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Author Topic: A worthed ‘starting point’, Or go random for years?. I ask for help.  (Read 5747 times)

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How can we reciprocate with others when there is not an starting point, when there is not anything in common? We just can't.
Now I am talking about daily relationships; if you think about it… if our starting point is not worth ed then we could spend years stocked on extremely relative things and point of views that would take us nowhere.
So, sometimes I wish to make the difference and give part of what I am, and opinion or a point worth to be considerate witch often get misunderstand ed and casted before the swines. This often brings me regrets.
     Honestly I have become a very more reserved and indifferent person among ‘extremely relative issues’, Carnal family members might feel sometimes uncomfortable on it, since they don't know nothing better than Babylonian garbage to the core. Hopefully they know that when they need help or someone to have patience with them I am available. It’s a battle between take relationships by pretensions and begging motivated by self pleasure AND to treat others as honestly and respectful as I can possible do it, even when sometimes this type of agape love is uncomfortable.

I guess here is where the unequally yoke thing apply. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the most of the people that now is meant to live around me, is just that we don’t really have anything worth ed to reciprocate.
   Actually I already have plans to left this monotony place where I live at for fully independence, it will be like kill myself in front of them, but; when does ideas sometimes are believed the most? After somebodies death. I think I already can see beyond what they do and try to love them.

I ask for help, this is so very important for me. I am 21 with many uncertain years in front of me, I am still not engage to big compromises biggest than my own surviving, so here is my question;

What about those that we can be able to see as great potentials to share our starting points (to share what we have been tough and believe to be the true gospel)?

This is an email that I am writing to a friend that I believe to have this potential:

Hi -------
About my last calls and my obvious concerning about ‘revolutions talking’, ‘ bible talking’ and my persistence on this topics, it all had a good motivation now that i think more about it, because: You just remind me of myself so much somehow, and somehow I think we lived a very close transition to adults on my summers spent on IL. And with this said, I might have become to believe that someday we could come to have a similar starting point from where we can really make more progress by changing our selves and then others lives as you said it, since I have supposed that we both could call our selves probably truth seekers.
This starting point would be something logical and consistent; something from where we could devotes our lives in the same line.
I have also seen some points worth to be considerate, I am not ready to talk fluidly about them all yet,  but if you are interested we will share about all this someday and I don’t think that the probabilities are low for us to hopefully share this starting point that I am talking about.
This is it; tell me what you think...

Is this try to take God to people? Can’t God rather take people to him ? (as Craig said on the; ‘When do you stop?’ treat).
I am not interested in sickly believe that I can convert everyone around me (on this age) and then feel so good about it. And if I am just waiting and dragging them to ask, then it would be like if my only purpose of being close to them is to convince them to believe like me; this reminds me of people who go find estranger's to repeat a shortly stupid prayer and feel a lot better with them selves.

My big concerning is because I know like 2 or 3 persons that I have lived with and have seen their different way of living (less religious, not taking church circus serious but judging them selves often); and I feel like if one little push would make them open their eyes.

I haven’t open my self deeply to them yet, but honestly I have planned since I don’t want our selves to go random on relative monotony issues for years, but I am still not sure about this, that’s why I am asking… I am also asking for advance because maybe I am not seeing right on my way of interact with ‘random never ending issues’.

  I just know in real person one a like minder…for which I give thanks everyday.
I just told him about the link of this website a few years ago and this was enough for him to consequently find the starting point between us.

This starting point can be; ‘all things in Christ, things in heaven and things on earth’.Eph 1:10. And the many consequences of it.


« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 06:44:22 PM by acomplishedart_is;not me »


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I think that this is a very good point that you ask about.  I think everyone here is searching for the right way to speak about the important issues that we discuss amongst ourselves with the people that mean the most to us in our lives.  But I think that it is God that is working all things according to HIS will...not ours.  So we must let "patience have her perfect work in us." I think we must practice being "led by the Holy Spirit." And when that moment comes....when the Holy Spirit has drawn the person to you to ask a question, we must be ready "to give an answer for the hope that is within us."

Ray says that the number is few....very few. Most people will not want to hear what you have to say. You must accept that. But this is God's will as well. So do not feel bad about it. You can't choose....He does the choosing. He does the calling and He does the election. He is the potter....we are the clay.

I hope that you find some peace in what I have said.  I continue to look for opportunities as well, to speak to those that I care for on a daily basis. Sometimes, though, I think He sends us total strangers to speak to.

Peace be multiplied to you.


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Since the death of my Brother, its hard to get my remaining family members to talk about God or Christ at all, let alone deeper spiritual stuff. Like Joyce says, I must me be patient and wait on God to work all things after the council of HIS will. 


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He has never left me nor forsaken me in all my 50 years--especially when I thought that I was alone....He was with me all along!
Peace to you and yours!
Joyce :)


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:) Well...if it is God's will for you to be single and pretty much isolated...then He will give you the ability to do that, and if you are not to be that way, then He will open doors and guide you to something different.  You can rest assured that He is working out His plan for your life. Also, it is easier when you remember that you have "family" all around the world, every day of the year! This is the spiritual connection that you have, even when there is no one there physically.

Romans 8:28-29
 28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

29For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

Peace to you, brother!
Joyce :)


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 Thanks Joice to be patience with me and my questions. 
The fact that it is not me who do the choosing makes a big change in my relations. I will keep looking and waiting for more patience.
Lately I have been reading the first chapters on Eph and it is all about predestination, grace and our hold plan of existence, which I think that it is on relation with what you have just told me.
Thanks again for remind me that there is not many worth reasons for me to feel alone anymore.



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You are welcome!
Joyce :)
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