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Author Topic: The "NO HELL" Dante.  (Read 10793 times)

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The "NO HELL" Dante.
« on: February 18, 2008, 10:02:21 AM »

Just wanted to say Hello.

I have been reading Ray's Stuff for about a year now and just have not had time to get to the forum (It kind of took me a year to get through most of it,....LOL).

I am astounded by the fact that, I have hoped for most of my life that there was "No Hell", and just until a year ago, I found out that there actually was not (By reading Ray's work and others. Then using "the Old Grey matter" to figure and decipher things out for myself.)!!!!

Who's been keeping the big secret safe. WOW!

Well, anyway, I just wanted to say hello and that I am a big fan of Ray's and am glad to see a few sites (Like this one) that are finally telling the truth about God, his WORD and Hell.

Dante (The Big Kahoona)


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2008, 10:05:27 AM »

Dante without the inferno. Welcome!  ;D


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2008, 10:35:27 AM »

Hi Dante,

Glad you have joined us  :)
I guess the church first started using the idea of hell to scare the people into obeying and they just kept driving this doctrine alone.  Now I believe the doctrine drives them along.  I guess it's true if you say something enough, you will start to believe it.  I think at this point they all believe the lie whole heartedly and teach it with gusto. 
Some do leave this man made doctrine behind, only to fall in the pit of another man made doctrine.  Only God can open our eyes and free us from all of those heresies.

I hope you will share in the fellowship with us, as we seek the Truth of the Scriptures together.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2008, 12:59:53 PM »



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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2008, 06:05:01 PM »

Welcome Dante!
Glad you found the site!  :D


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2008, 06:18:25 PM »

LOL.  When I saw "No Hell"

The Christmas song came to mind.   NoHell NoHell,  the angels did say.   LOL



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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2008, 10:59:37 AM »


Welcome "no hell Dante!"  :) What was your fav part of the lake of fire series?


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2008, 02:31:34 PM »

Hello Dante

 It is great that you have read Ray's teachings in which we are in unison and agreement here in the Forum.

Welcome to the Forum!

Phazel....that was funny...NoHell No Hell... :D

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2008, 07:06:59 PM »

Hi Dante!!

HAHAHA!!   "No Hell !  No Hell !!"   AH HAHAHAHA!!  Reminds me of something I read a long time ago, about some little kid who was taking part in a children's church Christmas pageant, and out of his mouth came the following words:  "Hark, the Harold angels sing!"   ;D ;D :D

GLAD you are FREE from that absolute-total-Hell-heresy, Dante!!  Rah!!

:D                       :D                         :D                       ;D                        :D                       :D                         ;D



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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2008, 07:39:08 PM »

:D Hey Arcturus and all....

to the tune of "The First Noel"

The first no-hell that entered my mind
Came from reading about it while I was on line.
And to the Word I went so that I might be sure
That the flame God was sending would make me pure.
No-hell, no-hell, no-hell, no hell...
Now that I know it just who can I tell?   ;D  Joyce


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2008, 09:46:00 PM »

I live in a very rural area of Britain, mostly populated by farmers. Many of their families have farmed this area for centuries. Some of them still call the planting season "Helling" season. I asked my nearest neighbour what this meant. He told me that "hellin spuds (potatoes), means plantim em, dint you know that sunshine?" This had me wondering if at some time in the past in Britain the term Hell had a different meaning to some people, than the meaning it commonly has today. Just a thought.


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2008, 10:01:59 PM »

This had me wondering if at some time in the past in Britain the term Hell had a different meaning to some people, than the meaning it commonly has today. Just a thought.

Hi David,

Ray wrote about this in LOF Part 16A


First the “hell” of four centuries ago:

Webster’s Twentieth Century Dictionary:

“hell, n. [ME, helle; AS, hell, hell, from helan, to cover, conceal.]”

Second the “hell” of the 21st Century:

The American Heritage Collegiate Dictionary:

“The abode of condemned souls and devils... the place of eternal punishment for the wicked after death, presided over by Satan… a state of separation from God… a place of evil, misery, discord, or destruction… torment, anguish.”

If the English word “helan/helle/hell”  had retained its Middle English/Anglo Saxon meaning, of to “hide,” “cover,” and “conceal,” it might still be an acceptable (albeit it not the best) translation of “sheol/hades.”  But as this word has long since taken on the meaning of the pagan teachings concerning the realm of the dead and the supposed evils contained therein, it is absolutely out of place as a translation of any Hebrew or Greek word found in the manuscripts.

My how times have changed. Tell a person to “go to hell” today, and it is an insult of the highest level. Tell a person back in the dark ages of England to “go to hell” and he would probably go to a cool cellar and bring back some potatoes for dinner. For that is where they stored potatoes—in hell.

A few years back I had the pleasure of viewing the English countryside by train, the towns and villages were postcard picture perfect and the lush green of summer was evident all around, it was a beautiful experience I will never forget.

His Peace to you,




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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2008, 10:12:16 PM »

Thank You joe for sharing. I haven't got to that paper yet, I'm working through them as and when I can. My problem is I have to print them off, then read them. If I read on a screan for too long I get headaches. I got piles of stapled together papers stuffed down the side of my computer.
Its very interesting how the meaning of words get perverted over the centuries, and sometimes even in just decades a word can take on a whole different meaning. Also in different English speaking countries some words mean different things. A perfectly inocent word in the USA could earn you a pretty sharp look here in the UK, and vise versa.
If you ever get to visit here again, be sure to come down to Cornwall if you can, its a beautiful place. I thank God that we were able to move here.


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2008, 03:05:52 PM »

Hi Joyful1

Rom 10 : 16 Not everyone welcomes the Good News, for Isaiah the  prophet said "Lord who has believed our report?"

Peace be to you sister

Arcturus :)


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2008, 07:19:40 PM »

:D Peace to you too, Acturus! :)  Joyce
« Last Edit: February 25, 2008, 04:17:58 PM by joyful1 »


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2008, 03:34:36 PM »

Welcome Dante.  Wonder why his hell portrayal came from his bigger work "The Divine Comedy".   That shouldve told the church not to buy into it!!

David, I spent 2 weeks in England and did get to Cornwall....I LOVED IT!!!! I have been working on my geneology and 3 of my grandparents lines go straight to England (which I suspected). One grandparent's ancestors came from Holland.

You gals are great w/ your colorful posts!!! :D

Joyce, you are a songwriter!!!! Who Knew??? ;)

Interesting about word origins, Joe.

This is a great post!  Good start Kahoona! ;D 8)



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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2008, 09:45:00 PM »

Thanks, gmik!

Joyce :)


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2008, 08:55:27 AM »

Just wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome. ;D

I would like to share a little story with you. I will TRY to make it brief.

I was four years old and I used to ride my Tricycle in my unfinished basement at my house.
At certain times during the day, the sun would shine through the windows.
At these times, I thought it was God coming and talking to me (Which now I believe it really was). I used to sit for as long as the sun beam would stay in range, just talking to God.
At five years old, I went to Catholic school. This is where the nuns pounded (Sometimes literally) the idea of Hell into me.

I asked my Dad if he thought that people went to Hell. He told me "Don't worry honey, you are not going to go to Hell". I sighed in relief, thinking that if my father said it, it must be true. Thank God, I thought, I had my answer. My Dad wouldn't lie to me!! But then a short time later, the subject somehow came up again (I don't remember how it came up). Anyway, this time during the course of the conversation, my Dad gave me the impression that he believed in Hell. I asked him, "Dad, said there IS NO HELL"??? My Dad told me, "No Dan, I didn't say that there is no hell, I just said that you would not go there". 

I was horrified. My world fell apart. I became sad, fearful and the rest of my life, I would be afraid that I or anyone else would go to Hell. And I could not understand how the loving God that used to talk to me through the sunbeam in my cellar window would do this to anyone.
Now we cut to a year or so ago. I am now a born again Christian and 45 or so years old. I was studying the Word of God on the internet and became frustrated that I am not finding the DEEP wisdom of God. I felt that I was missing a HUGE portion of the truth. Something is missing, I thought. Plenty is missing, I thought. I went down to my basement for a break. It was late at night, and I prayed to God this prayer (There was much more to it, but this is at least part of it).

"God,......I don't know what you want from me. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to go to hell, and I don't want anyone else to go to hell. I tell you what God, know how people are always saying that you don't want robots??? Well God, I want to be your ROBOT!! I don't want to do anything that offends you. I want to stand before you on the day of judgment and have you say, "Well done my good and faithful servant". So, God,.......please let only YOUR WILL BE MY WILL, in every way. Don't ever let me do anything that I want to do. Let it all be you!!"

I prayed this prayer. Went back up to my computer and found Ray's site. I was elated!!!
I studied his writings for four or so days and nights with brief times of sleep in between. I didn't shave or take a shower for most of those days. I ate little and all the time in front of my computer. After the four days, I took a shower, Shaved and went into my basement.
It was early morning and I saw the sun beam coming through my basement window. I sat on the cold concrete floor, right in the path of the sun beam and prayed, thanked God and cried for about two hours.
I then remembered that I used to do this when I was a child. And then things started to flood back into my memory. All the things about my father and Hell and my basement came right back into my head. I had forgotten that for the longest time.

And another weird thing was this!! I started to remember other things. Good times that I had had when I was under the age of five. I went into a restaurant that I had been in many times as an adult. I had forgotten that I had been there when I was little. I called my mother and she confirmed that we used to go there a lot when I was very young. That was just one small thing that entered back into my memory. There was much, much more. To much to list here.

I had TRUE PEACE AND HAPPINESS back in my life.

It was more awe inspiring than any words can ever express. I cannot even begin to tell you what has happened to me since then.

One more notable thing happened, that I can put easily into words. I felt a small breeze against my nose at one point while reading Ray's writings and while in the course of changing my mind (About Hell and other things). I kept wiping my nose, thinking that there was something on it. It felt like a small breeze just kept coming across my nose. It wouldn't stop for about maybe twenty or thirty seconds.
Then I read in one of Ray's E-mails (I think) that this happened to a woman who had come to a change of mind also. She felt it across her whole face and at once, I believe. Mine was somewhat different. It was just against my nose. I don't know what it means, but It happened. I believe Ray said that others have had similar experiences.

Well anyway, that was just something I felt the need to share with all of you. My life is by no means perfect (Who's is?), but it is as if I am a child again. I look at the world in A TOTALLY NEW AND DIFFERENT WAY!! Or should I say, the way I looked at it when I was a Child. I TOTALLY LOVE MY GOD NOW AND FEAR NOTHING THAT HE HAS IN STORE FOR ME OR ANYONE ELSE.

Just as I was writing "I TOTALLY LOVE" (In the above part),....A huge bolt of lightning struck nearby. I believe that was God saying "HELLO".
Everything I wrote here was true and I say that in front of God.

Peace and love be with you all.

Can't wait to see you all in paradise.

The "NO HELL" Dante
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 11:00:32 AM by Dante »


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2008, 10:51:30 AM »

Hi Dante,

Thanks are sharing that, it brings such a joy to hear of someone being awakening experience  :D
I do remember my experience too, it was just as earth shaking and wonderful. 

mercy, peace and love


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Re: The "NO HELL" Dante.
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2008, 03:15:48 PM »

Hello Dante

Thank you for sharing that! I too recall watching the light beams come into my room and also thinking it was a sign of God's presence. If I have to think back at what would have become of me had I not been blessed to find Ray's teachings, I can only think I would have been most unhappily still in bondage to lies and false doctrines.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)

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