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Author Topic: Having a rough time  (Read 6028 times)

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Little Joe

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Having a rough time
« on: January 10, 2008, 10:21:38 PM »

Hey everybody,

This transition out of Babylon has not been easy.  Even using the word "Babylon" bothers me, because I know the people at my former church are good people whom I cared about, but I couldn't stand feeling like I was on the outside every Sunday, so I had to leave.  Babylon isn't even directed at them specifically, just the whole organized church system, of which I know they were a part of.  I got to remember that this pain I'm feeling is all part of God's plan, so please keep me in your prayers.  You all are my new church people :)



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Re: Having a rough time
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2008, 10:46:03 PM »

I think a bunch of us experienced that same pain in one degree or another.  I know I have.

I have spent more time in the Word, reading excellent teaching from the Word, and fellowshipping here at this forum then I EVER did in "church".  The bible study here is better than any class I was ever in.  I don't have to work in the church nursery!!!  I can come and go as I please--hey, whatta concept  CHURCH 24/7.

I don't hate or despise ANY churchgoer.  Pastors and teachers are giving the people(god loving people)slop instead of true meat.  Some pastors are just simply deceived like everyone else.  But we all know the ONES who are stealing and living like the world-they will be dealt w/ at LOF.

Joe, just know that this all will pass and you will get back to feeling normal again-but even better!!!  Actually, I rarely think of that old church life anymore.


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Re: Having a rough time
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2008, 11:01:41 PM »

Hi Little Joe,

We are new here and have also recently come out of Babylon. It is hard but I believe the Bible says, "with increased knowledge comes increased sorrows." Forgive me for not knowing exactly where this is.
But it has been a comfort to me as I know that being chosen in this way is a blessing and I can be in constant Praise of the Lord for pulling me out and I will always be in good company when I walk with Him.
Welcome back and turn your sorrows into praises!!



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Re: Having a rough time
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2008, 12:32:18 AM »

Hi Joe,

I had really good friends that I had known for years in the church that left a few years ago.  I loved them when I was there among them, and I still love them.  But I can no longer have a close social relationship with them, because we are no longer of like mind.  I have seen and talked to a few that I was close to, but that is as far as it goes, there is just not the desire to hang out.  I do believe this Scripture applies here.

2Co 6:14  Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

Gena, what you said is so true, I have spent more time in the Word, reading excellent teaching from the Word, and fellowshipping here at this forum then I EVER did in "church".  The bible study here is better than any class I was ever in.

Give it a little time Joe, and let Him fill the void  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Having a rough time
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2008, 01:15:14 AM »

Little Joe,
  I will pray for you too!  ;)  I have come out, but my wife has not, nor is she close. 
I, and many others here, understand what you are going through and will always be here for you, even if just to listen (you will not find many out there that will).

Remember, we are the "church" or “the called out ones”, not a bunch of programs, doctrines, and buildings! :D



Little Joe

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Re: Having a rough time
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2008, 03:39:36 AM »

Thanks everybody,

Things are getting better already.  My former pastor wrote me an e-mail and was very kind about me leaving, saying he respected the way I left.  I just didn't walk out, and I felt good about that.   :)


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Re: Having a rough time
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2008, 04:59:39 PM »

Hello Little Joe

I was in the Church for years until God began to drag me out. I did not recognise it was God but now I can see that it was HIM that I felt in pain as I stood as a leader in the Church in front of all the blind people who were listening to and believing in false teachings.  I too did not want to leave or be separated from what I falsely believed was the Truth. It was painful but I am SO BLESSED to be out of that SYSTEM where people are encouraged to be false, to wear double minds and to behave in socially acceptable ways in order to belong. My heart was so far from God and as HE drew me out it was necessary that HE (God)  cut my ties and then mend the gaping wound that the claw of Babylon had in my soul. I could not do it. I could not even see in those days but I could feel and it hurt but is was truly for the best and such a gift and blessing.

For me, the real Church of God is Christ, His Mind, His Ways and His Truth that is far from the ways of the world.  So we are quite far out here! ;D and it is wonderful!  :)

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


Little Joe

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Re: Having a rough time
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2008, 06:37:40 PM »

Hello Little Joe

I was in the Church for years until God began to drag me out. I did not recognise it was God but now I can see that it was HIM that I felt in pain as I stood as a leader in the Church in front of all the blind people who were listening to and believing in false teachings.  I too did not want to leave or be separated from what I falsely believed was the Truth. It was painful but I am SO BLESSED to be out of that SYSTEM where people are encouraged to be false, to wear double minds and to behave in socially acceptable ways in order to belong. My heart was so far from God and as HE drew me out it was necessary that HE (God)  cut my ties and then mend the gaping wound that the claw of Babylon had in my soul. I could not do it. I could not even see in those days but I could feel and it hurt but is was truly for the best and such a gift and blessing.

For me, the real Church of God is Christ, His Mind, His Ways and His Truth that is far from the ways of the world.  So we are quite far out here! ;D and it is wonderful!  :)

Peace to you

Arcturus :)

Wow!! You are so right!  Thanks for the encouargement.  I feel like all my prayers from over the past 20 years are being answered.  I can see we are called to pain for a season, and a reason   :D 

brandon h

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Re: Having a rough time
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2008, 11:19:39 PM »

I think the scripture you have at the bottom of your posts says it all, Little Joe. You will find fellowship here as God deals with us in like manners such as being dragged out of babylon. I too have lost friends due to the change God has taken me through. But I am blessed beyond measure for even being counted worthy of what I know now (which is only in part). The transformation from darkness to light is not always comfortable, but is necessary.

God Bless


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Re: Having a rough time
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2008, 01:48:20 AM »

That is so wonderful Little Joe.

Thank you for sharing what the Lord Jesus is doing in your life.

Peace be to you brother

Arcturus :)


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Re: Having a rough time
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2008, 04:05:30 PM »

Little Joe,
As the old say goes "been there, done that". I to am pained as my wife is still very active in the Babylonian System and well as many friends. I still get calls from the church members asking me to return, saying they feel GOD'S leading to pray for me, they miss my leadership, etc. I just simply reply that I could never find GOD in church but I have found HIM in BT and ask them to take a look.
My constant prayer is that GOD will drag my wife and friends as well as all out of this man made church system. My prayers will be for you to keep on in BT and seek JESUS THE CHRIST in which lies the fullness you want and need.

Little Joe

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Re: Having a rough time
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2008, 05:40:53 PM »

Little Joe,
As the old say goes "been there, done that". I to am pained as my wife is still very active in the Babylonian System and well as many friends. I still get calls from the church members asking me to return, saying they feel GOD'S leading to pray for me, they miss my leadership, etc. I just simply reply that I could never find GOD in church but I have found HIM in BT and ask them to take a look.
My constant prayer is that GOD will drag my wife and friends as well as all out of this man made church system. My prayers will be for you to keep on in BT and seek JESUS THE CHRIST in which lies the fullness you want and need.

Thank you for the encouaragement. Things are continuing to get better for me, and it is a relief that i no longer have to wear a mask, but can approach my faith honestly and from the heart, and "emails to Ray" like the one just posted only makes me all the more glad to be out of Babylon!  :D   


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Re: Having a rough time
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2008, 08:40:11 PM »

Hi Joe,

My experience is different than most here as I spent very little time in either the Catholic or Seventh Day Adventist church, I had visited many other denominations and non denominations and always came away feeling like a square peg attempting to fit in a round hole.

Through the Adventists I learned of no eternal hell, they believe in punishment and annihilation, still an evil doctrine but not quite on the level of "eternal" pain and suffering.

I really did think that was where I was headed as I could never fit in where everyone else appeared to be so content.

But I have come to the same place as many of you have although not by the same route or path, the Lord has loosened my binds and opened my eyes to His real plan for all!

Joh 8:31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
Joh 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,


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