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Author Topic: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)  (Read 9993 times)

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Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« on: December 24, 2007, 01:12:13 PM »

I guess I'll make my entrance now.  I finally signed up after having read the forum and the essays and emails on Bible Truths off and on for around a year.  I really wanted to take the time to follow the edict in 1 Thessalonians 5:21, to make sure that I wasn't being led astray (because let's face it, the message Scripture conveys according to Mr. Smith is rather "unorthodox," not that that's a bad thing).  It just went against all that was drilled into me since childhood.  The Lord has been working in me in amazing and fearful ways, and I'm very thankful He has brought me to this place.  I count it as no accident or mere chance that I found my way here.  I'll apologize in advance for my ridiculously verbose post, I can't help it. :P

I have long challenged traditional notions held by friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers alike.  I've always been a detail person, I've always wanted to see how things work, what makes them tick.  I encountered so many things that made me raise an eyebrow when it comes to faith.  I grew up most of my life in an Assembly of God church, where they pushed for "revival" (whatever that means :p) and emphasized things such as "speaking in tongues" occasionally.  It wasn't really a full-blown Pentecostal church, but looking back, it reeked of the average TBN/"Churchianity" feeling.  I remember looking at the lady who was trying to get myself and several other younger kids to "speak in tongues," muttering some gibberish to give us an idea on what we should be saying.  Rubbish.  I knew even then (I was maybe...12 at the time) that it was absurd.  My parents finally grew weary of the resident pastor's somewhat negative and demeaning message and finally decided to make the move to another church when I was in oh...maybe 6th grade.  We moved to an Evangelical church in the Covenant denomination which was much more low-key and compassionate, basically exactly what my parents were looking for.  The pastor was a very sincere, compassionate, soft-spoken man.  I thought pretty well of the church, it was a fairly pleasant place with fairly pleasant people.

It was around this time when I really started to delve into the word, and when I began to question my faith and what I had been taught.  During this time of "church-hopping," shall we say, from Kindergarten to 8th Grade I had attended a Christian school.  Aside from accelerated (basically one step above "honors" in most public schools, we were basically learning things a year ahead of time, sometimes even further) classes, we also had Bible classes, regular "chapel" convocations and the like.  When I went to highschool, I entered into the public school system, and for the first time in my life, I was surrounded by people whose beliefs were questionable, uncertain, *gasp* even contrary to my own.  People began to drill me, to question me, to criticize and make fun of what I believed.  I began to study the Word and eventually discovered the field of Christian Apologetics. 

Since then, I've spent countless hours online debating, discussing, and ministering to people (much in the manner of this site, though typically through online forums and message boards).  I'm a fan of the style of music that a lot of you know as Heavy Metal (though it's much more complicated than that, as you can guess), so I tend to frequent the message boards of bands that I like, and so it's these places where I've spent most of my time in dialog with believers and non-believers alike.  You'd be surprised how many really intelligent and thoughtful people listen to Metal, and the kind of people it attracts.  I've seen the Lord do some amazing things in that crowd.

Anyway, I continued on doing on through entering college (where I currently am).  I'm pursuing a bachelor's degree in Computer Graphics Technology.  However within the last year or so ("coincidentally" just before I stumbled across Bible Truths), it suddenly dawned on me that perhaps my "ministry" was more than just a hobby, but perhaps the path that God has set before me.  Over the course of several months the feeling that the Lord was leading me to ministry in some capacity increased more and more to the point where it was almost tangible.  I also developed a love and appreciation for philosophy.  It's truly amazing how the Lord can even use the intellectual ramblings of heathen philosophers to reveal His truth.  I'm amazed at how so many of the great revelations and achievements in understanding of philosophy in the last several millennia were already instilled within Scripture.  It's for these and many other reasons that after I finish my degree here at Purdue University, I've decided to actively pursue the study of the Word and Philosophy academically.

I thank the Lord that He has revealed the Truth of His Word (at least in part) to us here, so that I can prepare myself for entering into the world of academic Theology.  So with my introduction, I would ask that those of you who are willing and able would pray that the Lord continues to lead me in a path that brings Him Glory, that I would not be led astray by the false teachings of men, that He would continually renew my mind and work within me to transform me into what He wants me to be, and that He would continue to use me to reach people who otherwise might not be reached (given the circles I frequent due to my interests).

A bit about me (aside from my testimony, so to speak).  As mentioned, I'm a 22 year old male college student studying Computer Graphics Technology at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN.  I'm an enormous computer geek, I dabble in most things technological.  I train in two martial arts: 

Aiki Jujutsu -- A Japanese martial art from which Aikido, Hapkido, and a few other martial arts are derived.

S.C.A. Heavy Fighting -- Essentially armed medieval combat.  We put on actual metal and leather armor and hit each other with wooden swords and such.  It's a grand time.

I'm a backup singer and narrator in a band (Lorenguard,  Our music is essentially a combination of Iron Maiden and the soundtrack to Lord of the Rings.  It's very fast (not really heavy, though) with actual singing, lots of orchestral arrangements via keyboard, things of that nature.

I also practice a vein of strength training known as Oldetime Strongman, which essentially consists of trying to duplicate the training and feats of strength of the old Vaudeville strongmen from the late 1800's/early 1900's.  So a lot of my training is more doing the feats of strength themselves rather than merely going to the gym and lifting weights.  Some of the feats I train for are bending steel bars, ripping phone books, breaking chains, rolling up frying pans, bending horseshoes, things of that nature.

So yeah, there's a bit about me, again, sorry for the absurdly long post. :)


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2007, 01:52:17 PM »

Hi Arthyron,

I'm glad you have joined us  :)
I must say that was a very interesting testimony, thanks for all the details.  I think that the Lord must work in amazing and fearful ways with us, in order to separate us from the ways of the world.
Your life sound very exciting and fun.  I will pray that God continue to lead you into more of the knowledge of the Truth.  I hope you will join in and share with us what you are learning from BT, it's always interesting to see different people's perspectives and enjoy the fellowship we have here.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2007, 05:45:02 PM »

Hello Athyron,
Welcome!  I am so glad that you have already read all of the info on Rays' site!  HOORAY FOR YOU!!!  It is meat indeed, eh?   I read your very interesting post  and I know that God has put you here; true, it is NO ACCIDENT that you are here.  You have a background that has grounded you in the foundations of the truth; now stick around for awhile and chew on the meat that resides here at this table.  Hopefully the unity in the spirit that you find here will grow into relationships that you never dreamed possible!  Don't apologize about having too long a post...we are very glad that you are a detailed person and one who is excited to share with us!  You have already been a blessing to me :D. with your gift of communicating well. 

And yes, philosophy has it's place, but there is really nothing new under the sun; just diff ways of getting to the same and final, ultimate answers from God.  What are you trying to persue in the Theology dept?  (I went to a theological seminary aeons ago and it did not teach what is being taught here; nothing about the spirit behind the physical meanings that the bible teaches...)   Just be careful, b/c no one out there that I know of (except here at BT) teaches the ultimate truth as is given here.  Do you have any friends that have received the message that is on this site?  If not, that can be a hard thing iat your age sometimes...but, there are others here that are your age and who will bless you (I am 46, lol.)  So you have the gift of discernment from a young age; you will need it more than ever now :o ;D

I went to your Myspace site and I am guessing that you are the big guy on the far left in the pix of your group.  (I'm sure they don't call you TINY, lol! ; your arms are HUGE!) ;D...  I also listened to your music on the site and I actually like it alot.   (I cannot not understand most of the lyrics right off, but the music itself is great!  It sounds alot like the Transiberian Orchestra, only a heavy rock sound added to them... Which me and  Daniel  (my little boy) just went and saw a few weeks ago here in West Texas.  (He is 9 yo and was listening to your music too and said "don't turn it off"; (I hadn't, it was just over with...He is in SHOTAKAHN AND KANAMI RU as well.) 

What does Athyron mean?  (I have a step daughter who does  the Mideval role playing games in the parks as well.  However, unfortunately, she is also into Wicca, which we are not happy about of course; and I dont like the fact that she calls satan 'LORD'... ) but, that is in Gods' hands, not mine (a whole other story...)

Anyway, glad to have you and I look forward to hearing more from you.


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2007, 06:48:10 PM »

It is wonderful that our Lord has brought you to this site so early in your life Athyron. I am 50 years old and had I been given these Truths at your age, I believe my life would have been very different. It was not in His Plan for me though and it is in His Plan that you are here now. So WELCOME to the Forum.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2007, 07:10:11 PM »

Welcome Athyron,
Our LORD has directed your path to this site.  I personally feel you will find much meat here as well as real fellowship, with real people, who know the REAL GOD. Watch our for the Theology Departments as they do lie. However, I do feel that you evidence the gift of discernment and growth not often seen in someone of your young age.


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2007, 05:24:10 PM »

Hi Athyron welcome to the BT forum we are a very mixed crowd and a little different that othe forums,

Littleitialianboy will be glad to know you are here, you may share a lot of things in common.

Most of here have our heavens shaken and have experienced the same type of spiritual earthquakes as you have. We are all growing and learning here. Look forwrd to your posts.



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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2007, 05:59:35 PM »

Beloved, I like the way you put that...thanks :D!


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2007, 06:12:50 AM »

Thank you all very much for your warm welcome (though to be honest, I kinda saw it coming, knowing what fruits true Believers produce).

Hi Arthyron,

I'm glad you have joined us  :)
I must say that was a very interesting testimony, thanks for all the details.  I think that the Lord must work in amazing and fearful ways with us, in order to separate us from the ways of the world.
Your life sound very exciting and fun.  I will pray that God continue to lead you into more of the knowledge of the Truth.  I hope you will join in and share with us what you are learning from BT, it's always interesting to see different people's perspectives and enjoy the fellowship we have here.

mercy, peace and love

Honestly my life sounds exciting but I'm actually a very low key person.  I just have a very interesting and unusual mix of hobbies. ;)  Indeed, it's as one of my favorite verses says:

Proverbs 27:17
"Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend."

I look forward to growing in the Lord and having fellowship with all of you as the Lord permits. :)

Hello Athyron,
Welcome!  I am so glad that you have already read all of the info on Rays' site!  HOORAY FOR YOU!!!  It is meat indeed, eh?   I read your very interesting post  and I know that God has put you here; true, it is NO ACCIDENT that you are here.  You have a background that has grounded you in the foundations of the truth; now stick around for awhile and chew on the meat that resides here at this table.  Hopefully the unity in the spirit that you find here will grow into relationships that you never dreamed possible!  Don't apologize about having too long a post...we are very glad that you are a detailed person and one who is excited to share with us!  You have already been a blessing to me :D. with your gift of communicating well. 

And yes, philosophy has it's place, but there is really nothing new under the sun; just diff ways of getting to the same and final, ultimate answers from God.  What are you trying to persue in the Theology dept?  (I went to a theological seminary aeons ago and it did not teach what is being taught here; nothing about the spirit behind the physical meanings that the bible teaches...)   Just be careful, b/c no one out there that I know of (except here at BT) teaches the ultimate truth as is given here.  Do you have any friends that have received the message that is on this site?  If not, that can be a hard thing iat your age sometimes...but, there are others here that are your age and who will bless you (I am 46, lol.)  So you have the gift of discernment from a young age; you will need it more than ever now :o ;D

I went to your Myspace site and I am guessing that you are the big guy on the far left in the pix of your group.  (I'm sure they don't call you TINY, lol! ; your arms are HUGE!) ;D...  I also listened to your music on the site and I actually like it alot.   (I cannot not understand most of the lyrics right off, but the music itself is great!  It sounds alot like the Transiberian Orchestra, only a heavy rock sound added to them... Which me and  Daniel  (my little boy) just went and saw a few weeks ago here in West Texas.  (He is 9 yo and was listening to your music too and said "don't turn it off"; (I hadn't, it was just over with...He is in SHOTAKAHN AND KANAMI RU as well.) 

What does Athyron mean?  (I have a step daughter who does  the Mideval role playing games in the parks as well.  However, unfortunately, she is also into Wicca, which we are not happy about of course; and I dont like the fact that she calls satan 'LORD'... ) but, that is in Gods' hands, not mine (a whole other story...)

Anyway, glad to have you and I look forward to hearing more from you.

I haven't quite read all of Ray's writings, but I'm working on it.  I have at least listened to all the conference podcasts, though.  I was certainly blessed to be raised in a very devout Christian family.  My family has yet to come to see things from the perspective those of us here share, but the Lord will reveal it to them in time.  Were it not for the mother the Lord has given me, only He knows where I'd be or what I'd be doing at this moment. 

I will certainly take care in my studies, and continued prayer for me in that regard, that the Lord reveals to me the path I am to take, that I be used for His greatest Glory is always welcomed.  I intend to pursue a Master's Degree (as it requires no particular pre-requisite bachelor's degree, only a bachelor's degree in general) in Apologetics at Biola University.  Teachings of men such as Ray and certain philosophers have equipped me with the ability to answer most any criticism of Christianity essentially, but I want to learn all the necessary info I can about Biblical history, learning at least some ancient Greek perhaps, basically things only going through schooling of some sort can really teach you.  One can only learn so much from books, and I've been reading like a madman as of late (which is odd, as I never used to when I was younger, I was too busy spending hours every day surrounded by a sea of Legos :P).

As for philosophy, those of you who haven't heard of it, I'd recommend checking out a (Christian) philosophy known as Presuppositionalism.  It comes from Reformed Christian philosopher Cornelius Van Til, and was later promulgated by his students Greg Bahnsen and John Frame.  Francis Schaeffer also borrowed some ideas from it.  While I don't agree with Reformed theology (too Calvinist for my tastes), the arguments and concepts it has are thus far ineffable.  It basically entails demonstrating that without presupposing that God exists, one cannot prove anything, that to have antithesis (i.e. the idea that one thing is true, as opposed to not true), one must first presuppose God.  I can go into more detail if you would like.  One can piece the ideas of this philosophy from Scripture, of course, but few would ever think to.  I have yet to see any remotely worthwhile criticism of it by any non-believer.

I do not have any friends or relatives that have come to this knowledge yet, but I pray continually in that respect and try to demonstrate why it's right when the Lord presents the opportunity.  I don't care, though, I've always been a solitary type.  The Lord will reveal it to those I love when He deems it appropriate.  Despite being indoctrinated into the teachings of men, which makes it more difficult to come to the Truth, it is no real obstacle for Him.  They love the Lord and are (truth be told) often more faithful than I, so it is for Him to decide what shall be done and made of His servants.  All things in His perfect timing, aye?

I'm glad you like our music.  We actually recorded it all in our drummer and bass player's apartment (they're twin brothers) by ourselves. :)  The band Trans Siberian Orchestra features a few members of the legendary metal band known as Savatage, so it's no coincidence that we share some similarities. ;)  All the songs (and by corollary the lyrics) are based off of a fantasy novel (think Lord of the Rings) written by our drummer.  On stage, we dress in those costumes to represent characters in the story, so yeah, it's a fun time.  And yeah,  my size is largely genetic (though the strongman training helps), my grandfather was Mr. Miami or something in the 1950's.  I'm familiar with Shotokan, but I haven't heard of Kanami Ryu, I'll have to look into it.  I favor Aiki Jujutsu as it's one of the older martial arts that's focused on actual, real, practical self-defense rather than sport or flashy moves.  It's a very devastating art (a big focus on joint locks, chokes, throws, etc) and focuses on fending off multiple opponents at once.  I decided to take it because while it can be devastating, it doesn't have to be.  I can naturally (due to my stature) clobber people if I want to, but what knowing this art allows me to do is inflict pain without causing any lasting physical damage.  I can get someone in a lock and immobilize them and make it hurt enough to get them to listen to me so we can calm down and discuss matters civilly without going all the way and breaking their arm or what have you. 

Arthyron doesn't really have any real meaning as far as I know, it's just a name I made up a long time ago for a character I drew and I've used it ever since.  As for your daughter, I assume she plays maybe Vampire: The Masquerade or some other form of L.A.R.P. (Live Action Roleplaying)?  As I said, I'm a big nerd, I'm familiar with pretty much all forms of gaming. ;)  But don't worry over her fascination with Wicca and the like.  I mentioned I'm a big metal fan and such.  A lot of teenagers (girls especially) go through a goth/wiccan/hard music phase quite often these days it seems.  I could name probably 10 gals who were enamored with Wicca or some other "dark" niche as a teenager and eventually grew out of it.  In the metal music forums, I see 100's of them.  It just appeals to teenagers, it makes them feel special/unique/empowered/mysterious.  If it be the Lord's will (as it seems to be in most cases of self-proclaimed Wiccan teenage gals I've known), she'll grow out of it.  It's so common that among most circles I travel, it's generally regarded as a comedic cliche'.  I'll pray that your experience is the same.  I don't know if you will find it very useful, but there's a man with a ministry who is a former Wiccan High Priest named Bill Schnoebelen (he has an hour long interview here * not allowed* if you would like to watch, don't mind the hokey sidebar info or music).  Not a Bible Truths Christian by any means, but he may have some information useful to you about how to address Wiccans and Wicca.

It is wonderful that our Lord has brought you to this site so early in your life Athyron. I am 50 years old and had I been given these Truths at your age, I believe my life would have been very different. It was not in His Plan for me though and it is in His Plan that you are here now. So WELCOME to the Forum.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)

I am very grateful that the Lord has led me to this truth so young (and hopefully early) in my life.  I only hope that He also chooses to use me as a conduit to spread His truth as I feel He is leading me to do so.  He does certainly work in mysterious ways that are not our own. ;)

Welcome Athyron,
Our LORD has directed your path to this site.  I personally feel you will find much meat here as well as real fellowship, with real people, who know the REAL GOD. Watch our for the Theology Departments as they do lie. However, I do feel that you evidence the gift of discernment and growth not often seen in someone of your young age.

I will be certain to do so, and I pray that the Lord keeps me steadfast in my convictions.  Some lie, some simply have had what is false crammed into them since they were born.  I admit a lot of what Ray teaches was admittedly hard to believe at first, simply because it was so different and contrary to what I had always been taught, but oddly it was the affinity for philosophy the Lord gave me that allowed me to accept the Truth despite my previous indoctrination.  Because I studied truth and logic itself so much, I began to see that when an argument is right and in line with logic, that it is correct, and if it is correct it is foolishness (and perhaps wickedness) to stand opposed to it.  I began to see that what Ray and others like him teach is what the Bible really says.  What struck me the most is that when criticizing Ray's teachings, even learned Theologians had to rely on teachings of men and man-made (or at least inferred) doctrine and ideas to make any substantial criticism.  And yet all the while, Ray defended His position from Scripture and Scripture alone.  It was that picture that really made me see "You know...this guy may be on to something."  If all these learned men have to rely on is the words of men, then their house is built upon the sand.  As for me, I wish to build upon the rock, and from what I've seen and from what the Lord has revealed to me in my prayer is that these Truths come from one who is firmly established on the rock.  I have no other course but to kneel before the Lord.  It is the Lord I serve, not man or their institutions after all.  Thank you for your blessings.  The Lord obviously has a purpose in calling me out so young, and it's with anticipation and awe that I await His plan for me.

Hi Athyron welcome to the BT forum we are a very mixed crowd and a little different that othe forums,

Littleitialianboy will be glad to know you are here, you may share a lot of things in common.

Most of here have our heavens shaken and have experienced the same type of spiritual earthquakes as you have. We are all growing and learning here. Look forwrd to your posts.


So I've noticed and so it would appear.  Thank you for your kind words and I'll be sure to keep my eye out for him. :)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 01:15:17 PM by Kat »


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2007, 07:33:21 PM »

Hi again Athyron,
I am amazed at your insight and love for and search for truth at such a young age...good job!  ( I started at 18 looking for the whole truth and I just finally got to this site and found it about 2 yrs ago; Plus, I've been on the forum for only one yr now...ever was on another forum before this one ;)!   I can't wait to see where the LORD leads you in the years to come!! ;) :D  What an interesting young man that you are...if my little 9 yr old has what you have when he is at your age I will be so happy for him for sure :o!   I will continue to pray that HIS guidance is obvious to you and that HE blesses you with the desires of your heart in that schooling situation.

Where is Biola University?  A Masters' or doctorte degree in Theology is something that I had always wanted to do myself, but, it just hadn't worked out (yet ;) :D))....I would love to know more biblical history; so, I know what you mean when you say that you would like to know the history of religions and current world religions.  (I just took my 8 yo son last year into the only Mosque here in Lubbock, and the Muslim Imam (preacher) is from ???? (a Muslim country) and he is here at Texas Tech Univ. studying WORLD RELIGIONS himself (we had a homeschool culture fair and Daniel did a presentation on Saudi Arabia....)  That surprised me for some reason, but, it is a great department at TTU!    True, you would be more effective to others by understanding the Worlds' history of regilgion by going to school for it.  My dh loves the history and especially biblical history. especailly aboutwhere cristiantiy came from  (via the Catholic church) and the history from at that point, lol. ;).  The Holy Spirit has been an awesome teacher in the past couple of years ...we have been taught so much since we have been out of churches; it is quite amazing to me. 

 Nice job on the recording of the music all on your own; pretty impressive. 

Yes, I see that the strongman gene MUST run in your family ;D   (ha, that reminds me of when I had dated the brother of Mr. Ohio...he was so short, but, built, ha...he looled like MIHGTY MOUSE ;) ;D ::)

There are only 4 Kanami Rue dojo's in the country and the owner of all of them is Darren Walters, aka known as Daniels' Sensa.  My dh is a black belt in 4 of the older styles;  (in one of the ones you just mentioned;) but, as you say; he didn't use it for just pretty moves; it is/was for life and death and devastating situations.     He just got back into it after being away for many yrs; so now he is learning the Kinami Rue.  but, just be careful b/c I see alot of people who make their martial arts as an idol in their hearts. 

I understand where you are coming from in understanding the goths and such, but, my step daughter is neraly 30 and she has married into this; her husband is into it BIG TIME; they have freinds who are older that myself and they taught them this,so it truly is their 'religion'...just pray for them pleaase, that God would show them the truth.   Yes, I have heard Bill Schnibeling in person here in Lubbock when he did the prophecy club circuit; also Doc Marquis from the same cicuit.  Thank God that they came out of it!!!

Well, off to Karate',
your sister in Christ,


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2007, 10:13:49 PM »

Hi again Athyron,I am amazed at your insight and love for and search for truth at such a young age...good job!  ( I started at 18 looking for the whole truth and I just finally got to this site and found it about 2 yrs ago; Plus, I've been on the forum for only one yr now...ever was on another forum before this one Wink!   I can't wait to see where the LORD leads you in the years to come!! Wink Cheesy  What an interesting young man that you are...if my little 9 yr old has what you have when he is at your age I will be so happy for him for sure Shocked!   I will continue to pray that HIS guidance is obvious to you and that HE blesses you with the desires of your heart in that schooling situation.

The only advice I can offer you is continually expose your children to the Word.  Teach it to them daily, make sure they understand it and why it is important.  It's ok if you even annoy them a little bit.  Just make sure to give them a little breathing room.  I have an older brother who is also a strong believer (only the two of us in the family), so I guess my parents did something right, and if I had to guess, that's probably what it was.  The verse and number is escaping me, but there are the passages about teaching your children the ways of the Lord so that they won't diverge from them when they're older, and hiding the word in one's heart that they might not sin against God. I don't know how many times I've had those (and other Scriptures) drilled into me, but they're true and they "worked."  God's word does not return void indeed.

If it's the Lord's will, as long as you continue to instruct (through the Spirit) your children in the ways of the Lord and always emphasize the WHY and HOW (not just the WHAT like a lot of overbearing parents do), I think your children will both understand the ways of the Lord and desire to know Him themselves all the days of their life.

Where is Biola University?  A Masters' or doctorte degree in Theology is something that I had always wanted to do myself, but, it just hadn't worked out (yet Wink Cheesy))....I would love to know more biblical history; so, I know what you mean when you say that you would like to know the history of religions and current world religions.  (I just took my 8 yo son last year into the only Mosque here in Lubbock, and the Muslim Imam (preacher) is from Huh? (a Muslim country) and he is here at Texas Tech Univ. studying WORLD RELIGIONS himself (we had a homeschool culture fair and Daniel did a presentation on Saudi Arabia....)  That surprised me for some reason, but, it is a great department at TTU!    True, you would be more effective to others by understanding the Worlds' history of regilgion by going to school for it.  My dh loves the history and especially biblical history. especailly aboutwhere cristiantiy came from  (via the Catholic church) and the history from at that point, lol. Wink.  The Holy Spirit has been an awesome teacher in the past couple of years ...we have been taught so much since we have been out of churches; it is quite amazing to me.

It's in Southern California ( ).  It'll be a big deal for me if I decide to go there, as I've never lived anywhere but here my whole life, but I feel it's where the Lord is leading me.  The appeal for me is the lack of a particular pre-requisite bachelor's degree (i.e. you don't have to have a bachelor's in apologetics to pursue a master's), and the fact that Biola is the "center" of "intellectual Christian thought" in the USA.  A lot of the best minds in Christendom either attend or teach there.  Unfortunately few if any of their faculty has come to the Truths we all hold, but they do have wisdom and knowledge in some areas that I would like to learn.

Very interesting about your Muslim friend.  I sent a list of books to my philosophy professor to read (at his request).  He's not a Christian, but I hope the books I sent have a good influence on them.  He sympathizes with Christians at least, he said his personal beliefs are somewhat like Kierkegaard, so he's not too far away from the Truth.  He also told me there's a man in their department that is working on his PhD in philosophy from Purdue (my university) and his PhD in Theology from Oxford, and that he could probably set up lunch or coffee with all three of us if I'd like, so hopefully I'll get to chat with this fellow.

Nice job on the recording of the music all on your own; pretty impressive. 

Thanks, we already self-released an album, but that was with a different band lineup and some older songs, so hopefully the new stuff we're writing is a bit more successful.

There are only 4 Kanami Rue dojo's in the country and the owner of all of them is Darren Walters, aka known as Daniels' Sensa.  My dh is a black belt in 4 of the older styles;  (in one of the ones you just mentioned;) but, as you say; he didn't use it for just pretty moves; it is/was for life and death and devastating situations.     He just got back into it after being away for many yrs; so now he is learning the Kinami Rue.  but, just be careful b/c I see alot of people who make their martial arts as an idol in their hearts.

Yeah, I never got THAT into martial arts.  A lot of the people in them I can tell throw their entire beings into the practice of them, and I just don't feel that compelled or enthralled with them.  Martial arts to me are a means to an end, a way of learning some valuable techniques and honing my body for the purposes of protecting myself and others (while getting a good workout too :p).

understand where you are coming from in understanding the goths and such, but, my step daughter is neraly 30 and she has married into this; her husband is into it BIG TIME; they have freinds who are older that myself and they taught them this,so it truly is their 'religion'...just pray for them pleaase, that God would show them the truth.   Yes, I have heard Bill Schnibeling in person here in Lubbock when he did the prophecy club circuit; also Doc Marquis from the same cicuit.  Thank God that they came out of it!!!

Oh I see, sorry if my assumptions were a bit preemptive and shortsighted.  That is a very tricky situation, but yeah, as you can see with Bill Schnoebelen, even those who are buried in as deep as they can be are not beyond the Father's reach.  I will pray for your step daughter.  The Adversary's wares are enticing and glamorous on the outside, but they lack the substance inherent to the truth of our Lord.  I pray that your stepdaughter and her husband both come to see this.

brandon h

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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2007, 11:16:47 PM »

Welcome Athyron. Always glad to wlecome newcomers around my age (26). Hope to hear from you soon. This is a great place for fellowship

God Bless


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2008, 06:25:12 AM »

Surprise!  I just read this from you now... and as Leonard Nimoy would say... "fascinating" :D  You're a goodie Arthryron and I have immediate love for you.  You present yourself v well for a 22-year-old... or ANY -year-old for that matter.  <Hug>  And just thanks for being you.

I'm glad you've been Led down the ministry path ... right and fitting from my point of view, but please don't get caught up in it >>> e.g., the paycheck aspect of it  .... could really get gnarly, watchout bro.  I had gvibrations with your ministering ad hoc thru the music website or whatever.  Note:  I am a long-time Ian Anderson/Jethro Tull fan of over 35 years.  Love that flute in a British rock and sometimes orchestral style.

I will definitely pray for you new friend, as us all, to give God His glory.  It will come to pass. :)

And thanks for the presuppositionalism connection, a good tip, gotcha.

I had to say "HA!" as is my style when you mentioned your genetic size and strength.  I am a very physically strong woman, built that way.  God did not make me delicate and it has always been an advantage for which I am thankful.  My feats of strength these days are that of physical endurance, so pray for me in exchange. :)


You got dat rite dear new brother.




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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2008, 10:12:16 PM »

And I am glad to fellowship with the both of you, brandon and DuluthGA. :) 

I grew up on music like Jethro Tull, my father's always been a big classic rock fan.

Oddly enough, the man who is probably the biggest inspiration for me in singing (Matthias Blad of the band Falconer) was himself inspired by Ian Anderson. ;)  So if you visit my personal music myspace page ( ) you may hear some similarity there. ;)


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2008, 10:44:24 PM »

Hello Arthyron,

                    I'm also new to this site, I hope you don't plan on strangling that Lion with your bare hands(just kidding). Turning 51 at the end of this month and really appreciate the information at this site, Ray really tells it like is, unlike Christendoms Theologians that tell it like it ain't. The main teaching that brought me to this site is the shared and common revulsion towards Eternal Torment with Ray and the site members. This Doctrine of Demons has brought much reproach on our heavenly Father and has even led people to disbelieving in his existence. Enough for now and welcome, looking forward to interneting fellowship with you and may the force be with you. With Christian Love(Agape), Samson.


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2008, 11:34:33 PM »

Hello Arthyron,

                    I'm also new to this site, I hope you don't plan on strangling that Lion with your bare hands(just kidding). Turning 51 at the end of this month and really appreciate the information at this site, Ray really tells it like is, unlike Christendoms Theologians that tell it like it ain't. The main teaching that brought me to this site is the shared and common revulsion towards Eternal Torment with Ray and the site members. This Doctrine of Demons has brought much reproach on our heavenly Father and has even led people to disbelieving in his existence. Enough for now and welcome, looking forward to interneting fellowship with you and may the force be with you. With Christian Love(Agape), Samson.

Thank you, brother. :)  This and other forums have certainly been blessings and godsends in the truest sense.  May the Lord be with you and bless you as well. :)


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2008, 01:59:11 AM »

Hi Sampson

Yes. That teaching by Ray on Love is magnificent as are the other teachings on BT that form the basis of this Forum.

I found this encouragement from out of Ray's paper on Love:

For the whole world, we have to have this agapao love.

Peace to you


Arctutus :)


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2008, 11:37:49 AM »

Welcome Arthyron! All I can really say from reading your testimony is that you are really blessed-God must really love you. I too listen to metal music, in that we can relate. I was quite surprised to find others on this site who do, and Extol is another one.

Well, that's about all I had to say really.

Take care,


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Re: Hail! (newcomer from Indiana)
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2008, 12:21:11 PM »

Hello again Arthyron and other Music Lovers,

                                                            I have a hobby, where I take a song, change the Lyrics, to make an answering machine message, I'll be thinking of a song and figure out a way to make it rythme with new lyrics that relate to receiving phone messages. My favorite groups are The Scorpians, Led Zeppelin, Def Leppard, J Geils Band and others. Arthyron, I admire your interest in feats of strength, I have lifted weights for 25 years(no steroids), I train hard and brief, usually training with weights once every 96 hours, all sets to failure as advocated by Arthur Jones, Mike Mentzer and Ellington Darden. My workout sessions are usually 25-30 minutes, followed by 35 minutes on the Pro-walker machine for alittle calorie burning Aerobics and cardio. With the weights, I generally do High repetitions for Legs(12-20) and for upper body(7-12). Never do more than 12-14 work sets for the entire body, keeping the volume low and intense for adequate recovery from training. Enjoyed your pictures and the music you placed on this site, I like the song, Run To The Hills.   

                                              Your Brother Samson.
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