Hey guys, i've been feeling inspired every now and than to write little bits of things here and their and so i was excited to share with you all what i want to call my first chapter in a great and long story! Please give me your feed back. I've never written a story before that i actualy enjoyed writting or felt inspired to write so your thoughts would be awsome.
ANywhere here it is;
The mountain which Deliverance stood upon was one in which, if looked at could be harmful to eyes. Infact it was almost like stareing into the sun. The top was a burning fire in the night sky and yet this fire that would consume anyone else did not bother him one bit. He seemed to have become one with the fire. The pathway he had trodded was one that many had seen but few had ever attempted to journey. The entrance was guarded by flameing swords of fire and the journey full of pain, trials, and tribulations, yet he would endure. What he had achieved was what could only be dreamed of. He had become one with the fire, he had become a legend.
Questions without answers they would say. How could they understand who He was. How can they now understand who He is? They lived their lives in the shadows of the mountains were they enjoyed the darkness and cold air. The light was little spoken of in these places and for these reasons they were known as the Shadowclingers. The very same mountain that stretched into the heavens in which Deliverance had ascended to, they encircled below. Far beneath the warmth and bright rays of the fire that consumed the mountain top above.
Amongst all the chatter and nightly activity that pervated the towns below rumor of what had occured a top the mountain echoed in the still cold yet gentle breeze to those who would listen. It was Enoch these rumors concerned and had spread of but the elders of the people dismissed them as nothing more than fairy tales and vivid imagination. The wise men amongst them urged the people to use their reasoning and knowledge of the land around them. It was foolishness to think that one could walk such a trecherous path to the mountain top. It was madness to believe that a mere mortal man from among them could dwell within such a fire. It was natural for the shadowclingers to enjoy the cold dark areas of the world and for anyone to suggest that one of their own had ventured into the light was considered insane! An outcast the moment the thought was uttered. Yet the rumors persisted and the faint and distant echoes of what had happened could still be heard for those with ears as mere whispers in the wind. Curiouse and intruiged by the rumors from the mountain top above small groups of young and old a like began to congregate. The idea that a Shadowclinger could indeed leave the shadows and dwell in the light was threatening to way the shadowclingers had lived for thousands of years. Most importantly though, it was threatening to the power the elders held. Upon seeing what had takeing place and realizeing the threat before them, the elders began outlawing any such discussion about Enoch. This forced all groups to conveen in secret and members now joined at their own risk. Strick laws were set into place to try and discourage the people from joining these secret groups. The elders of the people even put out handsome rewards to anyone who turned in a member of the new secret society. In all this the wiseman were not idle. They too feared the idea that one could venture out the shadows. However their fear was not based upon selfish intent but rather knowledge of what awaited the shadowclingers beyond the walls and shadows they grew to love and learned to call home. Fear was beginning to take it's hold on everyone. People grew paranoid due to the strick laws in place and the fear upon their hearts. Finaly overcome by the greedyness and wickedness of their own hearts, they turned on one another. Father against brother and mother against daughter. The enemies of a shadowclinger became the very members of his own househould. Thousands were put to death in the most awful mannor. Thousands of others exiled from every town and hideing place around the mountains. Those who were outcasted and left to fend for themselves vanished without a trace. Some said that they had ventured the mountain and had reached the summit while others would tell of horrifying monsters that awaited them outside the town walls. For a while it seemed as if all rumors of Enoch, monsters and outcasts had vanished...
Thats what i think is the end of my first chapter lol. Maybe not? Ireserve the right to change it though

God bless and thanks for reading,
P.S. Hope you enjoyed it!