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Author Topic: Beaten  (Read 4061 times)

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« on: May 09, 2006, 10:52:12 AM »

I started writting this in responce to another post, but after the first couple of paragraphs, I realized that I was writting my testimony. Keep in mind that this is the short version. I left out allot of gory details.

When I was a child, I was always much closer to my mother than my father, and growing up as an only child out in the middle of nowhere, we were very close.

I went to church with my grandmother as a child, then later as a teenager, I started going to another church for "social" reasons. But, all the while, growing up in church, I never devoloped a relationship with God.

Shortly after I got married, my mother passed away with cancer. She was onlly 44....that event drove me farther away from God than I had ever been. 8 years later, I got a divorce....I suddenly realized that I had no one to turn to except God. All my friends had grown up and moved wife was gone and took my daughter with I would sit at home alone for days on end.

About 2 years later, I got married again and we had another daughter. 4 years later, I got another divorce. I turned into an alcoholic and nearly killed myself several times. I started to think God had the best sense of humor in the universe....I did the dance of falling on my knees and begging and pleading with God and watching TBN....feeling like I was doomed for Hell when I felt like I was already in Hell.

About 2 years later, I got married again and had another daughter. 3 years later, I got anther divorce. This time of my own doing. This marrage was awful...we faught constantly and made a mess out of things from the beginning.

My drinking became worse and some time later, I had a really bad car accident that should have ended my life. I had rolled my truck and ended up in a ditch upside down with the truck on top of me. But for some reason, I was still here.

So....after about 10 years of being in Hell, I started to study the word. I came to see myself as Daniel in the lions den...Jonah in the belly of the whale...and finally, as Jesus on the cross. I fell on my knees in worship and have been there ever sense.

I fell deeply in love with a woman I had been friends with for nearly 10 years. She had been my frined through all the rough times and she herself had just went through a divorce. So...we got together with her 2 kids and today I'm happier than I have ever been. Between the 2 of us, we have 5 kids...all girls. I finally have the big close family that I have always wanted!

About a year ago, I found Bible and a whole new world opened up to me. After reading Ray and Mike's work and A LOT of study on my own....I feel close to Christ that I can almost feel his arms around me at times. I see God everywhere...and in all things.

Praise God.


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« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2006, 10:57:02 AM »

Thank you for sharing the path you have been on!  God really does everything!  :D


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« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2006, 10:10:01 PM »

Thanks Mickyd for sharing.  I would have never expected such a testimony from reading your posts.  God is truly wonderful to have restored to you happiness and family.  I hope Longhorn will be lead to read your testimony. It is a miracle of Love from God that he lead you thru all that but was never far away. God is Love.


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« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2006, 02:23:06 PM »

Hello, Mickyd

Thanks for sharing your testimony with us.  God has brought you through the fire, tried, tested and true.  It's always amazing to see how each of us, go through simular experiences to bring us into the light.  It is never an easy road, the road less travelled is always rougher.

Look at how clear and blue the sky is when a storm passes over.  Seems to be an experience we each must pass through at one time or another.  Our God is wise indeed.  Again, thanks for sharing.

God bless,



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« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2006, 01:04:50 PM »

MickyD, thanks for the post, like Gary said, it is always fascinating to see how each of us were led to Him, or should I say dragged...... so many different backrounds yet so many similiar experiences.

We certainly did not seek Him or hear His voice when we felt we were sitting on top of the world!

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