Dear Ray,
I have been reading your Lake of Fire series and I’m sitting here now, in tears, because it has so profoundly affected me and answered all the deepest questions held in my heart for so long. Questions that we don’t dare voice in the church for fear of being accused of false doctrine or trying to lead others into deception.
I have misjudged you and as a brother ask you for forgiveness for the flippant, smart a@@ tone I took with you in my previous e-mail. It is your God given talent and destiny to split hairs because in the process you uncover the truths of God’s word that have been hidden for so long from most Christians. Thank you for having the guts to speak out and stand up for the truth. A part of me kept on waiting for the flaky bits. But the more I read, the more meat I have found without one single bite of pastry J The more I have read, the more I have seen sound logic and common sense based solidly on scripture combined with a willingness t o rock the boat and question anything and everything (as we should!!!).
I pray that God will richly bless you Ray. Please tell me if there is any way I can assist you.
Have a wonderful day.
Kind Regards,
Dear Lloyd: We have all done many stupid and embarrassing things. I would be embarrassed to tears to tell you all of my past foolishness.
The greatest thing you can do for me is to be a light and examples to all who see your walk with God, and to pray for the success of our mission here at
God be with you,