Welcome Lin and Tobin!! Glad God brought you to BT and the forum. I know exactly what you mean w/ time constraints!!! Reading Ray requires re reading!(sorry about the alliteration!)
My hubby and youngest son are also fully into this new(but old) truth too. I have tried to share w/ others but usually ends in disaster, so I don't say anything usually to anyone.
We have had several long threads in the past that deal w/ homeschooling/ separations/ etc. God leads us into many different paths so there are many different stories/testimonies.
That is cute that you said your mom might tattle!

But you show wisdom when you say that they are not even ready to hear.
Have you read Ray's article on Witnessing?? Excellent stuff.
More personally, my middle son, had a fit. Cursing, yelling, couldn't believe it, read some of Ray's stuff and thought he was wrong etc etc. Finally, we agreed to not ever speak of it again and so we are on very friendly terms again

My oldest daughter-eh, she's like"whatEVER:'!

She doesn't want to know but she is fine w/ what we do but she still goes to church and takes the grand kids. Never asks any questions.tho. Also Told one couple the entire belief system as best as I could. Wow, thats really interesting they said. Never wanted to know anymore tho and hasn't asked us over since.
Best friend-doesn't agree at all and so we don't discuss anything- Most people just assume we are where we have always been.
Sorry got so wordy, but your experience will be as God wants it- seems like no two are alike.
Anyhoo, jump in and post frequently. Thats how you get to know us!!