do look upon, and so should you !  Because as I said , you and me and ALL WILL CONFESS , and BOW before our LORD and SAVIOUR.  And may the "GRACE"of GOD the Father , enter into you as the HOLY SPIRIT is in me.    LOVE , brothers and sisters from above , and not the things of this world. amen . and GOD BLESSING. mark.


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God's ELECT, and or few ?
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2006, 01:39:02 PM »

In our own time Mark in our own (God's) time.
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