Thankyou David,
Prior to my arrival, I did much research at other Universal Sites, my first exposure was approximately 18 months ago, while perusing around, I stumbled upon an Article for John Wesley Hanson on the subject of Aion and its' adjective Aionios, its' approx. 85 pgs in length, it discussed the meaning of these greek words and also the Greek Word Kolasin, usually rendered punishment, but primarily meaning the pruning of the Luzurian tree, chastisement, correction, disipline, etc. He discussed how these words were originally defined and how they became distorted, somewhere in the fourth or fifth centuries, Greek being translate Latin had something to do with this. " Saint" Augustine was responsible for bringing Eternal Torment into Nominal " Christianity". Even he admitted that Salvation for All was not heritical and could be proven from the scriptures. For awhile I was totally convinced that Satan and his demons would receive Salvation, but Phillipians.2:9-11 and 1Corinthians. 15:27,28 and that Satan was created by God to exactly the way God intended him to be helped to convince me.
Spending twenty years in a very Judgemental Denomination(Jehovahs' Witnesses) probably paved the way for God leading me in this direction, hence Bible, actually I stumbled upon this Site by what I deemed to be accidental, but we both know better.
And yes, that Scripture at Luke.23:34 is very convincing.
Godspeed, Your Brother in Christ, Samson