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Author Topic: Hello!  (Read 5707 times)

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« on: January 06, 2008, 06:53:46 PM »

Hello to all. We are new here. I will probably do most of the posting however. I am Lin and my hubby is Tobin. We are THRILLED to have found this place. I can't wait to dig in here. The only problem I see is that I am so engulfed in the website and reading and re- reading that I already spend so much time here already! ::)

We homeschool our children and I am so excited that they are young enough to be taught truth from the beginning. We have always felt like they were the reason God chose us to know the truth. We are so thankful and look forward to getting to know you guys. We only have one other couple who are open to this new information.

Might I ask you how you guys dealt with the the "separation" early on? My Bro-in-law is a minister in another state and I am wondering how long it will be before my mother figures out we are no longer attending church and "tattles." We don't feel they are even close to being ready to hear what we are learning.

Thanks for any advice!
Blessings, Linny


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2008, 07:37:37 PM »

Welcome Linny,

I want to tell you that you are amongst the very few within this forum who has a mate in agreement with you on these truths... the fact that you have a whole other couple to share these truths with is amazing.  That is a blessing.

In regards to separation the only thing I can share is that you must love God and his truth more than anything else... make him your priority and he will provide a way for you to deal with the separation.  They may never understand.  Living in spirit and in truth however is incomparable joy to the cares of this world.



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Re: Hello!
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2008, 08:35:32 PM »

Amen Bobby,

I'm fortunate my wife follows these truths and I have a friend (my ex pastor) who I showed these truths to and now he is of like mind.  That is the only person that I witnessed to that had any affect.

All of God

Dennis Vogel

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Re: Hello!
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2008, 08:53:21 PM »

Hi Linny,

If you look at past posts you will see many here who have had to deal with family members.

It's unlikely you will find one family member who will accept your new and crazy beliefs.

If they ask, tell them, but don't volunteer or try to convince them.

But word will get out and you will be thought of as heretics by most. Get ready.

And count it an honor to be persecuted for your beliefs.



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Re: Hello!
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2008, 09:02:57 PM »

Welcome Lin and Tobin!!  Glad God brought you to BT and the forum.  I know exactly what you mean w/ time constraints!!!  Reading Ray requires re reading!(sorry about the alliteration!)

My hubby and youngest son are also fully into this new(but old) truth too.  I have tried to share w/ others but usually ends in disaster, so I don't say anything usually to anyone.

We have had several long threads in the past that deal w/ homeschooling/ separations/ etc.  God leads us into many different paths so there are many different stories/testimonies.

That is cute that you said your mom might tattle!  :D But you show wisdom when you say that they are not even ready to hear.

Have you read Ray's article on Witnessing??  Excellent stuff.

More personally, my middle son, had a fit.  Cursing, yelling, couldn't believe it, read some of Ray's stuff and thought he was wrong etc etc.   Finally, we agreed to not ever speak of it again and so we are on very friendly terms again :D My oldest daughter-eh, she's like"whatEVER:'! 8) She doesn't want to know but she is fine w/ what we do but she still goes to church and takes the grand kids. Never asks any questions.tho.  Also Told one couple the entire belief system as best as I could.  Wow, thats really interesting they said.  Never wanted to know anymore tho and hasn't asked us over since. :D 

Best friend-doesn't agree at all and so we don't discuss anything- Most people just assume we are where we have always been.

Sorry got so wordy, but your experience will be as God wants it- seems like no two are alike.

Anyhoo, jump in and post frequently.  Thats how you get to know us!!


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2008, 09:25:16 PM »

Hi Lin and Tobin,

I glad that both of you have joined us  :)

It is such a blessing that you both have each other to share this Truth with and another couple an extra blessing.
People who have not had their eyes opened to this Truth can not understand it.  I have found that most people don't really want to know what I believe. 
But if somebody asks, it's good to give them a brief answer.  If they are sincerely interested they will ask more questions. 

I spend time here at the forum for fellowship.  It is great to have these people to share what I'm learning with.  It seems there is always someone who can help with a question.  So join in when you find time  ;)  I homeschooled too.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Hello!
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2008, 12:43:40 AM »

Hi Linny...
             I'm also new here and I want to encourage you. As far as anyone that wants to grill you over not
going to church, lovingly tell them what you are learning here. Tell them that you are not comfortable even sitting and listening to the church institution mis-represent the heart and love of God. If they are persistent, ask them to consider looking at something that could show them how far off Christian doctrine really is. Notice that I didn't say " Christ's doctrine ". Also, remind them that what they hear from the pulpit, came from an institution.... College, not God's true word. If they continue grilling you.... step away, we are to love God and all that He represents above EVERYTHING. I hope this helps you. Love ya, Gary


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2008, 07:00:37 PM »

Thank you so much for all your kind words and great advise. I will have to spend a LOT of time in prayer before I see who God feels I might be able to approach with this.
I look forward to getting to know all of you more....


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2008, 07:47:06 PM »

Hi Linny,

It is good to see you join us, a warm welcome in the hope we can all be of a help to one another as we progress on our journey.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,

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