First of all, this is a wonderful story of how the Lord works within everyone! What a communion to have a 'new' spiritual brother that you can grow and experience with. I too have been afflicted in my life. Mostly this was done because I was doing 'my will' instead of my Father's. It truely is a blessing to try to become better and better everyday in trying to follow the leadings of the spirit. He has opened my eyes to greater truth and most especially greater truth in OTHERS... Even though I tarry and learn, it all seems to come back to assisting others. The Brotherhood of Man. I find myself in these situations where I can use my faith in order to help someone in need. I am asking the Father daily for guidance in these matters. "Help me better assist others Lord." It has been rough though, beating down the emotional walls, preconceived notions, and mindal habits of my past 'lost self.' As I rekon backwards in my mind, like all of us do, I perceive differently. I see that it all WAS God's plan, for me.... Of course the 'me' involves others as well... This is not a ministry of selfishness, but, selflessness. It was not the Devil intervening. If this were the case, the Devil would have to be working with God. Didn't God choose us before we were born? He surely would've KNOW and FORESEEN all outcomes, possible decisions, paths, dissappointments, hopes, fears, etc. in our lives... He created us! So, not to 'deny' the Devil, it almost pains me to capitalize his name, but, I simply will not let the 'thought' of HIS intervention be in my mind... If I think about the Devil, Lucifer, Satan, etc, I am giving him life in my mind, even though I am not afraid of him because of my faith in Christ. The more and more I experience trials, the more and more I say, "Thank you Lord!" Does not these particular,seemly 'negative', events ENRICH our FAITH??? Sure we stumble, but we move on, sipping on the cup of rightousness. Learning, loving, learning and loving again. This is NOT 'new age' philosophy. Little do they know how close they are. The great distortion with 'them' lies in the attitude of 'self-worth'. Living for self. Self development... etc.... I know whereof I speak in this matter. A feeling of 'self-worthiness' can only lead to potential 'self destruction', potentially coming soon to the glory of our Lord!!!!!! I'm rambling...Sorry. Thanks for the forum. and your times...