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Author Topic: GOOD NEWS  (Read 5707 times)

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« on: April 01, 2008, 09:27:40 AM »

I feel that I must write you and let you know, that so far through all of your articles, I agree, and have over time come to the same conclusions, even though my studies of the bible over the last forty or fifty years have not been nearly as intense as are yours.
        My life does not consist of church. I did attend church with my wife, and will again, not to listen to the preacher, but to be with my family. I care not what he (the preacher) has to say, it is like hearing the same thing over and over again and again. They take a very few scriptures of the bible, and totally ignore the rest as if they did not exist, they then use these same scriptures for sermons, year after year. It is like going through the second grade in school, over and over and over again. Dull is not a word for it. Pure ignorance.
        I have never been physically circumcised, I have never voted, ( I always figured, I would let the dead elect the dead, I have nothing to do with politics, which is of the world,) I have never been a register church member, I want no hard creeds or traditions nailing me down. I keep my mind open for new wisdom, not of the church, but of what I learn from life, and from great men like yourself.
        The only other time that I was hooked on a person like that, was a fellow by the name of Herbert W. Armstrong, but I eventually learned what his bottom line was, and then dropped him, like a hot potato, however, from him I did learn how to study scripture a bit deeper. That was way back in the early fifties, just after I joined the service.
        Now I came across your web site, and what I see is a fellow trying to spread 'The real good news of the Gospel, from what you say, people have no desire for really good news. What you have through your prolonged studies, learned, is the real truth of the scriptures, and you have opened yourself to the world with this news, and they, true to human nature are cutting you to bits. You have the greatest news any one human could ever hope to hear. It is beyond my imagination why people are so cruel to the messenger. You give hope and inspiration, where there is no hope of inspiration.
        For example, I now have a nephew in the emergency ward, his brain and liver eaten away by strong drink and drugs. He is not expected to live. Yet him dying is not the thing that bothers the parents, or even my wife. His soul is not saved according to church traditions, therefore there is un-imaginable sorrow in many hearts. He will, like you say, burn with fire, not literal, but of the spirit of God, but will in the late, later judgment, come out pure as gold, standing with all of the so called saints of the church. Good news of the greatest kind, I know that God is using you, I am able to feel it in your articles of real scriptural truth.
        I hate, like everybody else being corrected, I do not like having my wrongs shown to me, but I must admit, you are doing an outstanding job of it. I do not hate you for it, I hate myself for not seeing what was so obvious to your eyes. Yes, I believed like the church, however, you brought to life, and light, the real truth of the matter, and I thank you for it. 
        I would close for now, but I would like to bring something, very minor to your attention. I just finished your article on cutting off arms and plucking out eyes to prove faith. Open your bible to 1 Cor 3.16-17. I feel that scripture would have fit very nicely in what you were saying about being literal about deforming one's self, in any way.   
        I feel that this is a bit long and boring, so I will cut this off. Reply if you desire, if you don't I will fully understand. You have opened yourself to the world, for them to cut and belittle you, simply because you want to preach some really 'GOOD NEWS.'  -----Frank

        Hi Frank:  I too knew Mr. Armstrong, and Garner Ted.  I had a little part to play in their demise through Mike Wallace and 60 Minutes. I don't regret a minute of my association with the Worldwide, however, seeing that I learned just about everything that is wrong with Christian doctrine, beginning with the Worldwide Church itself.  They are all Babylon, just wear slightly different skirts.
        God be with you,

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