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Author Topic: Need encouragement, something  (Read 9669 times)

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Need encouragement, something
« on: February 10, 2008, 12:42:08 AM »

If some of you have remembered past posts of mine (I'm not offended if you don't) I had said that God was calling me out of the church I had been attending.

Well, today I  told the pastor and leadership of that church I am leaving.   It probably is one of the more gut wrenching things I have done in my life.  I had developed friends there, but I just could not stand the teachings of the church there any more.

The problem is that I did not get the reaction I had anticipated and it seems like they are trying to win me back with kindness.  I feel so empty,  I am praying to understand how I feel.  I feel so distraught over this that I am very tempted to go back because I am not going to be in fellowship with a group of people that maybe not spiritually, but personally I had grown fond of.

There is one friend that I especially think she is taking it quite personally and I hate knowing I hurt her feelings even if her feelings should not necessarily be that way.   I cannot stop reading the bible and searching the truths, and I know I cannot go back only to endure teachings that mostly do not glorify God.  I never thought trying to follow Gods leading would hurt like this.

Please help in whatever way God leads,  I used to suffer from depression and I feel that creeping back into my being.  I need God to help me, but right now I feel alone and abandoned by the holy spirit as if maybe I have done wrong.  I have no one in my area that I can talk to personally that even begins to believe what I have learned through this website.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2008, 12:43:11 AM by phazel »


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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2008, 01:44:38 AM »

Dear PHazel,

No, no, NO!!   You have done NOTHING WRONG!!!   We must always follow our HEART, for that is where Divine Intuition resides!!   I, too, have had to reject a church, for a personal reason, and never looked back.  Jesus encourages us to strike out for the Heavenly Kingdom (which He, by the way, says in WITHIN US!!  See Luke 17:21 ), and not look back.  Do you know Robert Frost's poem, which says something like :   "I stood where two roads diverged in a yellow wood....I stood there long, and I took the one less traveled by....and THAT HAS MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE" ??   I too have suffered extremely severe clinical depression (many bouts of it, in fact...)....but ALWAYS came out of each episode HAPPIER than I was before I went into it.   Yea, truly, truly, God DOES bring us out of every trial....and STRONGER THAN EVER!!!!!!!!!!! RAH!!   There's that saying, "If God brings you to it, He WILL bring you THROUGH IT." 

So, Hang In There!!!   And while you're at it, google Rudyard Kipling's poem, "If" ,  and take heart from his wonderful, extremely sage advice contained through the WHOLE thing.  If you read it, you'll see what I mean!  Among other things, he advocates "holding on" even when all hope is gone.....I've BEEN THERE!!   YES, things DO work out for GOOD to them that love God....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     :D :D :D

God BLESS and LOVE you!!!!!!!!!!   :D ::)



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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2008, 03:11:33 AM »

Hi Phazel

It is not easy to come off error especially when your friends are all hooked and your healthy friends are not physically present but scattered all over the USA and the world. Not easy.

I suffered from clinical depression for 10 years. For ten years I received treatment. I am CONVINCED that the trigger to this depression was my belief in the false teachings lies and heresy of the Church. I do not know how cured I'd be if I had to think that the only friends I could have were those addicted to pretense, double mindedness, lies and hypocrisy. I believe that eventually that is what you have to become in order to STAY IN Babylon and to stay connected.

I believe it is in God's Plan to show us the differences between having a friend physically and emotionally and having a brother or sister in Spirit and in Truth. The Family in Spirit and in Truth are physically scattered throughout the world but we are near to one another in Spirit and in Truth. Our like mindedness is our bond of unity and peace which is unlike anything that is dependent on carnality and emotions.

Taking up one's cross is not a walk in the park. Non of us have come here through the bed of roses and only Christ can make any of us actually take up our cross. On our own we can do nothing. If it is for you to take up your cross, God will make you. If not, you will have many friends who are called and you will join them in judgment to righteousness which will separate you then from the lusts of the flesh and the addictions of the emotions hooked to feel good sentiments unfounded on the Truth. This is not to judge or look down or put down anyone because we are all in the flesh and we all have pain and feel the fire when our comforts of our feel good sentimentality's are removed by fire and purged out by the Truth. It is a hard thing to see that those who Babyloinly "love" us are self serving. That hurts terribly!   

The two roads that lead one to solitude with Christ and the other to feel good companionship of man is a painful experience and we would all choose the comfortable path of pleasure not of pain. No one is alone in that. We all go against the Will of God and this is the Plan of God. Not all will be made to take the path less travelled. From your post it appears to me that God is making you follow Him and the pain you are experiencing now and the insight you have been given seem to indicate the way God has chosen for you. It may appear quite terrible but it is not. It is actually quite remarkable, surprising and strengthening in the Godly attributes of endurance, trust and patience.

Some how I think God is separating you to make into His image for His purpose and that is why you are been given to feel, know and become acquainted with the pain of being made separate from the flesh of feel good attachments. There is a purpose in that and it can only be a Godly one.

A day seems long to us in our humanity. An experience seems unending and unchanging but with God, He is invisible and has all the Wisdom in what He is making you experience and face right now. We all know it is difficult and impossible for us. Some of us get to experience that with God, all things are possible even as we sorrow and painstakingly travel the course God has set before us.

You are not alone. The girl you mention also is not alone and perhaps God has meant it for you to be the one to help her some time in the future millenium. God knows what He is doing. God is responsible. Trust HIM.

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2008, 03:17:31 AM by Arcturus »


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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2008, 03:49:26 AM »

Hi Phazel,
I would like to encourage you and say that I believe you are doing the right thing.  I feel for you because I recently went through a time of depression and I felt so much darkness due to certain teachings. Since I have left those ideas and read some of the teachings on this site I think I have a better level of understanding and tolerance for people than before. Anyways remember God is love and that Christ makes intercession for us.

Chris R

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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2008, 07:39:25 AM »

Hi Phazel,

I would encourage you to continue reading

Chris R.


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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2008, 08:16:37 AM »

I agree Chris and Sevenator your post is uplifting. Keep up the reading in BT Phazel.  :)

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2008, 12:07:53 PM »

Hi Phazel and all,

I encourage you to continue what you're doing... and that is studying the scripture.  I would highly recommend studying the Lake of Fire, looking up every scripture that Ray uses... and then read the entire series again.  This has been the most helpful to me. 

Remember, that being "in the way" is not without suffering and sacrifice.  I had a very similar experience.  I was extremely involved in the church and in other "christian activities, studies, and fellowships".  I was very close to many people.  However, I do believe when God did drag me beyond that Babylonian door step I have truly never looked back.  When my house was indeed fallen, I was free... the sacrifice is much easier to bear when you realize what you have gained.

I don't shun anyone... or condemned my old friends.  I don't cross the street if I see them headed my way on the sidewalk... I am free.  I am on a path that is true... and they aren't with me...  I'm not straying (Lord willing).

Consider those in the Gospels that Jesus said, "follow me".  It has always been this way.



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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2008, 01:16:21 PM »

Hi Phazel,

In order to serve and follow Christ it is necessary to leave the things of this world behind.  It is not an easy thing to do, to put aside the things we once held dear and to put Christ ahead of them all.  But we must if we are to be His disciples.  Christ explains what we must do to be His dicsiple...

Luke 14:33  So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.

We have to turn away from all of the things that we depend on in this life and turn our faith and trust to Him.  I'm not saying we should leave our jobs or families, in many ways I think they are used in our judgment now. 
But the church is a place that people go to for guidance in religious matters.  If we are to grow to be like Christ, the church, which is of the world is NOT what should be guiding us, but we must depend on Christ totally.

Php 3:7  But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.
v. 8  Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ
v. 9  and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith;
v. 10  that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,
v. 11  if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.
It is not the easy path we are on, but what a grand outcome for a few  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2008, 02:26:45 PM »

Good Morning, PHazel !!   :)

The trials & tribulations we have undergone/are undergoing can only mean ONE THING :   Christ is right in back of you, propelling you straight into His Heavenly Kingdom of Joy, Glory, and everlasting Peace!!  Remember that Bible verse that says, "through much tribulation ye must enter into the Kingdom of Heaven" ? (Acts 14:22)  Also see 2 Thess. 1:4-5.   

So, as I've indicated, we can rejoice EXCEEDINGLY when we see we are persecuted (harassed, looked-down-upon, etc.) and suffer great emotional and mental pain, because that can only mean ONE thing :  Christ HAS YOU in the palm of His Hand and is working a thing of Great Beauty, when all is said and done!   :D :D

Sure, it HURTS to go through all these things, BUT when we go through the dark tunnel of the birth canal and come out into the Light of pure Love, Joy, Peace, Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, Faith, Patience, and Self-Control (the 9 Fruits of the Spirit),  we ARE then Pure Gold  (tried in the fire of all those "hasslements", to coin a new word!  ha!).  So, like the saying goes, "Hang in there, Baby!!"  (even if it feels like it's only by the skin of your teeth sometimes!  I've BEEN THERE!!!   Whooey!! )   And, boy, you'd better NOT think I'm "bragging"!!   I've HURT SO MUCH throughout all my life, that I despaired of even Life itself more than once!!!!!!!!!!   What I AM saying is that it DOES PAY to PERSIST on the sacred Spiritual Path that God outlines for us so plainly in the Scriptures.   And, as in my case, that includes such things like refraining from retorting when someone says something "snippy" to me,  refraining from getting angry (for two reasons :  #1 -  "He who can make you angry CONTROLS YOU."   and #2 - God WILL do Justice to the offending person -- NO ONE can escape Divine Righteous Justice....believe me, I KNOW!! ).  It is our MOTIVES that God looks at, whenever we think, say, or do something.   "Blessed are the PURE IN HEART , for they SHALL SEE God."

Have a WONDERFUL Day,  PHazel !!   :D :D ;D



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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2008, 03:58:16 PM »

You have made your decision Congratulations, Do not look back

Rom 3:18  There is no fear of God before their eyes.

You have obeyed the Word of God and have come out.

Rev 18:4  And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues

You may" feel" sad and have soul pulling but remember
2Co 12:9  And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Heb 4:1  Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.

Cast out that demon of depression you are a child of God and the devil will flee

2Ti 1:7  For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.



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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2008, 10:15:04 PM »

Hello, again, phazel !

Just a quick note to pick out a quote from your initial posting on this thread :

"Well, today I  told the pastor and leadership of that church I am leaving.   It probably is one of the more gut wrenching things I have done in my life.  I had developed friends there, but I just could not stand the teachings of the church there any more."

I too will not join ANY church that preaches the doctrine of "Hell-fire for Eternity", and so, even though I live in a small town, I refuse to feel ashamed whenever anyone asks me, "What church do you go to?"   I simply tell them, "I don't," and let it go at that.   I haven't had anyone ask me, "Why not?"   But IF they DO, I will tell them the Truth, and let the chips fall where they may, for I do not care for opinions anymore, but only TRUTH.

Good Evening to you!   :D  :D


Little Joe

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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2008, 11:04:16 PM »


I went through the same experience leaving church a few weeks ago, and it is painful, but I think you'll find that the Lord will open up to you whole new avenues of knowing Him and also fellowship with others you've never experienced before.    I'll tell you, it is the easy road to sit back in your pew every Sunday and get spoon fed, but a whole other matter to really dig into the word and have the Holy Spirit of God illuminate your heart with wisdom.  I suffer from depression too, and I often take comfort in reading the psalms.  My four favorite are Psalms 1, 8, 19, and 23.  These give me great comfort, I'd suggest you try reading and meditating on them.  I find them refreshing  to my spirit.

In Christ,



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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2008, 12:11:51 AM »

Thank you all,  I will keep studying and asking God for strength and I feel blessed that I do not feel completely alone.

I use msn to chat with if anyone is interested my e-mail for that is



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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2008, 12:36:02 AM »

Hello Phazel,

Thank you for sharing your story here. You're a step further than me.
I touched on this same subject before, but then "retreated" from the forum, but quietly just read.

I guess I can understand how you feel. For me anyway, I'm having feelings which I don't even quite know how to put into words.
My wife and I still attend church. It's Baptist orientated. I'm the leader of the expat group in my "foreign" country (Taiwan).

It's all about Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, .... but somehow it's not. Somehow it all seems about every member trying to sort out his or her own heavenly treasures with the focus on themselves and not really the focus of our Father and His Son. And through all the teachings they make Him look like ,a weak-willed creator that has no control whatsoever over His own creation.
And now, when I notice these things, as I believe you also have, I feel that I must be the wrong. I start to doubt everything.
I prayed to Him and asked Him that if I'm on the wrong track, to please bring me back.
Well, it doesn't seem that His taking me back to my old beliefs. But He's still keeping me in the church. For now.

You mentioned that you're alone in your beliefs. Hey, so am I. It sucks. I know. It also hurts.

I wish that I was perfect with absolutely no sin in my life 'cause I guess that would make leaving easier, if anyone understands what I mean.

Phazel, chin-up and be strong. You can. You are not alone.



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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2008, 09:34:38 AM »

Hello Phazel,

                   Your post took my interest, yes it can be most difficult to leave behind friends from a previous affiliation. It was difficult for me when leaving the JW's, since that time(2003), I've only visited a Church type denomination four times. I realized early on that eventually I would be presented with teachings like Eternal Torment, Legalistic Church rules or the other extreme, a general apathy(an anything goes attitude). In my case, any former friends from my previous Church aren't allowed to even speak to me, even if they happen to bump into me, in a way that is a positive thing, now I see it as part of Gods' plan for me. I certainly sympathize with you about having problems with Depression, had a great Depression in 1994 and a more minor bout in early 2006, it seems in my case that a lack of the full spectrum of light during winter time greatly enhances the problem(Seasonal Affective Disorder), my wife purchased a lamp for me that provides the necessary light for me and it has worked wonders for me, I have it on right now, while typing this message. Getting back to Friends, Former Friends and Good acquaintances, it seems that Rays new Article on being "Unequally Yoked with Unbelievers" has application here. My feeling or opinion is, for whatever its worth, is that as long ias someone isn't battering me with spiritual untruths and isn't trying to mislead me from the Truths found at this Site, I might still be able to associate with them to some extent, you would have to determine to what extent that could be. The key is to not be unequally yoked, so if theirs enough common denominators without any threat to your spirituality, you might decide to socialize with others that don't share the same Bible teachings. Personally, I have yet to find anyone that completely accepts Man having no Free Will and believing that everyone will eventually be saved. We can only plant the seed and God will make it grow. I made a copy of Rays new article about being unequally yoked and my wife agreed to read it and fully agreed with and loved the article, now thats progress. Hang in their Phazel, God Loves you and wants to teach us and disipline us and he uses others to do so. (Hebrews. chapter 12). I don't believe you've done anything wrong, you can only do your best as God see's fit for you, that best usually varies on a daily basis, my heart and prayers go out to you.

                                                                     Your Brother, Samson.


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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2008, 12:39:58 PM »

Good post Samson!
Phazel, I would agree, if your friends still want to be friends, it's a good thing. No one will take what you have away from you, and you can be a friend and a light to those you want to be with. They may not see the truth now, but one day they will.


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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2008, 12:58:52 PM »

Hi Phazel,

It's not easy to come out of the Error Place...but it must be done. As Craig has said: "Whenever you play in the mud, the only thing that happens is you get dirty"

If they no longer want to talk to you, then they weren't really your friends in the first place.

That's my opinion,
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 01:31:54 PM by Sorin »


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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2008, 05:34:02 PM »

Good Point Sorin,

                        We don't want to get back in the mud with the Pigs(2Peter.2:21,22). Also it says at 1 Peter. 3:17: " For it is better to suffer because you are doing good, if the will of God wishes it, than because you are doing bad." I concur Sorin, than they really weren't your friends after all, thats' probably why I don't have many or any. Besides so many people are friends of this World(kosmos). (James. 4:4 ).

                                          Your Brother, Samson.


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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2008, 07:08:54 PM »

Thanks Samson,

I was reading through some old emails of Ray, and came upon this one which I thought would be fitting here.

"I just want to thank you. I e-mailed you in the past and told you I was going back to church because I was lonely. I went for a year and did not make one relationship. Every where I turned, there was a wall. I knew God was dealing with me, and I have finally left for good. I feel a peace for my family since we left. I use your papers for our family Bible studies. I read about  one paper a week, and I have read several more than once to get it to stick in the old nogin.
I am amazed at your insight into Gods word and I get a kick out of your humor you weave into your papers.
Thank you, and I hope my children will have access to this site when they get to adult hood.
God bless you,

I guess when God calls you out, He means it!  ;D

Take care,


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Re: Need encouragement, something
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2008, 06:20:02 PM »

Thanks everyone for your replies.   Today I feel a lot more understanding of how God works, and feel willing to endure the emotion of this transition if it brings me to greater truth.

Just yesterday I came upon someone and my initial thought was very judgmental.  And I found myself realizing that while "I" did think that, it was not in my control that the thought manifested itself.   Then I found myself telling God.  "God, I do not want to be that way, I want my first thought to be of love and care"

Then I realized that the church I am in and any other church I have been in would have been telling me that somehow I had to figure out how to change due to my free will.   So in an instant I knew that God is drawing me to a greater truth.  Because the church asks the impossible, it is impossible for me to change on my own, impossible, it cannot be done.   There is nothing to figure out because the answer for ourselves can never be found in a power that does not exist.

Only God can draw me to change and the undeniably intriguing thing is that he will draw me to understand it willingly.   

Utterly amazing.
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