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Author Topic: OOPS, Newbie  (Read 6234 times)

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OOPS, Newbie
« on: January 23, 2008, 09:41:46 PM »

Sorry Terry, like I said, not very computer savvy, so I'm learning. Hello everyone,  I'll figure this out sooner or later. If you read what I posted on Terry's, that is a snapshot of what I'm dealing with. I'm no Pastor, but I sure try to know God's truth when confronted. I started seriously studying God's word about ten years ago, and had no idea how confussed some people are on the simplicity of Christ's teachings. I do not try to be a know it all, because I know I don't know it all, I don't think the learning ever stops! Peace to you all and thank God for everyday in Jesus name AMEN

Brother in Christ

« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 12:15:30 AM by Michael »


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Re: OPPS, Newbie
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2008, 10:45:44 PM »

Hi Michael,

I'm glad you stumbled across us and are joined in  :)

Trying to teach others these Truths, can be a slippery slope. 
If you have not read Ray's paper 'WINNING SOULS FOR JESUS?' here is a link;
An here is a link to a email that discusses witnessing to others;,2537.0.html

The best way to learn how to get around here, is to just look everything over and click and see where things will take you.  We have a lot of boards, so look around.  Here is a link to a section with some helps.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask, we have a lot of really knowledgeable people here and someone can always help.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: OPPS, Newbie
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2008, 03:50:35 AM »

Thanks Kat for the greeting. Thought possibly I was in the wrong place:) I'll do my best to learn how to use all this stuff, but I think it will take me a while. The most frequent challenge I've had was to explain Genesis 1:26. Have any thoughts on this; who was the, " US "? I understand that," ELOHIM "430 in the Strong's can be misunderstood, so I was just curious taking into consideration of the angels; Gabriel, Michael, those with Lot... Were they part of this, " US "? I'd be thankful for your input. Peace to you and thank God for everyday in Jesus name AMEN


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Re: OPPS, Newbie
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2008, 11:09:40 AM »

Hi Michael,

At the Nashville Conference last year Ray talked about who is Jesus and who is His Father, all that he taught there will explain to you a great deal about Elohim and who the 'Us' was in Gen. 1:26.
Here is an excerpt from the transcript, and you will find the whole transcript at this link.,4472.msg38212.html#msg38212 ----

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God,”
Actually & literally this verse says, "God was the Word" (Concordant).
“…and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by HIM(the Word) and without Him was not anything made that was made.” (John 1:1-3). 
V. 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us.  the only begotten of the Father?"

The Word of God, that is the Word - Logos - Spokesman, ok.  Jesus Christ has a name on His side (Revelation 19) and that name is, “the Word of God.”  Jesus Christ is the Word - Spokesman - Logos - representative - messenger of God.  Because nobody has ever heard God or seen Him.  So if God wants to convey something to the human race, He does it through His Word - His Spokesman - His Messenger - His Logos - Jesus Christ.  Now in Genesis how do we know that it’s not God the Father speaking?  Because no one has ever heard His voice or seen His shape for that matter. So when ever you hear a voice, it’s not God, well….not exactly. 
The Bible starts “In the beginning…”  In Gen. 1:1, Right?  No, wrong pale face.  It just says “In beginning…” or if anything  “In a beginning…”   
In a beginning God--Elohim.  That Elohim is plural of Elyon or El, which is the singular for God.  So Elohim is plural, it’s more than one.  But there is only one God.  There is only one Elohim and Elohim is plural??  Alright we are going to be talking about this. 

“… created the heavens and the earth” 
Ok, now we know that this word Elohim is plural, not only from the entomology of the word and how it’s used in other religions anciently and so on.  But we know when it says for example, verse 27, “God created man in His image” and God said in verse 26, “let US create in OUR image,”  They did create, that word Us and Our, because the word Elohim is plural, it’s in the Hebrew.  The Us and Our is in the Hebrew, it’s there, ok.  So it must mean Us rather than Me.  It’s in the Hebrew, it’s there. 

If you would rather listen to the audio here are the links to them.
Nashville 2007

mercy, peace and love



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Re: OPPS, Newbie
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2008, 05:57:16 PM »

Thanks Kat, I was thinking the same way. I guess thinking like a child when reading God's word helps. By that I mean, when God said, " let us make man in our image ", a simple minded person would gather there was more than one, and one might find it strange for the Almighty, Creator of ALL, to be talking to himself; yes? I'm thinking I should stop posting here and move over to one of the other sites, or is it OK to keep posting here? Don't mean to ask so many questions, but I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to computers. Anyway, I appreciate your help. Peace to you and thank God for everyday in Jesus name AMEN


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Re: OPPS, Newbie
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2008, 06:24:42 PM »

Hi Michael,

It is my pleasure to help you with these things. We are here to help each other in our understanding of these Truths.  Questions show you are seeking and that is a good thing.
If you desire to gain more understanding of what Ray teaches at the Bible Truths site, go there and continue to study and certainly stay here with us.  It takes a good deal of time spent studying these Truths for it to start to sink in. This is the only site that goes directly by what is taught at BT.  Other sites are good to discuss all manner of religious subjects, but if you can not discern error, you will be lead astray.   
Don't worry about making some mistakes posting, we all do and that is not a problem  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: OPPS, Newbie
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2008, 07:56:59 PM »

Hey Micheal.... Im another newbie...Welcome to the boards and may God continue to bless you!
~ LadyRanae


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Re: OPPS, Newbie
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2008, 12:21:41 PM »

Hey Micheal!!!
Very glad that you could join us.
There is much to learn here; alot of wisdom floatin' around.  So dig in!



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Re: OOPS, Newbie
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2008, 04:46:25 PM »

Hi Michael.

I lurked for a few months cuz I was so afraid to post! :D

I just tried to change my picture a minute ago and got all goofed up, so I am still learning this board! ;D


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Re: OOPS, Newbie
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2008, 04:08:12 AM »

Now I need some help. If anyone can explain, " with clear, logical, reasoning ", what is God telling us when He said, " Genesis 1:2 (And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.) I've learned that this was the, " Katabole ". The cleansing, or purifying, from the corruption that Satan caused. Is this not true? Peace to all and thank God for everyday in Jesus name AMEN


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Re: OOPS, Newbie
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2008, 07:56:23 AM »

If we are dust than not are we earth?
we are the earth that his law will fill.
Just my thoughts.


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Re: OOPS, Newbie
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2008, 08:31:38 AM »

Hello Michael

I recognise this false teaching. Babylon teaches Satan had dominion on the earth and that there was a society that lived on the earth that was destroyed and then the so called "Katabole" emerged. This teaching is out of the imaginations of man. It is not the truth of God.

In the beginning IS the beginning, which is not the second time round which Christandom falsley teaches.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
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