I so agree that the entire Catholic system is fully pagan and that Satan is the head of state. However, I think most that is called Christian today is a direct off-shoot of Catholicism. I do feel that GOD has always had a following that is truly HIS from the time of CHRIST. However, for nearly 1300 years the Catholic (Universal) Church dominated so-called Christianity and set the pattern, rules and rituals of todays Christianity.
This is why I have a hard time classifying myself as Christian and prefer to be just in the body of CHRIST or a follower of HIM. There are many wonderful people who want to be called Christian, love our LORD, but inhabit the halls of the Babylonian church system. I do see this system becoming more and more bankrupt and people coming out all the time. I do pray for a real revival and the opening of eyes to this church system. I have studied Catholicism for many years and believe the overall power and wealth of this evil system is probably greater than the power of any world government. The role this system will play in end time prophecy will be enormous but we know the final outcome already. Our LORD will be glorified and HIS righteousness will cover the earth.
Thank you for your insight, wisdom and knowledge. I always look forward to your posts and have learned much from you and all in this forum.