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Author Topic: From Norway  (Read 6244 times)

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From Norway
« on: April 15, 2008, 12:46:07 PM »

Hello everyone

Just wanna say hello, and I'm new in this. My name is Morten and I'm 23 years old.

It feels so good to be able to join. You all, looks so peaceful. I looking forward to talk to you guys.
I have some questions you may be able to answer me.

I have finely got out of Babylon, and it feels kind of scary, i don't know where to go, or who to talk with, but I'm sure I'm not alone.

Well but i have one thing left and it is my smallgroup, from the church, I'm gonna quit, but I'm wondering what to say?
Do someone here have a good answer or experience on how to say it to people who don't believe in this, or don't know about it.

Well I'm thankful if someone have a answer.

God be with you


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Re: From Norway
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2008, 02:55:57 PM »

Hey Morton,
Welcome to the forum! I have found it is a bit lonelier when no one believes the way you do. After all, don't we all want friends that we can relate to and share with? I have tried to share the knowledge I have received from this site with others and have been met with people sounding confused and some showing dismissive apathy.

Maybe you could start by sharing your new beliefs. You could just say something like, I have searched deeper into the scriptures and I have found that they point to the universal reconciliation of all and give them scriptures (1 cor 15:22, col 1:20)

So maybe you could just politely explain your new beliefs and that they are not consistent with the bible study you are in.

Don't expect many of them to be interested however. I have found that not many of those with a long history of being in church are open to the idea.

Good luck,


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Re: From Norway
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2008, 03:17:19 PM »

Thank you so much Steve.

That felt really good.

But i have another question. This is little bit diffrent, and i think many ask this, or im maybe wrong?

How do you lve this life. What do you do about the work you do etc... Like i, work with electrician. And was thinking about starting at school, o get a better education. But after i found this truth, i really are unshure what to do. What do you guys do, work and studdy the bible, share some of it?
I get little bit frustrated, but when i think about it on the inside, i kind of love it to. Love to not now what to do, but evrything is in the hand of God.

The key is that i need patience. Iam so newbie in this, but thats a good sine though, hehe, if you know what i mean. Can only grow deeper, i hope though.



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Re: From Norway
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2008, 04:38:56 PM »

You live your life.  You be an example for those around you.

You be the message don't give a message.



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Re: From Norway
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2008, 08:36:53 PM »

Hi Morten,
I am a college student and I ask myself the same questions. I'd like to do something great in my life but I feel sort of helpless sometimes or maybe I don't have the energy I'm not sure. I like this scripture I copied from

"Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; having your conversation [Gk: ‘conduct’] honest [Gk: ‘honorable’] among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may BY YOUR GOOD WORKS, [Not your clever Bible arguments], which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation" (I Pet. 2:11-12).

There are many times when it would have been better if I had taken this advice because many people are not open to being shown the meaning of the scriptures.

I like this scripture also.

"Ye are the salt of the earth… Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid… Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 5:1,14,16).

We can glorify our Father by giving our time, talent and resources to others.

Also be sure to read John chapter 15.

Take care,


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Re: From Norway
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2008, 09:11:01 PM »

Hello Morten

I think Craig hit the nail on the head but here is a good email where Ray addresses this

 Hi Ray,
    I will keep this very simply and short. Does GOD have a plan and destiny (specific) to each person? If so, how do you fnd or fulfill that specific plan?
    Or is GOD's plan general to all but not specific to each person. Example: HE wants us all to know HIM, Love HIM. etc. Or is there some specific plan for each person. (Example: HE wants you to be a computer programmer).
    I ofter read Jer 29:11-13 and wonder about a specific plan.
    Thank you.

    Dear Julie:  We are all far from understanding Who and What God really is, but there are at least a few things we can know for SURE about Him, and whatever we know for sure, if it is true, it will always be true seeing that God does not change.

    Now then, I have taught most of the last 40 years of my life in vain according to the perceived results of my teaching.  Here are a couple of Truths regarding God that ALL Christians agree are true and that they believe, but just about everything else in their life, philosophy, theology, etc.,contradicts totally these basic truths.

    [1] God is SOVEREIGN

    [2] God is LOVE

    [3] God is ALL-KNOWING

    [4] God has a MASTER PLAN

    Now then, what are the implications of those truths?  We need to meditate and think about these because most do NOT base their lives and their beliefs upon these truths.

    We all want to know exactly what it is that God wants of us, how we should live, where, with whom, doing what work, for what end or purpose, etc.  Few of us are ever content to realize that we are right at this very moment EXACTLY where we are suppose to be, doing exactly what God has had foreknowledge of us doing from before the foundation of the world. Your entire PAST consisted of exactly what was determined you would go through up until this moment.  But what about tomorrow?  We all want to know what will be in our lives TOMORROW?  Unfortunately, this is not for us to know:  "Whereas ye know NOT what shall be on the morrow"  (James 4:14).

    Not even James the great Apostle knew what each day would bring in his life.  Did the other Apostles all know what God had planned for their lives?

    (CLV) Verily, verily, I am saying to you, When you were younger you girded yourself and walked where you would; yet whenever you may be growing decrepit, you will stretch out your hands, and another shall be girding you and carrying you WHERE YOU WOULD NOT" (John 21:18).

    God does not tell us  exactly what He has planned for our lives. Yes, Jeremiah declared that the time would come that His people would cry out to God with all their heart and God would hear them, but even then, it is up to God, not you, to know when He will put it into your heart to cry out to Him, and up to Him as to how He will rescue you and save you. I know that this is not the kind of thing that people want to hear, but it is the Scriptural truth.

    You can go to the Churches of this world, and they will tell you that you need to dream your dreams and if they are good ones, God will honor your every wish and cause you to be totally successful in whatever job, career, or endeavor you set your heart on.  And some even foolishly believe that they have caused their own dreams to come true.

If God gives you the desire to please Him, then God will not deceive or forsake you, and you will be the success that God desires you to be. But.....BUT, there is no guarantee that He will ever tell you what that will be, specifically.


Wow this is heavy duty answer…everyday I have the desire to please Him but I always feel like I am failing.  I have no idea what I am doing or suppose to do, I feel like I am wandering around with no directions.  I do not know what to do with the information that God has given me.

God is in total control in my life and I will rest in that



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Re: From Norway
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2008, 09:38:04 PM »

Hi Morten,

I'm glad you have joined us  :)
You are still young and of course you are going to have to hold a job and provide for yourself.  getting more schooling is a good idea too.  But just like you have to make time each day to nourish yourself with physical food, you need to make time for your spiritual nourishment each day also.

Since you do not share the same mind as your small group anymore, then I can understand your wanting to stop meeting with them.  When I was ask why I stopped attending church I simply said I do not agree with what they teach.  Only one person ask me what I didn't agree on, so I mentioned that I do not believe there was an eternal hell.  There was a short exchange, she was not interested in my explanation.  Most people just seem so surprised that they don't even ask why.  If you think a person is sincerely searching for truth, you may want to dicuss it.  But if their eyes have not been opened, nothing you say can help them see.   So you will have to determine how much you want to discuss this.  If you are not well versed in what is taught here, you may want to direct them to  

But you can come here for fellowship as you ajust as it is nice to have all these people here to discuss things with.
Here are a few links to stuff we have here you might like to view.
Forum idexes and info.,14.0.html

Ray audios,2641.0.html

Transcripts to audios,12.0.html

mecry, peace and love



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Re: From Norway
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2008, 09:42:17 AM »

You live your life.  You be an example for those around you.

You be the message don't give a message.


A true militant reformer

[Of course I've got a huge log in my eye ;)]


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Re: From Norway
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2008, 01:50:34 PM »


Thank you for your kind words.
 Craig, that was a reall good explanation. Well Beloved to though, heh okay evryone had a good explanation ( hehe).
Man i just litterly smile now. I have never in my life felt so much love from so many people at the same time. Just so you know, all of you have a really loving heart.

And Kat, about saying it to people, it is little bit diffrent here. If you say somthing, and it is somthing else then what the other person belive, you need to explain it.
Almost noone just say okay. Like my family it is, really hard to explain things (they go to the church as i did before, they got little bit suprised when i changed my wiew). They ask so much, that i have to give them the bibletruth page ( well they always new about it, but have never been reading about it), and i say you need to read it, beacuse i cant explain evrything so you can understand. But they just wanne now, beacuse they love me, and are afraid iam going to do somthing wrong, beacuse they feel that iam kind of alone, and will stay at my room, and just read the bible, then nothing else. But i really love them.
But as you see our cultures, are diffrent.

I was looking through the bible and i got this bible verse. Rom14:22.  And 15 1-2. I dont have a good english bible, so you need to read it by your self, srry.
I think that spoked right to me.

Well thank you again for your answers.


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Re: From Norway
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2008, 03:40:03 PM »

Hi Morten,

Maybe the reason people don't question me so much is I'm a lot older than you.  I guess they figure it I'm so mixed up at my age, there is no hope for me then  ;)

But I can see your family's concern.  They are fearful of something that they don't understand.  What may help is to get a real firm understanding of the major beliefs you now have and the Scriptures that they stand on.  If you can prove what you believe is Scriptural, how can they find fault.

Ray has a Bible study that is just about this subject called 'Foundational Truths.'
Here is an excerpt and a link to the study.,6452.0.html ----

So I want to give you enough information so that, on a rather simplistic level, you can take on any and all comers, TV preachers or people, you know.  Because a lot of us run into people who will argue about Scripture and say, ‘yes God is going to torture people, because it says so.’ 
Is there a way to learn how to overcome virtually all of these hundreds of Scriptures that they throw at you?  I think there is.  That’s what today’s study is all about. 
So many of the doctrines of the church, they contradict each other, they contradict God, they contradict the Scriptures.

Link to the audio Study 02-03-08.mp3

Hope this helps.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: From Norway
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2008, 04:45:15 PM »

Hi Morten,

Welcome and you've come to the right place.  Everyone here will share and give you insight on your questions.  We all share our thoughts with each other and the amount of support is amazing.  Hope you will stick around and share your thoughts with us as well.

God Bless,



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Re: From Norway
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2008, 03:23:09 PM »

:D Hi there Morten!
Sorry-- I didn't see your intro earlier!
Have you had the chance to read Ray's work yet? If so....what was your favorite part?
Joyce :)



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Re: From Norway
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2008, 08:24:48 PM »

Hey joyful
Thank you

Well the first thing that got me in here, i really dont remeber how, but i remember i was clicking on a link where it told that lucifer was a big lie, and that was the first part i was reading in the lake of fire series. and i thought it was so interesting, that i was going to start on part 1. Iam not shure if i have any favorite parts, beacuse i was so suprised in evrything. When he told 1thing against christians, i was so impressed, i was almost not thinking about it why it was this way, i was just beliving it. It si funny that way.
I was talking to the husband of my sister today. He said that he was so suprised that i changed my wiew so fast. I jused 1 month since i started this, to change my belief. Nad he said that normaly, when people are going to do a change they need a process, and i didnt do that.
He dosnt belive in anything i say though, but thats normal, people dont even want to look at the page. I belive that it is beacuse, they are afraid to be unshure on what they belive, i think that maybe they dont want to get in the same direction as we do.

But if i have to choose 1 thing, it has to be the beast within.

Love you and God be with you



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Re: From Norway
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2008, 11:59:21 AM »

:D Hi Morten--
I took it all in quite quickly, myself....then I went through an amazing few months as I found it very uncomfortable having so many idols in my heart destroyed at one was like living through a terrible hurricane or an earthquake or something....I'd been out of the church for a long time, yet reading my Bible and studying.  I thought that I had already left Babylon...yet Babylon was firmly entrenched in me, hence the feeling of being "torn apart!"

My husband and I sat up for hours night after night reading and debating the articles that Ray had written....this was a couple of years ago. When that period of time passed, it was wonderful for me!  I felt calm, reassurance that God was in control, and freedom!  I went back to rereading the articles again this year.....really, an ongoing process....but this time I was able to appreciate the research and honest hard labour that Ray has put into his writing. His writing constantly challenges me to go to the scriptures and see for myself if I hear the voice of God speaking on one subject or see if "these things be so." In the end, I must accept that there is the "written" word and then there is the Living Word of is physical and the other is Spirit.

John 1:14
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,..."

Then, if I am given the ears to hear, and I do "hear" His voice.....I am challenged by God....

Hebrews 3:15
"While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation..."

Looking forward to your posts!
Joyce :)



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Re: From Norway
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2008, 01:40:50 PM »

Hello Morten,

                    Glad to have you with us, it's especially upbuilding to me to see younger ones embrace these truths, God's Grace abounds.

                    Great Direction from KAT, CRAIG AND BELOVED, I'm glad I read those comments, they hit the nail on the head.

                     As Kat stated, If their eyes haven't been opened, it doesn't matter what you tell them, it won't be accepted.

                      You can show them that the Greek word Aion never means Eternal, using extensive Historical evidence until your blue in the face and they won't see it, until God opens their eyes and removes their spiritual blindness. I tried that once, before finding this Site, even presented the information in a polite and respectfull way covering every possible angle with the printed material, they still couldn't see it. SHOW THEM A WITNESS BY YOUR CONDUCT INSTEAD OF GIVING A WITNESS AND IF THEY ASK A QUESTION REGARDING THE WONDERFULL TRUTHS YOU'VE LEARNED, THEN YOU MIGHT REPLY TO THEIR SINCERE QUESTION.

                                              Kind Regards, Samson  :)


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Re: From Norway
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2008, 02:16:29 PM »

Hey joyful and samson, thanks for your replies.

Yeah, i feel it so easy in here to ask questions.
And i got really good answers.

Maybe the reason people don't question me so much is I'm a lot older than you.  I guess they figure it I'm so mixed up at my age, there is no hope for me then  ;)

But I can see your family's concern.  They are fearful of something that they don't understand.  What may help is to get a real firm understanding of the major beliefs you now have and the Scriptures that they stand on.  If you can prove what you believe is Scriptural, how can they find fault.

Ray has a Bible study that is just about this subject called 'Foundational Truths.'
Here is an excerpt and a link to the study.,6452.0.html ----

So I want to give you enough information so that, on a rather simplistic level, you can take on any and all comers, TV preachers or people, you know.  Because a lot of us run into people who will argue about Scripture and say, ‘yes God is going to torture people, because it says so.’ 
Is there a way to learn how to overcome virtually all of these hundreds of Scriptures that they throw at you?  I think there is.  That’s what today’s study is all about. 
So many of the doctrines of the church, they contradict each other, they contradict God, they contradict the Scriptures.

and i have jused this study allot, i have write it down, and explained about it to people, like my smallgroup (iam not in that group anymore).
And it worked great. They maybe didnt belive me, but i didnt feel that i was putting down.
The best argument i got was, well you didnt juse so many bibleverse from ROM. Yeah and what kind of bileverse did you juse at all, to prove me iam wrong? Well i didnt say that, but i was thinking that.

But anyway thank you for your posts

Another question, iam the youngest here? I feel like evryone is over 40 here, well not you Eirik.hehe
I sometimes wish i could be much older, to get experience and wisdom, beacuse thats not done in 1 day.

Thank you for your kind words.




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Re: From Norway
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2008, 04:56:54 PM »

The line i refered to was from Kat, thank you Kat.
Heh i was suposed to qote that line,so people can see that iam refering to an old post. but i think i was rubbing out the code line.
But i quess you understood where the line started.
So dont get confused. hehe


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Re: From Norway
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2008, 05:56:05 PM »

Hi Morten,

I sometimes wish i could be much older, to get experience and wisdom, beacuse thats not done in 1 day.

Experience does take time, but most people live to be a ripe old age and never hear this Truth.  You have a lot more going for you than most youth do - THE TRUTH.
Make the most of the time you have, every day is precious.  When you know that you are in His will (because you know this Truth), then everything you do becomes more important.  I mean you are not just being toss to and fro by all these doctrines of man anymore.

Eph 4:14  that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,
Eph 4:15  but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head--Christ--

Most of us older folks here, have to go through the process of purging all these false beliefs we have accumlated over the years.  So that's good you have not went through so much of that stuff yet. 
There is a lot of good things about being young, I have young adult daughters and it is so good to see them living in the zest of their youth.

Every morning just wake up to the idea that you have been given another day in this world and make this most of it  :)

mercy, peace and love

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