As I said with Heidi, the other newbie from New Zealand, I had joined this forum more than a year ago. Then got absorbed in other stuff - mostly Jewish groups for peace with Palestine, one of the things I have been passionate about - and then kind of lost touch.
So, the reason I am back (and I hope that this time I will be back for a much much longer period) is because the Holy Spirit within me has all of a sudden turned up the volume for the passion of really getting into studying the Bible - like big time! The thing is, even though I have been, at heart, a 'born again' Christian since I was 10 (40 years ago), the evangelical movement totally put me off Christianity and the Bible, because of their closed-minded approach to interpreting the Bible (I'll go more into this in the 'Testimonial' area of this forum -when I am ready). I mean, I have looked up the Bible from time to time, but I have never really studied it intensively.
Well, things changed when I had 2 visits from the Jehovah's Witnesses (God bless them) for home bible studies and this has activated a thirst for the Word of God.
What I am doing is reading the Bible Chronologically all the way up to Revelations, then do it again but focus more on specific areas according to what the Holy Spirit leads me to. The thing is, when people have made bible references (the evangelicals, for example), I am unaware of the context of that scripture and I think that this is important in understanding the specific bible scripture quoted. I think alot of Christians can get deceived and manipulated by others in this way (and I could go on...).
Another thing is, except for a thorough study of L Rays study of the 'Twin Towers' and 'Trinity Heresy' and a few letters, I haven't actually started going over L Rays other stuff - and I don't want to until I have completed my double 'Bible-Holy-Spirit-Scan'. I hope you find that OK, I need to let you know this.
This afternoon, I was about to read II Samuel 15 where David escapes from Absalom, but fell asleep! Well, I'll have to do it tomorrow because I have already had 2 late nights!
I pray to God that I can be a reasonably constant presence on this forum and that I can be pleasant and supportive to the other members - with a bit of a sense of humour thrown in every now and again.