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Author Topic: MY ABUSIVE MARRIAGE BROUGHT ME HERE  (Read 4437 times)

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« on: January 11, 2008, 02:43:30 PM »

I just want to thank you ray for all the hard work you have put into this site where the real truth of the word of god has finally been spoken. I have been accessing your site since 2005, and I can still remember what brought me to the site I was an active member in Babylon at the time attending church religiously, I always prayed to god to help me to worship him in spirit and in truth, and I began to question allot of things happening in the church as, I was made to feel guilty for not attending church on Sundays regular and told that I should get another job from the pastor and his wife so I could worship god more consistently, although I was a serving police community officer at the time, during this also I was in a mentally, emotionally and abusive marriage my husband wanted me dead he said it to me and my sisters.

At the time my ex-husband and I used to attend church together religiously but yet when I approached the pastor a number of times about my abusive marriage all he said is that I should pray, but I had to continue to live in my previous marital home with my now ex abusive husband? Even when I also approached church members at the time about my abusive marriage some people didn’t want to believe me and some just didn’t want to be involved.This is when I began to question everything to do with church and seek god to revel the real truths to me, as I begun to do this, god then brought me to bible truths website, when I started to listen and read rays teachings I was brought to tears on many occasions as the truth was revelled to me. I then told my ex husband then of rays teachings but he did not listen, I then went back to church and had a meeting with my ex-pastor about rays teaching, and told him I would not be paying tithe, he then said that “God is going to curse me”  because I did not pay tithe and I replied “No God is not going to curse me “ I also told my pastor that God does not want me to stay in an abusive marriage and I will separate fro  my husband until the situation is sorted out and counselling is sort to rectify the situation, he replied  “No you have to stay in your marriage home as being in an abusive relationship was not a reason to separate.

This was the final straw for me so I mustered up some strength and with God I finally left the church, and guess what for a choir leader and singer and someone who was very involved and known in the church guess what, the so called church folk who I thought would still be my friend and be there for me up till today are just not there when  you need them and you know what as I was going through rays site that gave me strength thank god to remain in god, because after all that was happening to me, rays website gave me an understanding as to why  these things were happening. And I thank God for Ray.

 But I am going to cut this short because I know I’m going on a bit but I just want to share that from 2005 to 2008 God has used ray to transform my life I have so much peace I settled my divorce last year with my husband as he was not will to take any responsibility in the breakdown of our marriage. So I am free from that pain although my husband left me in debt.

God has opened up doors in my life I now run a celebrity lace wig business on eBay check me out from time to time.Also I run an international personal development business to help people to achieve their goals and ambitions in life.If you would like a free book from my personal development business please do not hesitate to contact me as i am sure you could benefit from it. So as you can see god is doing a great work in me and I cannot thank Ray and bible truths enough for all they have done, because I am now looking forward to a bright future and am no longer a prisoner to the church.

You’re Sister in Christ


"To live is Christ, to die is gain"
« Last Edit: January 11, 2008, 09:39:50 PM by decas247 »


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« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2008, 03:56:33 PM »

Hello decas247

I can feel joy for you that you are no longer a prisoner to the Church. It is wonderful that the Lord Jesus Christ brought you here to Bible Truths to set you free through HIS  Word of Truth and not the word of men and their binding guilt riding false teaching dogmas and beliefs!

Welcome to the Forum

Peace to you

Arcturus :)



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« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2008, 11:24:52 PM »

Hi decas,

My heart really went out to you through your testimony, I feel you suffered a lot. I am so glad to hear you are free from your abusive marriage and freed from the deceptions that the church teach.  I know how the church is from personal experience, but it still saddens me to hear a story like yours.
I hope you will join in the fellowship here often, as I have found it is a oasis from the world.
If you have a question about something, don't hesitate to ask.  We have a lot of people with spiritual wisdom that can help  :)

mercy, peace and love



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« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2008, 10:54:11 AM »

Hi decas,

As Arcturus and Kat I too was touched by your testimony and hope you find some comfort here as we all journey together. We are not perfect and all is not perfect here but we all are learning and growing in Christ together as we gather knowledge and more importantly wisdom and discernment.

Being patient in the Lord will reap huge rewards Sister.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,



brandon h

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« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2008, 10:29:00 PM »

Excellent testimony decas247. Thanx for sharing. Hope to hear from you more hear. Continue to trust in the Lord for great things

God Bless


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« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2008, 09:27:22 PM »

Wow Selina, great testimony.  God IS so Good!!!
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