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Author Topic: Does All mean All? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biblestudy Sep 2007  (Read 25927 times)

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September 2, 2007 Bible Study Part 1.mp3 Part 2.mp3

                                                                      DOES ALL MEAN ALL?

                                                 DOES SCRIPTURE PROVE GOD WILL SAVE EVERYONE ?

You will notice that I did not say, does scripture ‘say’ God will save all. There is a reason for that. I know all of us here believe God will save all of humanity. I know we all believe that fervently and we base it on the scriptures.  
But today I’m going to play, not the devil’s advocate, but the theologian’s advocate. I want you first of all to give me some scriptures that state emphatically that God will save everybody.

Okay 1 Tim 4:10, let’s turn there and I’m going to play the theologian’s advocate and we’ll see what we come up with. This is the verse we have at the bottom of  

1 Tim 4:10  For to this we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe.

Now what is it about that scripture that would make you think that God will or have to save all? What is in there, what word All. The word all, right? Wrong, pale face. You don’t understand hermeneutics or this good stuff taught in the seminaries of this world. So it’s wrong. The word ‘all’ can mean - all, completely, totality or as many as.

So they say, ‘well yes He is the living God who will save as many men, as He will save, however many that is. Those that come to Him out of free will choice and accept Christ. Yes He will save that many, that's all. The word pas in the Greek, that’s how many He will save, as many as He will save. He will especially save believers for sure, because God so loved the world, that whosoever believes on His Son will be saved. You will receive eternal life if you believe. Certainly the believers and all men who are not believers, but maybe will be believers in the ages to come, through this church age and however many there are. The all, the pas, the many will be saved too, but not everyone.’

Okay, another scripture from someone.  

1 Tim 2:4  who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Now what is it in that verse that suggests everyone will be saved? All. Same word all - pas - as many as. So here’s their argument, if pas means as many as, then it doesn’t have to mean all, the absolute all, see. Next verse.

Col 1:20  And through Him having made peace through the blood of His cross, it pleased the Father to reconcile all things to Himself through Him, whether the things on earth or the things in Heaven.

Okay what is the word in there that suggests He will save all? All - pas. He will save as many as. See here’s how a theologian commentary might go on that. “having made peace through the blood of His cross, it pleased the Father to reconcile ALL…” that’s the Greek word pas - as many as come to Him, accept Him, receive His sacrifice, etc., that’s how many, pas - all - as many as do what they have to do. See? So you’ve got to put all the scriptures together. You just can’t base it on one scripture.

1 Cor 15:22  For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all will be made alive.

[Theologians] Those who accept Jesus shall be made alive in the kingdom of God, those that do not accept Jesus shall be made alive so they can suffer for all eternity in the lake of fire. They will all be made alive, you bet ya.  

2 Peter 3:9  The Lord is not slow concerning His promise, as some count slowness, but is long-suffering toward us, not purposing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

The all - pas - as many as,  as many as come to repentance will come to repentance and as many as will not come, will not. So as many as will not, will not be saved.

Now let me show you that technically they are right about the word. Let’s prove that, where it says “all should be saved,” why do they say that doesn’t mean all? Because they despise the Word of God, that’s why. They despise the Word of God. They don’t say that this word never means all or complete or every or everyone. They only say it never means that when it’s talking about salvation. Why? Because they despise the Word of God. One day we are going to understand that, it’s only when it comes to salvation specifically and particularly. Not that there are other occasions that they know it doesn’t mean all, because that’s their proof to say that it doesn’t mean all when it’s talking about salvation. But the reason that they do that is they despise the Word of God and they don’t want everybody to be saved. They’re vengeful and hateful. There are people that have hurt them in their lives and they want those people to go to hell.  

How many people, how many thousands of people have written me emails and not only said, ‘go to hell you _ _ or you _ _ _,’ and every foul name, in addition to all those that say, not quite so abruptly, ‘well Ray you’re going there, one day you will find out.’ Trust me, they want me to go there, they want me to some day wake up in hell burning and they will say, ‘ha ha ha, I told you Ray.’ If I’d say at that point, well I repent now, they would say, ‘well you can’t.’ Well why can’t I? ‘You can’t do good when God has determined that you have to do bad for all eternity.’ So I would say no, but I want to do good anyway. ‘You can’t, it’s not allowed.’ I’d say, God will not allow me to repent and do good here is hell? ‘No.’ What? Can you see the insanity of this stuff!

So here’s a verse, notice it.

Mark 1:5  And they went out unto Him all…  

Same Greek word, pas. Now if we said pas means every last one  single one, here it is, pas means all, any, every, the whole, ever, as many as. Now if the meaning didn’t have that ‘as many as’ in there, we could say yes it does mean absolutely everyone. “…ALL the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem…” Do you really believe that every single person alive, all Judaea and the whole city of Jerusalem went out to Christ?  The infants, the elderly that can’t walk? Of course not. Notice this next part; “…and were ALL…” same Greek word pas - all, every or as many as, “… baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins.” Does that word pas in the Greek mean every single one there? No, it does not and we don’t even have to speculate on that, because of Matt 3.

Mat 3:7  But when he (John the Baptist) saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said unto them, ye generation of snakes, who warned you to escape from the wrath to come?
v. 8  Bring forth fruit meet of repentance:

In other words he wasn’t going to baptize them unless they repented of all their evil doings. So we know for a fact the Sadducees and the Pharisees were not baptized and it says, “they were ALL baptized.”  

We also know that when they asked Christ, “By what authority do You do these things?” (Matt 21:23) He said well I’ll answer you if you first tell Me by what authority did John the Baptist, baptize? They got together and said, well what’s He trying to do here? Let’s see, we could say that he just did his own thing. Well no, we can’t say that, because the people thought he was a man of God. They’ll hate us and stone us. But if we say, he was a man sent from God, then Christ will say why weren’t you baptized. So this is proof that they weren’t baptized. So they said verse 27, we can’t answer that Lord. “… And He said to them, "Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.” So we have proof that pas does not always mean all.  

1 Tim 2:4  who will have all (Gk. #3956 pas - all, any, every, the whole, every, as many as) men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

So when we find, “who will have all men to be saved.” We can’t base that on the word pas, even though we know from the context that it is speaking of all.  

Now we are going to take a look at a number of scriptures and hopefully we will start getting some clarification on these important matters. So I have 1 Tim 2:4 and you already brought it up that God our Savior will have all men saved. Actually the theologians find 2 problems with that. The word will comes from 2 different Greek words primarily in the New Test.  

Mat 6:10  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

When it says, in the Lord pray, “Thy will be done…” That is the strong form of the word ‘will’ and it means absolutely, it absolutely must be done. But then you have the weaker form, I say weaker when it’s not speaking in God’s absolute declaration, but it means a sincere desire to do something. Christ used it many times, Paul used it many times. But I’ve shown in an email on our site, 7 places where it has to be more that a wish, (,3098.0.html - I believe this is the email Ray was referring to). Because it absolutely has to come about by the context. But sometimes it doesn’t, it just means a desire. Paul said, I desire to come onto you, but Satan hindered me (1 Thess 2:18). Well he didn’t come, he didn’t absolutely say I will come and therefore it is written in stone and it will happen, you see.  

Here’s where it says “who will” (1 Tim 2:4), it’s that weaker form of desire. So you can translate it, “God who desires that all…” so they say, since it’s only a desire, it doesn’t have to come about, see. That’s when you liken God to a man. But you are breaking the first, second and third commandments there, and the fifth, of dishonoring your Father. They break 4 commandments there by saying, when God desires something He can’t always have it. Why? What kind of nonsense is that?

How could a human conceive that the Creator of the universe, desires - inside emotional feeling, He desires or wants, desires to have something, but He can’t have it. That’s blasphemy. But they don’t so. It is blasphemy, because you are bringing God down to a human level. We humans desire, I desire for my knees to get better, it’s not happening. But if God desired for His knees not to hurt, guess what? They wouldn’t hurt, but God doesn’t have knees, but if He did. So first they say His will there, is nothing more than a unobtainable weak wish. All means just as many as, as many as do whatever other scripture say they have to do, in order to be saved. That scripture proves no such thing, as God will save all humanity (1 Tim 2:4).

It is in just such type situations, where people read some of my material. Rather than thinking how they are going to internalize these spiritual lessons, they are thinking how they are going to externalize them and go out and make a fool out of their pastor. Now I can’t tell you how many have tried and fail flat on their face. Then they write me back and say, ‘Ray, I’m meeting with my pastor again on Tues., I told them about this or that scripture, but he said this, this, and this, now I don’t know what to do, help please.’ I say, you made your bed, now sleep in it. Don’t think I’ve not made some enemies there. Sometimes I give them the answer, but I say, you’re play with fire. You think you’re somebody, you think you understand, you think you can take on the theologians of the world? They have been studying these things by the hundreds of thousands for 2000 years.

Well you will say, ‘Ray, who do you think you are by doing this.’ Well I’m a little more cautious than that. It says, men jump in where angels fear to tread. How true, we jump in sometimes where even an angel would be afraid to go. We need to be careful about such things.

Why isn’t there a Greek word like all, that always does mean all and every, without exception? Why does this Greek word have that loop hole in it? Why didn’t God have at least one word that means all - every - absolutely bar none, then use it. Then the theologians wouldn’t have an excuse to blaspheme God and say He is not going to save everybody, but torture most of them in hell. Why didn’t God provide such a word? Because if He did, how would Satan deceive the whole world?

Rev 12:9  And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent, he that is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world;

You see, how would these theologians be deceived, if there was no room for deception?  

Isa 28:13  Therefore shall the word of Jehovah be unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little; that they may go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and TAKEN.

That means taken captive in there own demented minds. It’s the way the Word of God is, here a little there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept. But if you have a heart that doesn’t think the rest of humanity is as good as you, then there is room to pervert the scriptures, pervert your mind and be easily deceived. Now that’s why there are these loop holes. That’s why all doesn’t always mean all, when it says, God will save all. They can say, ‘well it doesn’t always mean everyone, so your doctrine is wrong.’  

We had a saying back in Pennsylvania, there is more than one way to skin a cat.  


We have shown where some scriptures, at least, using the word ‘all’ means only some. Do all scriptures that use the word ‘all’ means only some? We’ve got to prove our points here, one at a time, as we go.  

Mat 12:36  But I say unto you, that every (pas - all) idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

Does anyone, we or the church or theologians, believe for one minute that He only means some of the idle words spoken by man will be judged? Only some? Does anyone believe that? Not even the theologians believe that’s only talking about some, many or a few. They believe that means all. Why? Because they have no problem with that being all, they have no problem with saying, ‘yea I need to judge all my own idol words, I can’t be saying any idol words anymore than anybody else.’ They’ll agree with that, because it doesn’t save everybody, so they still have that nasty little doctrine to hang on to, you see.  

Mat 4:4  But He answered and said, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every (pas - all) word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

Again theologians say, ‘well that does mean every or all, it mean we should live by some of God’s Words and the parts of God’s Word you don’t like, we can throw those away.’ No they wouldn’t say that.  

Rom 3:23  for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God;

You know I could play their game and say, that’s the word ‘pas’ it means some or many, it doesn’t mean absolutely everyone. I’m one that it doesn’t include, I’ve not sinned. We know some people who have claimed that, just a little while back. They say, ‘I no longer sin.’ Of course it is in the past tense, so even if you are sinless now, it says “have sinned,” at least in the past. Really would any theologian say that doesn’t mean all?  No they wouldn’t. But when it says “all have sinned” they say it means all. But when it says all will be saved, it doesn’t mean all. What’s their proof? What’s our proof?  

Now do you see why I put this study together today? They don’t have a personal problem with being a sinner, but they have a major problem with everybody being saved. They just don’t like that, you see. So we are going to have to go a different route here, if we want to expose those that contradict the Word of God. It’s one thing to just say it, but if you are going to really expose it, then you have to prove it.  

So this one say “all have sinned.” Can we find other proof that the “all have sinned” means everyone? Yes we can.

Rom 3:12  They are all [is that proof? No not according to theologians] gone out of the way, they are together [is that proof that all have sinned? No, not according to theologians] become unprofitable; There is none that doeth good, no not one:

There‘s the proof, you can‘t fight with that. Is there one person who has never sinned? “No not [even] one.” You have a double negative “no not one.” So yes we do have proof.

Here is another one. What Jesus Christ said “there is none good,” none (Matt 19:17). Now that excludes any, but God. So yea we can prove that all have sinned means absolutely everyone.  

Now can we prove that all will be saved, means absolutely everyone will be saved? Any suggestions?
[Comment: Is all, especially believers proof? (1 Tim 4:10)] Yes especially believers, but what about “all (pas) men,” the all is the many. He will save many that come to Christ, in the future and especially those who are already believers. I told you I was going to play the theologians advocate here.
[Comment: Well, Col. 1:20, should cover just about everybody] We already went over that, but what in that scripture did she base it on? ‘All’ it was wrong, there is more in that scripture than what she based it on. That is a good scripture, but not the point that was brought out. That’s why I just glossed over it.  

You are going to find as we go over this, that there are many scripture that say nothing about the salvation of all men, that prove that God will save all men. The scripture doesn’t say any such thing, but yet it is proof. That’s what I meant by what we use to say, there more than one way to skin a cat. There is more than one way to get from here to Toledo. You can take the shortest cut, but there are other ways and they will get you there too.

Now it says “no not one” now I want to prove that the “no” in the Greek is ‘ou’ and it never means some or any. I want to prove that, so we know each word is going to nail it down.  

Mat 7:21  Not every one that says unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but…

It says ‘not,’ it’s the same Greek word ‘ou,’ it’s translated a lot of times no, not, nay, neither, never, none, nothing, that’s what it says in Strong’s. That is pretty powerful. Now does that mean some or a few?  No, it’s no, not, nay, neither, never, none, nothing. “Not EVERY one...” Guess what? ‘Every’ there is the same word translated ‘ou,’ it’s the word ‘pas’ that means - all, some or many, okay.

“…that say unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;” No not any “… that say to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;” but that is not the end of the sentence. “But,” here is the disclaimer, “but,” here is the exception to the rule. None, absolutely none, BUT. You can eat all the M&Ms, BUT the yellow ones, I want those. According to that statement are you allowed to eat even one yellow M&M? No. You can eat all of them, BUT.  

Now here it doesn’t say all of them, but none of them. It says, “Not every one” but in the Greek it’s no ou. ‘No all’ should be saved, but it doesn’t sound right, it’s not proper grammar to talk like that. So they say instead of ‘no all’ that say unto Me, Lord, Lord…” “Not(same negative, no - not) every (pas - all)” and it’s proper, it’s the same. It’s not a bad translation, that’s the way it should be translated “Not every” but when you say “not every” aren’t you suggesting maybe there are some? See when you say, not every one will make it to the Olympics, well some will, right. But then you have the ‘but.’ So yes it can be translated “not every one.” Every one “but,” here’s the “but,” see so it’s still proper. So now we have literally, “ou pas - no all,” which means “no all, no any, no many, no whatever many or few.” “But (only) he that does the will of My Father” (Matt 7:21b). So not a single person that DOESN’T do the will of Jesus’ Father, will be in the kingdom.

The no not, the not all, the no all, clarifies that. None, none whatsoever, no exception. So here the negative, no -not - neither - nor - never - ou, it means every, there is no exception.

Now let’s see where we can find that word and see what we can figure out from that.

« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 06:00:30 PM by Kat »


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Re: Does All mean All?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2007, 04:32:14 PM »


I'll give a little example here, because everybody doesn’t know how to deduce something.

If Nazareth is north of Jerusalem and Bethlehem is south of Jerusalem, we can ‘deduce’ that Bethlehem is also south of Nazareth, even though we don’t have a Bible verse that tells us that. You deduce it. It’s got to be, because if up here is Nazareth and down here is Bethlehem, Nazareth is north of Jerusalem. Then Bethlehem must also be south of Nazareth. That’s a deduction and you don’t have an actual statement, but you deduce it and it is factual truth. I mean that’s how scientist figure out lots of things, how to deduce it by something else.

Notice what it says in this verse. 

2 Peter 3:9  The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

I want to get us out of every old mind set. In your old mind set, most will look at that verse and what will be the proof that all will be saved? He is going to bring ‘all’ to repentance. But that’s the word pas, which can mean many. But don’t give up on this verse so quickly, there is more to it. Let’s put a little deduction to work here.

I’m going to go and take the most difficult scenario first, of how to prove these things. From here they will get simpler.

So "the Lord is not," that word ou. Now we just established that it (not) always means, no - not - any - never, with no exception, right. Because if there is as exception then you can get into the kingdom of God without doing the will of the Father, if there is one exception. So this word ‘ou’ means absolutely none. Now let’s read it with the salvation of people in mind.

2 Peter 3:9  The Lord is not (Gk. #3856 ou - no, not, nay, never ever, none, zero) slack concerning His promise (so is there any slackness at all in God‘s promises? No, not at all, none), as some count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not (Gk. #3361 - mē, not, any, neither, never, no, none, nor, nothing) willing (Gk. #1014 bulimia, there is no slackness that God is not in any way willing, disposed, minded or intended) that any (Gk. #5100 tis - some, any, a, any {thing, thing at all}, certain, divers, every, man, one, ought, some {man, body, thing, what} no thing. So how many is God willing or intending are going to perish? This is talking about our destiny, not in this life time. How many? Not even one, zero, not some, not any, not at all any) should perish (Gk. apollumi - perish, destroy, lose) but that all (Gk. Pas - all, as many as. We can take that out, forget the word all, you don‘t need it. Put ‘that they,’ who? Anybody who doesn’t come under the category of none) should come to repentance.

Are you following this? This is all based on the negative. How many that don’t come under the category of none, not any, not any man, not any woman, not any thing, none whatsoever, nothing. Now if you are not in that category, you are going to come to repentance and not have a destiny of perishing or perished - apollumi. How many is that? Everyone does not come under the mē, the none, so it includes everyone. Therefore the “all” in that verse is everyone who is not included in the “any,” and that’s EVERYONE!

Now we understand that all humanity is in a state of ‘apollumi,’ sometimes. Because apollumi meaning destroy, perish or lose. All mankind are lost, so it’s not talking about in this lifetime that no one will ever be destroyed or die or be perished or not be spiritually lost, as their destiny, because this life time they do. But ultimately our destiny for everyone, is to be unperished or lost. None, because the negative here proves it. If there is even one that comes under that category, it can’t come under that category, because that category doesn’t include anyone, it’s a negative, no one. He’s not willing that anyone, no one be perishing or lost forever. There again the apollumi, Christ said I’ve come to save those that are apollumi. When the scripture say, “the Lord is not slack,” is there any room for slackness? No. A little slackness? No. No slackness at all. When He says, “…is not willing that any should perish,” it proves the positive side. The negative proves the positive side. 

If I say to a group of people, none of you will go hungry today. Does that not prove that somehow they are going to be fed. Because if don’t any of them go hungry, but if they are not fed, then they will go hungry. So the fact that you say, I promise you, no one in here will go hungry today, if you fulfill that promise, somehow you got to feed them. 

So when God says, no one, not even one will perish. So guess what? He has to save them, He has to or He’s lying.  But we would base this scripture on the word all. You don’t need the word all, take it out, just put in the word they. So however many ‘they’ and we know however many they are. They are as many as are not included in the none. How many are included in the none? NONE! Then who are the ‘they’? They are everyone! You got it? Okay... God gave us minds sometimes we have to use them, right? 

He says, “not willing…” that is not intending, not mindful to do it. But they argue like they do in 1 Tim. 2.

1Tim 2:4  Who will have all men to be saved….

God wills that all men be saved, they say the will just means a wish. Well how strong is that wish? Let’s see.

Isaiah 46:10  declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done; saying, My counsel shall stand, and I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE;

Well you may say, yea that word all, but it’s the same Hebrew word kole, it’s still means all, complete or many. But we’re not going to base it on that. 

Isaiah 46:11  calling a ravenous bird from the east, and a man that executes my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I WILL ALSO DO IT.

That’s emphatic. If God has desired it, spoken it, purposed it, He will do it, you can’t get away from that. You may say, ‘well, but only some of the things.’ Then you are making God a liar. Has God said it’s His will that all men be saved? Yes. What did He say about that? “I’ve spoken it…”  Well guess what, if “…I have spoken it….I will also do it.” How would God get out of that? 

Say somebody is in hell and they say - Lord, why am I in hell? Your Word which can not be broken says in 1Tim. 2, that it is Your will that all men to be saved. I’m a man, why am I not saved?
God replies - Well I was hoping you would you would be saved, but you’re not.
Someone in hell - But you spoke in your Word that it is Your will.
God - Well yea, I did.
Someone - Well then You have to do it.
God - No I don’t.
Someone - What do You mean, yes You do.  You also said back in Isaiah, if You spoke it You will do it.
God - Oops.
Someone - Well maybe God isn’t perfect after all.

Can you use your mind and start thinking about this. Don’t ever let people trap you with this stuff. Look at it and maybe you need to meditate on this awhile, so that you have it in your head. But just realize, you don’t have to use those scripture that says, all will be saved. There’s lots of scripture that prove that God will save all, even though it doesn’t say so. They say, ‘He will (desire) have all men, but it won’t happen.’ It will happen, either it will or Isaiah 46:10-11 is a lie. He said, if I have spoken it… if I purposed it… if it’s part of My council, I WILL DO IT. There you go, bingo.

Ezek. 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, says the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but (but He DOES take pleasure in them turning and living, therefore they will HAVE to turn {repent} and live eventually) that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

Well we know He’s talking about them dying back then, when He is talking to them and the prophets are going to them and they are going to be destroyed and put in captivity and everything else. But this is a principle it doesn’t matter whether it’s back then or in the future or whenever, God never takes pleasure in the death of the wicked. That’s the point I want to make. If He doesn’t take pleasure in the death of the wicked here, why would He take pleasure in the death of the wicked in the Lake of fire? It’s a contradiction.
So if you say, ‘God, You say You don’t take pleasure in the death of the wicked, yet You are going to throw most of humanity in the Lake of fire, which is the second death of the wicked, that’s contradiction.’  What would He says, ‘no it’s not, I changed My mind.’  ‘But God Your Word says You never change.’
You see how easy it is, just stick with the scripture, it’s easy. God shows you through His Spirit. He doesn’t take pleasure in the death of the wicked. The church teaches the Lake of fire is the second death and it lasts for all eternity. So the death of the wicked is going to be here for all eternity, that’s what they say. God says, I don’t take pleasure in that. Would they say, ‘well that’s one thing you’ve got to live with, God.’ He says no, I fulfill all My pleasures, that’s not one of them. Guess what? It will have to go, second death and the Lake of fire, it will have to go. Because God does not take pleasure in that, therefore it will not exist eternally. Do you see it?


When it speaks about the whole world, how many are we taking about? Let’s look at some scripture. Does the whole world sometimes mean only a portion of the world? Follow this closely. I have it, ‘the whole world,’ but now sometimes it uses ‘the world,’ and it doesn’t include every last single human being, it just has a generality to it. But the phrase ‘the whole world’ in the NT is used only half a dozen times and every time it’s used it means all humanity.

Rom 1:8  First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is(being) proclaimed throughout the whole world.

Oops, did I shot myself in the foot? Do we really believe that His Word was spoken about in the WHOLE world? All the inhabitants of the whole world, including China? Was the faith of the Romans being spoken of in China? I don’t think so. Well then how can I say every place where the phrase ‘the whole world’ is, it means all humanity, how can I say that?
Because this is not translated properly, that’s why. It should be translated in the aorist tense and the Greek ‘is BEING proclaimed.’ Rotherham and the Concordant both have ‘is being proclaimed.’ That’s the indefinite of the Greek aorist, it’s the is, was and will be tense. It’s the past, present and future tense, it’s the indefinite tense.

Here’s a question, is the faith of the Romans being proclaimed in China today? Yes it is. It certainly is. So when it says “is being proclaimed,” will it continue until it reaches everyone? Absolutely.

1 John 2:2  and He is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the WHOLE WORLD.

How does this prove the salvation of all? [Because it says the whole world.] Does it say the whole world will be saved? [But it’s talking about all the inhabitants, isn’t it.] But does it say all the inhabitants, all the people, every human being on earth will be saved? Does it say that in there someplace? [He’s the propitiation for the sins, if you take away all the sins.] You’re right. You’ve got to go back to the word propitiation. That threw me for a minute because of this verse in John 1:29 says, “Behold, the Lamb of God, that takes away the sin of the world!” 

But this word propitiation means atonement, starting back in the OT. Propitiation is a atonement and it’s a covering for sin. It covers sin. Now if it covers sin, does it cover it for a while and then it gets out? Well it did in Israel. It covered it for how long? One year, is all it covered. The high priest went into the Holy of Holies and sprinkled the Ark of the Covenant with the blood and that was on the Day of Atonement, one time a year. That was good for a whole year And guess what? They had to do it again. But then we read in Hebrews 7 that our High Priest, He entered into the Holy of Holies ONE time and that was good, just one time. So this propitiation is a one time deal. Notice it, it’s for not only our sins, but the sins of the whole world, all the inhabitants of the world. It covers all the sins of the world. 

They would agree with that, because at least we have a scripture that the theologian would agree on, that that propitiation covers all sins. But then they turn it into a lie by suggesting, only though IF you accept that propitiation. It doesn’t actually cover all sin, only if you let it. Is that what it says? No! That is not what it says, so let’s not be making a liar out of what Jesus Christ did. He IS the propitiation for all sin and not just for our sins, the sins of the WHOLE world. 

Atonement is ‘kaphar’ - to cover, placate, conceal, appease, cleanse, disannul, forgive, be merciful, pardon away, purge away, reconcile. Man those are powerful words, anyone of them is a powerful word. When all the population of the whole world has their sins covered, placated, appeased, cleansed, disannulled, forgiven, piled on with mercy, pardoned, purged away and they are now reconciled to God, THEY’RE SAVED! 

So there is a scripture that PROVES all humanity will be saved, right there. 

Either He is the propitiation of the sins of the whole world or He’s not. This says He IS. Therefore all mankind must be saved or He’s not the propitiation for the sins of the WHOLE world. Because then there would be sins of some people that are not covered and they’re going to go to hell and be in a state of spiritual death, which God is not pleased with, but tough toenails God can’t have what He pleases. Nonsense! It’s heresy, all of it’s heresy. 

When it says whole; we not only have world, being the population of the world, not the trees and stones. It means the whole, ‘holos’ - whole or all, complete, altogether, every whit, throughout, that’s what whole means. Whole never means half of or a part of. The whole means the complete, the whole enchilada, the whole ball of wax, right. That’s what Jesus is, if He doesn’t do it, then He isn’t the propitiation. Well what does the scripture say? Is He or isn’t He? HE IS! 

1 John 4:14  And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.

Now it doesn’t have ‘whole’ there. It means the inhabitants of the world. So we don’t have the word whole there. Actually I put this verse in before I realized I was just going to deal with the ‘whole world.’ But it doesn’t matter, is He the Savior of the world? Is there anything in the Greek there that insinuates that He is only the potential or possible or is it emphatic? HE IS! He sent Him to BE the Savior of the world. 

Now here we have the same thing as this stupid stupid nonsense that is still being taught by some, that Jesus Christ was made to BE sin. You can’t be something that you’re not. Sin mean breaking the law, lawlessness, law breaking. Now you can’t be a lawbreaker and yet you never break the law. I’m going to write a paper on this and I have some silly ones in there, like you can’t be a Nascar driver, if you don’t driver a race car. See you can’t be what you’re not. To say you can be something that you’re not, is just plain grammatical stupidity. Take away the fact that the scripture teach no such thing, but you can’t be something that you are not.  Jesus Christ can’t BE the Savior of the world if He doesn’t save the world.

I love this scripture in Isaiah.

Isaiah 26:9  “…for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn (Rotherham and Young both say: “will HAVE learned) righteousness.

When the judgment are fully in the world, everyone ‘will have’ learned, because that is the end results of judgment. It’s not the beginning results, because there is a process. He’s coming to judge the world, that’s a process. But when it’s finally done and His judgments are now in the whole world, all the inhabitants of the world will have learned righteousness. It’s a done deal. When every human being will have learned righteousness, that’s this way of life, guess what? You’ll be saved. 

Yet how many hate this scripture. I’ve had people write me back, when they saw that I put this someplace in one of my papers; “…for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will have learned righteousness. They say, ‘Ray read the next verse.’

Isa 26:10  Let favor be showed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness;

Then they say, 'there you go Ray, the wicked won’t learn righteousness, you can show them favor but they won’t learn.’ Well I know that. That doesn’t contradict the verse above it, they just think it does. They want it to contradict, but it doesn’t. 

It doesn’t contradict any more than when God says He will rain upon the just and the unjust, (Matt 5:45). That by raining upon the unjust, He is showing that being unjust is a good thing with God? Because if you are unjust to Him, He will be just to you? He will reward you for being unjust? That nonsense. 

It just shows that He is not enforcing His judgment now. Yea you can show favor to the wicked, he’ll still be wicked, he won’t respond. Christ says, if he slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other cheek. Well guess what? There would be plenty of people that would slap the other cheek too. Yea you can show favor and they won’t respond, but when His judgments are in the whole earth, guess what? Then they will respond, yes they will.

2 Cor 5:19  to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and having committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

What does ‘to wit’ mean? That’s like, when you get around to it. One time when I was in California, Dr. Anteon gave me this piece of paper and I opened it up. It was a disk, a round circle and at the top it said - this is a round, at the bottom it said - tuit. I looked at that and said, what is this? He said, ‘well this is a round tuit, it‘s a round one.' I said, so. He said, ‘well now you have one.’ I said, what do I want with it? He said, ‘how many times have you said, I going to do such and such ‘when I get around to it, now you have one, so you can do it.’ I said, oh okay, I’ll keep it. So now when I want to do something I get out my little paper with the round tuit on it.

To wit, that means, how that - now how - how. “To wit ( how that) God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and having committed unto us the word of reconciliation.” 
The word reconciliation, Greek katallage - exchange, adjustment, restoration (to the Divine), favor, atonement, reconciliation.

Now we saw what atonement means, I mean it was a whole list of appeasing and being merciful and annulling your bad deeds and all those good things. Well that’s part of the definition of reconciliation. When two people are reconciled together, it means they are now in harmony with one another. We are going to reconciled to God. 

In that verse you’ve got that word ‘not’ there again. It’s ‘not any.’ He’s not going to be imputing - not imputing - no not imputing. So if He is no not imputing the world their trespasses, but they are going to be reconciled, who is left out? There is no one left out. This is the salvation of the whole world! Now God has already reconciled Himself to the inhabitants of the world, and the redemption has already been paid, it’s a done deal. 

Sin has already been judged, and now all that remains is the judgment of the sinners. You could go to theological seminaries for 180 years and you will never learn that the purpose of the judgment, is to reconcile the sinner to God. That’s what it is for! 

They say, ‘no it’s to torture the hell out of them, for all eternity.’ Why? ‘Well because God hates them.’  Why? ‘They’re His enemies.’ But He says we have to love our enemies. ‘But God doesn’t live by His own rules, He tells us to love our enemies, but with Him that’s impossible, He’s going to torture His enemies for all eternity.’ I don’t think so. This is all nonsense.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 03:49:42 PM by Kat »


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Re: Does All mean All?
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2007, 04:36:11 PM »

How is God reconciled to the world now and yet He is going to judge most of humanity in a resurrection? How is that so? Think of some of the basic scriptures. Christ came to die for our sins. There is a penalty for sin and Christ paid it. The penalty is paid! Well if the penalty is paid and God is reconciled to the world now, through that penalty payment of Christ, why do we have to go through judgment? It just means that the debt has been paid. 

Let’s look at it on a human level. You are brought to court, you owe the IRS $100,000. Now the judge says, I’m going to wipe it clean, I’m going to pay your debt, you don’t owe the $100,000. Can you then go out and act as though you had no forgiveness at all and this year’s tax time comes around and again you owe $20,000 and you don’t pay. You say, ‘why should I pay, the judge forgave me my debt.’  That was your debts in the pass, you see. When you have your debts in the pass cancelled out, that means you stop doing the same thing all over again.  But men are doing the same thing all over again.  So they have to be judged.  The out come is already known, the debt has been paid.  People can read that, but they don’t see it, the debt’s already been paid.  But if you don’t straighten up and live right, He is going to straighten you up and make you live right.  That’s what judgment is all about.  Judgment is not about paying the debt, the debt is already paid.  Now you’ve got to learn to straighten up. You got to learn to repent of why you had the debt in the first place, so that you don’t have the debt again. This is a conversion of the mind. 

We teach children this. We forgive them of doing something bad and hopefully in the love and forgiveness of what they did bad, they want do it again or if they do, you have to punish them or judge them again.

John 1:29  The next day John sees Jesus coming to him and says, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

It should be translated “which IS TAKING away” that’s the way Concordant and Young translate it. He “is taking away the sin of the world!” So if that is still today, as we read that “is taking,” it’s not a thing of the pass. Because again this is the Greek aorist tense - past, present and future. How is He taking away the sins of the world in the future? Through judgment. 

1 Cor 15:26  The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 

How does that prove that God is going to save all humanity? It says nothing about saving all humanity. But that verse proves God will save all humanity. How does it prove it? [Is it, you’ll be alive?] Well that want do it either, because we have this verse, “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all will be made alive” (1 Co 15:22). They say, ‘yea they’ll be alive in the Lake of fire, and tortured for all eternity, that‘s where they‘ll be alive.’ It doesn’t say they will be saved.

I want to get us off this one track thinking, that you can only use the scripture that says, ‘all will be saved.’ Listen those scripture are all true, it’s just that theologians and people won’t accept it, because this word ‘all’ doesn’t always mean all. So I’m showing you scriptures that are other ways to skin a cat. There are other ways to prove it, without using the word all.

This verse in 1 Cor. 15:26 says “The last enemy that SHALL BE…” There is no doubt about that, it’s going to be destroyed, it “SHALL BE…” is death. How does that prove the salvation of all? 
Where does the church say that the majority of humanity is going to be tortured? In fire, in hell, in the Lake of fire. What is the Lake of fire? The second DEATH. It doesn’t matter what kind of death, if it’s death it must be destroyed. I mean they can never wrap their mind around the fact that the Lake of fire, which is the second death, is the death of all death. But the judgment and that fire, brings about the death of all death. 

So as long as there is a second death in operation, in the lives of billions of people, then that enemy has not been destroyed or as it says in the Greek, abolished. That doesn’t just mean crushed or broken up or destroyed, but done away with completely, abolished forever. If death is abolished that means the Lake of fire is not eternal, because the Lake of fire is the second death. If it’s to be abolished, there won’t be a place for people to be tortured, therefore they have to be saved.

Rev 20:14  And death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death.

Death was cast into the Lake of fire. Why? Why does it tell us that? We know people or cast in there, but how is death cast into death? Death is the death of death! 

All things must be abolished, all sin, all evil, all that is bad that leads to death must be abolished. And the last one, the last enemy of all enemies is death itself.  It must be abolished, so the Lake of fire has to be abolished. Why?  Because it is the second death, and it’s got to be abolished. So there is no eternal fiery death. Everyone will be saved!


Here are some scripture that you might not think fit either. Notice in the Lord’s pray.

Matt 6: 9-10  …Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven…

This word “will” is the strong form of the word will - absolutely. Absolutely God has said, it will happen. How does this prove the salvation of all? Well whatever His will is in heaven, it will be the same on earth. Is God going to have people tortured in heaven? It’s nonsense. Well then He’s not going to have people tortured on earth. The Lake of fire is on the earth, you see. “Thy will be done...” The same way as Your will be done in heaven and there is no death, dying, torture in heaven, so it must be that way on earth too. There is only two realms, heaven and earth. So if His will is done in both of those places and He’s going to abolish death and He takes no pleasure in death. Now we have the strong form, this is not that He only wishes that, but His will, will be done in heaven and earth. All have got to be saved, there is no other way around it. 

Notice this verse in Jeremiah. I covered this in my first series on ‘Hell’ - Hell Is A Hoax. 

Jer 32:35  And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind (Heb. - heart), that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.

The Hebrew word for mind is heart, it certainly came into His mind... He knew they would do it, but there was no emotional pleasure in His heart, that they did this abomination. What? God is telling us that it never entered His mind (Heb. - heart), that people should burn in fire. That’s an abomination to Him. Yet we are told He is going to burn people in fire, for all eternity? God calls it an abomination! God is going to perform an abomination? For all eternity? Can you not see where the church blasphemes the name of God at every turn. 

You say, ‘oh but they sing these beautiful songs, and they say these pretty prayers and all this’… it’s a deception! That’s the “whited sepulchres.” Yes the outside is beautiful and pretty and white washed and gilded with gold, but the inside is dead mans bones and every perverse and foul thing. Well yea it wouldn’t deceive anybody if every aspect of it, even the outward appearance were corrupt and vile and filthy and stinking. But it’s not. It a whited sepulchre, so pretty “full of dead mans bones and all uncleanness." (Matt 23:27)

Jer 32:17  "Ah, Lord GOD!  Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm, and there is nothing too hard for You.

Let’s go back to the that weak word ‘desire.’  Does God desire that all be saved? YES! Is it too hard? Is it too hard for Him to save them? I would like to ask a theologian that. They would have to side step the question and say, ‘well it’s not a matter of being too hard.’ Wait a minute, so your saying that it’s too hard, God wants it but it’s too hard. ‘It’s not up to Him.’ Then it’s too hard.  It’s too hard for Him to convince everybody to live right? Can He do it, can He convince everyone to live righteously? They say, ‘no He can’t, because He gave us free will.’ In other words, with man having free will, it is too hard for God... if He gives men free will, it’s to hard to get them to live right? Well He will have to eventually. 

I can show anybody, any theologian and will show Him the scripture and if He will not accept the scripture, then he must lie. I can make everybody lie, because you have to lie, you can’t contradict the scripture without lying. You can not.
But you have to be skilled in the scripture or you won’t know how to do it. I mean they will side track you… ‘but man has a free will.’  Alright give him the free will. So man with his free will, can not 100%, all of these free will people, they can’t all be made to live Godly and righteous, it too hard. If it were easy it would be done. They say, ‘but that’s easy.’ Well then it can be done, you say that’s easy to do, but you can’t do it. No, if it’s easy, then it can be done, but since it can’t be done it must be too hard. Am I off track here some place? Is any thing too hard for God? NO! 

The Apostles thought, God You’ve been through all this stuff, who can be saved? He said, well with men that’s impossible, but with God saving everyone is possible (Mark 10:27). Why? Because nothing is too hard for God and He desires for all to be saved. That’s it. ‘Oh you are proof texting, Ray.’ You bet I am. I say with all their proof texting and everything in context… to hell with all of it, when you want to prove God wrong. 1 John 4:8 “…For God is love.” You’re proof texting Ray.’ You darn right I am. God is only love in the context of 1 John 4:8? No, He’s always love, in any context, in all contexts, in context, out of context, before there was a context.

Eph 2:8  For by grace you are saved through faith, and (but) that (faith and grace) not of yourselves, it is the gift of God,

We always say, ‘speaking of the faith’…. but speaking of both, you know. I’ll say “but that,” what? The grace and the faith. “But that” your saved by grace through faith. But that? But what? That grace and that faith. “Not of yourselves, it is the gift of God,” So the grace is a gift of God and the faith is a gift of God, right. 

Eph 2:9  not of works, lest anyone should boast.

You works do not enter in. So whatever you do or don’t do, can’t disqualify you, not ultimately.

Eph 2:10  For we are His workmanship (achievement), created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.

How does that prove the salvation of all? It doesn’t say anything about all people being saved there. It says HOW, those who are saved, are saved, by grace through faith. But how does it prove everyone? It’s a gift. If it’s a gift, then God is a respecter of persons if He doesn’t give it to everyone. Because your works can’t buy it, it’s a gift, it’s free. That’s what grace means, gratuity - free. We say in Spanish, gracias. What does that mean? Thank you for doing something. Its free, it a gift, gratuity. Grace is free, but they say, ‘well you got to supply your own faith.’ No, faith too, it’s a gift of God, not of works. So everything is a gift of God. What you can contribute, doesn‘t work. It’s a gift of God, that’s what works. Now we are His achievement, His workmanship, can anybody be there own achievement in acquiring salvation? No, it’s all of God! 

Well what about the good works we do? Well He’s already ordained you have to walk in them. You have to, He’s going to make you, but not against your will. He’s going to make you want to, gosh why can’t theologians see that? God will make people want to do right. They say, ‘God’s not going to force us to love Him against His will,’ of course not, whoever suggested such nonsense. He will make you, against your will sometimes, want to. 
Listen these are the deep things of God, but they are not incomprehensible. The simplest concepts in the scriptures are not understood by the church. Not by the Doctors of Divinity, they don’t understand them. 

When Paul was going to Damascus, why was he going there? He had something in his mind, he had something in his heart, he had a will to go there and persecute Christians. He had letters from the high priest giving him authority to do it. That’s where he was going, that’s what he wanted, that’s what his desire was, that’s what his will was.
Did God through the soft chirping of a little sparrow say (in a little voice) Paul why do you persecute Me? Paul, ‘what are you little bird.’  I’m your conscience speaking, you shouldn’t go persecute these people. Paul, ‘does somebody have a slingshot, I have a bird I want to get rid of here.’
No, God struck him down (whooom) with this blinding light from heaven. Scared the wits out of him. Just imagine that, in the middle of the day, he’s walking down the road, when a lightning bolt and you’re knocked you to the ground. Then you hear a voice say, what the heck do you think you’re doing, where do you think you’re going? I would say, whose that, is that You Lord? At least Paul had the sense to say, ‘what is it Lord.’ He said I’m Jesus Christ who you persecute, (Acts 9).

Is that what Paul was willing and desiring at that moment? To be struck down by a light from heaven and just have everything scared out of him. No. Did God do that against his will? Yes. But guess what? Very quickly Paul’s will, became God’s will. Why can’t we see that, why can’t the church see that. Why can’t the church see that God can make your will His will, make His will, your will? Why can’t they see that? Right there is a perfect example, they can’t see it. Why? They’re blind, blind as a bat. 

Christ said, My will, will now be your will. You thought you were going to Damascus and persecute… NO, you’re not going there anymore to persecute, no you’re going there, to do My will. And guess what?  Did Paul say, over my dead body? No, it was yes Lord. That one minute little theology course, you couldn’t learn that in a school of theology in a seminaries in a lifetime. They don’t understand it. They say, ‘yea but it was by his free will.’ Get out of here, you lying blasphemers.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 10:39:36 AM by Kat »


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Re: Does All mean All?
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2007, 04:36:48 PM »

Regarding Ephesians 2:8-10, if the GRACE and FAITH and ACIEVEMENT and GOODWORKS and the CHOOSING and the CALLING, are all of God, how can man be responsible for his own salvation?  And if no man is responsible for his own salvation, then how can any be lost? You see there’s proof everybody’s got to be saved. Because it’s all on God’s terms. They say, ‘yea but you have to confess Christ.’ You will! Paul cursed Christ. God struck him down with light, now he blessed Christ. That’s how easy it is for God.  

Is anything too hard for God?  Is it too hard for God to convert a sinner? Answer of the theologians, ‘well yes if they don’t want to be converted.’ Blasphemers. They are not only heretics, they are blasphemers. What do you think it means that the Word of God is blasphemed in the world? Everywhere they take the Word of God they blaspheme it. It’s necessary what they do, but they are going to be held accountable on how they did it.  

Right here in Ephesians 2 the absence of the word ‘all’ works against theologians in the next three verses. We want see the word ‘all’ anywhere in here. But we are going to see that it means all, when the word isn’t even there.

Luke 19:10  For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost.

It doesn’t say He came to save ‘all’ that was lost, does it. It doesn’t have to. If they are lost, he’s going to seek them and find them. They say, ‘but not all.’ No, you are perverting the scriptures.  

In other words, here’s some people that are lose, He’s going to seek and save them, right. Why? Because He said so. Now over here are some people that are lost, He will not save them, right? No, you are making a liar out of the scriptures. These people over here are lost, that’s the only qualification we are looking for here. Are you lost? Yes. Then Christ is going to come and save you. You see how simple scripture is. Who would have ever used that scripture to prove that all humanity will be saved? There it is. What are the qualifications to be saved? You have to be lost. We’re all lost. It’s apollumi - destroyed, perished, lost, you see. If you fit that category, and we all do, guess what? Christ came to save you!  

Here if you would have put in the word ‘all,’ they would fight you on it. Because they would say, ‘He came to save all and all means  many that are lost.’ The word isn’t there and because the word isn’t there. It absolutely has to mean all. Because there is no qualifier - all lost or many lost? No, it’s just ‘lost’ there. That’s the only qualification - lost. Can you see it?

Luke 9:56  For the Son of man (Gk. anthropos - human) has not come to destroy (Gk. Apollumi - destroy, lose, perish) men's (Gk. anthropos - human) lives, but to save them.

Men’s is the same Greek - anthropos, as Jesus Christ is the Son of man - anthropos. So it just means human, a human, humanity. Jesus Christ did not come to destroy or lose human lives, but to save them. Again we don’t have the word ‘all.’ It could have said He had come, not to destroy, but to save ‘all’ of them. But if you had put the word ‘all’ in there, then the theologians would say, ‘well all means many, He came to save many of them.’ It doesn’t say all - many, it just says them. Who? Men, humans, how many humans are there? As many as there are. What do you need to qualify to be saved, according to this verse? In the other one, to be saved you had to be lost. What do you have to be here, in order to be saved? [A human] You have to be human. Can you see it? If you are a human you will be saved, because He didn’t come to destroy humans. He came to save them. What? Humans. That’s all you got to be, is a human.

1 Tim 1:15  This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

If Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, “of whom I am chief,” that means preeminent, the biggest, the worse sinner and Paul said, that was me. I’ve said this many times, if He can save the biggest and the worse, then He certainly can save them that are not so bad. I mean doesn’t that go without saying.  
If I can bench press 300 lbs. (I wish), could I not more easily bench press 100 lbs.? Well come on, of course.  
If Paul was the worse sinner and He saved him or at least got him to repent in about 3 ½ seconds. What makes you think He can’t get lesser sinners to repent in 1½ seconds.  

But that’s not the point of the scripture that I wanted to draw your attention to. Like I said the word ‘all’ works against them. If they want to use the word ‘all’, then let’s take it out completely. Let’s not only, not rely on it, let’s take it out, no more all. God is no longer going to save ‘all,’ take the word out. There is no word all, so He didn’t come into the world to save all sinners, so that they can say that means many - some - maybe even most, but not all. No, He came into the world to save…. sinners. What do you need to do according to this, if God’s Word is true and God said, the scripture can not be broken and if God’s Word is true according to this verse, what must you be, in order to be saved? [A sinner] A sinner, bingo. If you are a sinner this verse says Jesus Christ came to save you and He will Do it. They say, ‘well He came with good intentions, but you know how it is.’ No, He will do it! He said it, He will do it!  

Every man is not only going to be saved, but every man’s going to be saved by fire.

1 Cor 3:13 & 15  Every man’s [Gk. Hekastos - every, each, any, every one, every man, every woman, Strong’s #1538] work shall be manifest… by fire… if any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss:  but he himself shall be saved; yet so BY FIRE.

Verse 13 says, “every man’s” now most of the time, at least a lot of the time when it says ‘every,’ like it says, “not every one that says unto Me Lord, Lord…” every is translated from the Greek ‘pas’ meaning all or many. We have a little problem with that ‘all,’ that’s why we are not using it. But here it’s not, here it say “every man” and “every” is not ‘pas’ it’s hekastos mean every, each any, every one, every man, every woman, that’s from Strong’s concordance. Here it doesn’t mean all, meaning all or as many as, no here the word means every, each, one, any, every one, every man, every woman, no one left out there, no one.  

Now “every man’s work shall be manifest…by fire…” Who many are left out of that? How many men’s work are not going to be manifest by fire, by trials and tests in fire? How many? None. Here ‘every’ means, not pas - all, it means every one is going to be manifest by fire. That verse 13 and then verse 15, it picks it up again, “…if any man’s work shall be burned (the same ones, every man tested by fire), he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so by fire.” Who will be saved by fire? Every man there is! Because here every is not ‘pas’ which can mean ‘as many as.’ No, every, no exception.
I have a whole installment in the Lake Of Fire series - Two Judgments By Fire.  

We either judge ourselves now, succumb to God’s judgments, voluntarily judge or God doesn’t give us that heart and we rebel against. But we are either judged now or we are judged later with the world. That’s the only two judgments. They are both by fire. Who goes through that fire? Every man! No exceptions there, the absolute every. So if every man is tested by fire and every man goes through the fire and every man is saved through the fire, guess what? All humanity is saved. There it is. You don’t need that word ‘all’ do we.

If there is one verse the world understands it’s John 3:16, right. Now that one, the most well known scripture on all earth, that one surely they understand. They have not a clue.  

John 3:16  For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

They say, ‘that’s the way it is, either you accept it or you reject it and you perish, God does not save everybody, there is the proof, 1 John 3:16.’ Well you know the thought is not finished in verse 16, let’s continue on to verse 17.

John 3:17  For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be [might be not in the Greek] SAVED.

It isn’t that verse 17 is a contradiction to verse 16? It just explains it and not the full explanation is there either, we know it’s the sum of God’s Word that is truth. Not everything is explained in one verse, you have to look at other verses that talk about that same thing.  

Verse 16, “For God so loved the world (that’s a fact), that He gave His only Son (that’s a fact), that whoever believes in Him should not perish (that’s a fact), but have eternal (eonian) life (that’s a fact).”  

If you believe in the Son you will not perish eternally, but you will have eonian life. But they say, ‘but if you don’t… verse 36, he that does not believes on the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God.’

John 3:36  He who believes on the Son has everlasting life, and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides upon him.

So they say, ‘alright you want another scripture to explain it? There’s my scripture to explain it. If you believe, you have eonian life and if you don’t, you don’t have eonian life and the wrath of God abides on you.’ That’s true, I have no problem with that. ‘But then they all won’t be saved.’ Yes they will! ‘How can you say that?’ Because this is all temporary, this is not the finality. Yes we know that those especially believers are being saved in this area, in this church age. They are being saved. But all mankind will be saved too. But they say, ‘well the many, but not all,‘ actually they say the many won’t be, they even contradict the word all, which means as many as. So okay, I’ll agree with that, that whosoever believes should not perish, it almost goes without saying. ‘But those that don’t believe would perish, right.’ Well yes, I’ll agree with that when it says this produces this, rather than whatever it doesn’t say, which would be the opposite. Yes that is true, they will perish for a time, but perishing is being contrasted with the eonian life. So you could insert that they will not pass eonian, they will not perish eonian, but have life eonian. But they say, ‘the life is eternal.’ That not what it says, this is talking about life with Christ during His reign, which is not eternal. It’s because we are given immortality that we live forever not because the word eternal is used.  

Now, how is verse 16 true? Here’s how it’s true, the word ‘for’ mean because. Verse 16 is true, because verse 17 is also true. Now you say that, I mean that’s my own statement, but it’s a true statement, that what ‘for’ means. Here’s why 16 is true, because God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.  

Christ is going to judge the world and He said verse 17 “I have come not to condemn the world,” it’s two different words, if Christ didn’t come to krino, this word is the Greek, krino - punish, sentence, condemn, damn. He did not come to punish, sentence, condemn and damn the world, the population of the world. But that He would save it.  

Some will say, ‘it doesn’t say that He will save, but He might.’ Those words are not in the manuscripts, even though they don’t put them in italics, they are not there. In the Greek it says, “that the world through Him saved.” That’s what it says, might be is not in there. That was put it there to make the English idiom sound correct. That He might or may, but even there the word that is translated might or may where it is in the Hebrew, also means ‘must.’ It means might or may that’s true, but it can also mean must, but here it is not in there at all. It’s just, “that the world through Him saved.” Not, might be saved.  

So if He didn’t come to punish, damn or to sentence, but to save, then how can He punish or damn any one? He’s coming to judge, but that’s a different word. That’s not this word that means, exclusively virtually, condemnation, sentencing, damning, putting down, guilty. He did not come for that purpose and this is going to open up a giant revelation when I come to this in my series about, when Christ comes, what is He coming back to do? It’s not what is being taught. It is not. It is going to be something totally different. So if He did not come to condemn, then no one can be condemned, if He didn’t come to do that. Because if He knows in advance that He is going to do that, then He came to do that. But He did not come to do that, not the first time, not the second time, not ever. Why? Because Christ doesn’t change, He’s the same yesterday, today and forever.

1Cor 15:28  And when all things have been subjected unto Him, then shall the Son also Himself be subjected to Him that did subject all things unto Him, that God may BE all.....IN all.

Who would think that this proves that Christ Himself would be subject unto the Father, “that God may be all in all.” How does that prove all human are going to be saved. We have the same word ‘all’ that's the word ‘pas.’ Here’s why, you can’t say that the first ‘all’ means absolutely all, but the next ‘all,’ these right together, means something totally different, you can’t do that. God does not speak in such convoluted deceitful ways in His word, if you say the second ‘all,’ that’s all humanity doesn’t mean all. Then you have to also conclude that when God says, “that He may be all,” that God Himself is not all. Who would suggest that God is not all, that He is lacking, He’s not all that He wants to be or whatever, only partly. It’s nonsense. Well whatever the all is, meaning that God is complete and that’s what it’s talking about, completeness, being made whole. Like it says in Colossians, “we are made perfect in Christ” complete, we are complete in Him, mature, whole. Whatever God is, is what He will be in. That God may be all, that’s what He is, that’s not us now, God will be all. Well if God is all and He is all, being all, be all, it’s the same thing He’s going to be in us. It can’t be just in part, you can’t say God will be all in part of humanity, you can’t say that. So even a simple verse like that, “God… all in all” absolutely proves all humanity is included.

If God FAILS to accomplish all that He desires in this physical world, what assurance do we have in the spiritual world, that He will not continue to fail at His desires throughout all eternity? Well we might get there, then somewhere down the road, there would be some giant awakening that this whole thing is not working right.

If God fails to save all humanity, it matters not WHY He fails. If He fails, He fails and if He fails where He did not want to or desires to fail, then He is NOT GOD AT ALL! That is no God. But God is God, and He will SAVE ALL!

BOTTOM LINE: It is not necessary; we are not obligated; it is not incumbent upon us; we do no NEED to prove our faith to the satisfaction of those who DESPISE THE WORD OF GOD! If we know it in our hearts and minds we are not obligated to prove it to these people that despise the word of God, we’re not obligated. But I teach this, of course for our benefit.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 12:05:05 AM by Kat »


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